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研究生(外文):PEI-YIN YEH
論文名稱(外文):Developing a Bricolage Absorption based IT Artifact Enactment-Taiwan 3D technology Inc.
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員(外文):Gwo-Guang LeeSun-Jen Huang
中文關鍵詞:實踐歷程網絡拼湊吸收能力核心能力IT Artifact
外文關鍵詞:EnactmentNetwork BricolageAbsorptive CapacityCore competenciesIT Artifact
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近年來台灣選擇創業的人越來越多,許多創業人才帶著自身專業技術與產品投入創業並設立公司,但公司的營運過程不能僅依靠單一的專業核心技術,而是要透過各專業領域的合作,並掌握外部環境機會的能力,才能在競爭激烈的市場上生存;此外,不論是在產品構想、研發或行銷等階段,新創公司必須積極探索外部資源,並針對其認知所訂定的階段目標採取行動,以達到各階段成果。因此,本研究將透過個案研究的方式,藉由實踐歷程來觀察組織對於外部環境的趨勢如何產生認知再訂定階段目標,以驅動組織審視自身所擁有之能力,將不足的能力以吸收能力與網絡拼湊來補足,並與組織所擁有之核心能力作配適,以達到目標產出。最後再依據研究之結果提出一套「拼湊式吸收之IT Artifact實踐歷程」之研究架構,說明其對於組織取得所需資源之重要性。

本研究探討之對象為台科三維科技,並將其歷程分為四階段,分別為行動化、產品發展、募資與生產,以及平台化;探討其開發過程中如何在各方資源與能力不足的情況下,積極的探索外部環境資源,以拼湊式吸收能力將組織所需資源帶入公司加以吸收,藉此強化組織內部的核心能力,並如期完成產品開發。經由這些階段歷程之分析,本研究提出一套「拼湊式吸收之IT Artifact實踐歷程」之架構,藉以作為其他新創公司於相同情況下發展之參考依據。
In Taiwan, there have been more and more people trying to start a business by themselves recently, and plenty of entrepreneurs establish a new company with professional skills and technical products. However, the operation of a company cannot solely rely on its core technology, startups should cooperate with specialists from other fields and master the opportunity from the external environment if they want to survive in this highly competitive market. In addition, whether in the stage of product conception, development or marketing, startups ought to achieve the goals of each stage by exploring the external resources positively and taking actions which are generated by the perceptions. Therefore, this study conducts case study to explore how the organization formulates the goals of each stage according to the change of external environment; how the organization examines its own capabilities and absorbs the lacking resources by network bricolage, and how the organization achieves the stage goals by well-distributed the core competencies and resources it owned. Finally, summarize and sort out the “The Bricolage Absorption based IT Artifact Enactment” to explain the importance of obtaining organization resource.

The company of this study is Taiwan 3D Tech, and the history of this case is divided into four parts, mobility, product development, crowdfunding and platformization. In this case, it discusses how the company obtains resources by exploring from the external environment. Absorbing the resources by network bricolage to reinforce the core competencies and develop the product as scheduled. Through the analysis of these stages, this study proposes a framework of “The Bricolage Absorption based IT Artifact Enactment” which is able to serve as a reference for other startups to develop under the same circumstances.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII

第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與流程 4
1.4 論文架構 6

第二章、文獻探討 7
2.1 實踐歷程(Enactment) 7
2.2 網絡拼湊(Network Bricolage) 9
2.2.1 網絡之定義 9
2.2.2 拼湊之定義 9
2.2.3 網絡拼湊之定義 11
2.3 吸收能力(Absorptive Capacity) 12
2.3.1 吸收能力之定義 12
2.3.2 吸收能力之三大構面 13
2.4 核心能力(Core competencies) 14
2.5 IT Artifact 17
2.5.1 設計科學研究(Design Science Research, DSR) 17
2.5.2 IT Artifact之定義 17

第三章、研究方法與架構 19
3.1 研究方法 19
3.1.1 質性研究(Qualitative Research) 20
3.1.2 個案研究法(Case Study) 22
3.2 研究觀察重點 23
3.3 研究架構 24
3.4 研究對象 27
3.5 資料蒐集與分析 28

第四章、個案描述 31
4.1 個案背景描述 31
4.2 個案公司簡介 32
4.2.1 第一階段:行動化 34
4.2.2 第二階段:產品發展 35
4.2.3 第三階段:募資與生產 36
4.2.4 第四階段:平台化 37
4.3 個案分析 39
4.3.1 第一階段:行動化 39
4.3.2 第二階段:產品發展 47
4.3.3 第三階段:募資與生產 52
4.3.4 第四階段:平台化 60
4.3.5 分析總結 65

第五章、研究結論與建議 69
5.1 結論與研究貢獻 69
5.2 研究限制與未來研究方向 72

參考資料 73
中文部分 73
英文部分 73
網站部分 78
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