The topic of information security is gaining more and more attention as information technology advances and damage from security events become greater. Information security events continue to occur around the world and companies have different methods of dealing with different events based on their information security defense capability. The methods that hackers use are constantly evolving and the intrusion latency period is becoming longer, the time they need to break through the internal network is becoming shorter, and the damage they cause is becoming more severe. When companies do not have sufficient defense capability, or if the executives and ordinary employees do not have sufficient information security awareness, or if the basic infrastructure is not safe, they can all result in major information security breaches. To understand the current information security defense capability of the banking industry in Taiwan, and to understand how information security events are handled before, during, and after they occur, we not only analyzed individual major information security events in Taiwan’s banking industry and how banks improved their defense capabilities, but also compiled the views of experts in the industry. We further explored the information security defense capabilities and appropriateness of banks in Taiwan and the feasibility of transforming the role of information security management units.