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研究生(外文):Yi-Chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Quality Evaluation of Web and APP Design Patterns
指導教授(外文):Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員(外文):Hsiao-Lan WeiYu-Chih Liu
外文關鍵詞:Responsive Web DesignRWDAdaptive Website DesignDynamic servingAWDSeparate URLs Web DesignM.dotMobile ApplicationAPPQuality Assessment Indicators
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In order to respond to the needs of platform users on mobile devices recent these years, several types of web and mobile application software design patterns including responsive web design (RWD), adaptive website design (AWD), Separate URLs (M.dot) and mobile application software (APP) have been proposed. However, it is difficult for platform owners and developers to decide which design pattern is suitable for them. Therefore, this study explored the literature on the quality assessment indicators of websites and web applications, and proposed three quality structures based on the quality inspection project of the website of the NDC. There were three quality facets and totally 14 quality metrics. The scoring methods including tool testing, user testing and researcher evaluation were used to evaluate six sample platforms of three types of social media, news media and e-commerce. After evaluation and testing, this study analyzed the evaluation results of different design patterns for each of sample platforms, and then discussed each design pattern and its overall comparison. This study also further discussed the combination of different design patterns and their suitable planforms as a choice reference for platform owners and developers.
According to the analysis results of an individual design pattern, APP design patterns is recommended for the platforms whose quality requirements are functional applications, loading response speed and user experience. AWD design patterns is recommended for the platforms whose quality requirements are information connectivity and interface design and layout. RWD design patterns is recommended for the platforms whose quality requirements are platform visibility and information connectivity. If an existing platform has already developed traditional web design and it’s difficult to adjust greatly, the alterative of increasing the development of M.dot.is recommended. In terms of design pattern combination, if the social media platform concerns the overall quality, and e-commerce platform concerns the multimedia applications and navigation architecture design, the combination of the "traditional web design + M.dot+APP" is suitable for them. If the social media platform concerns the compatibility and Information Search Usability, and the e-commerce platform concerns the overall quality, the combination of the "AWD+APP" is suitable for them. If the functions and loading speed of news media platform are more important, the combination of the "RWD+M.dot+APP" is suitable for them. If the news media platforms whose quality requirements are SEO, multimedia applications, system use and design quality, the combination of the "RWD + APP" is suitable for them
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 響應式網頁設計(RWD) 7
2.2 自適應式網頁設計(AWD) 15
2.3 獨立網址行動版網頁設計(M.dot) 18
2.4 行動應用軟體(APP) 19
2.5 網頁及行動應用軟體設計模式類型比較 21
2.6 平台開發評估因素 23
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1 研究架構 35
3.2 研究方法 36
3.3 資料蒐集 37
3.2.1 網頁設計模式檢測方法與流程 38
3.2.2 範例平台於網頁設計模式篩選過程 40
3.4 網頁及行動應用軟體設計模式之品質評估指標 46
3.4.1. 品質評估指標分類說明 46
3.4.2. 品質評估指標操作型定義 47
3.4.3. 品質評估指標彙整說明 66
3.4.4. 使用者測試情境流程與問卷設計 71
第四章 研究結果分析 73
4.1 範例平台評估檢測之資料結果分析 73
4.1.1. Facebook於不同設計模式之評估結果分析 74
4.1.2. Dcard於不同設計模式之評估結果分析 82
4.1.3. 聯合新聞網於不同設計模式之評估結果分析 90
4.1.4. 風傳媒於不同設計模式之評估結果分析 98
4.1.5. Momo購物網於不同設計模式之評估結果分析 105
4.1.6. 蝦皮購物於不同設計模式之評估結果分析 113
4.2 使用者測試相關調查結果 120
4.3 研究結果分析討論 126
4.3.1 不同設計模式之成效分析 126
4.3.2 平台系統類別於設計模式組合之比較分析 135
第五章 結論與建議 137
5.1 學術上的貢獻 138
5.2 實務上的貢獻 138
5.3 研究限制 138
5.4 未來研究方向 139
參考文獻 140
附錄 146
附錄一、 使用者測試情境流程 146
附錄二、 使用者測試問卷內容 153
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