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研究生(外文):Shu-Ming Yang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Distance and Sensitivity Optimization of Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analyses
指導教授(外文):Shien-Kuei Liaw
口試委員(外文):Hai-Han LuShien-Kuei LiawBing-Huei YeCi-Wun Liao
外文關鍵詞:Brillouin optical time domain analysis systemtime domain analysisfiber grating
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在中段將逐步分析如何解讀光訊號與電訊號代表的意義,並以原理和實驗探討最佳的基本參數,如: 泵激光與探測光強度比例、布里淵增益頻譜,對布里淵散射系統脈衝寬度對布里淵增益頻譜的影響,也對可調式濾波器的濾波的波長,進行了研究分析,建立系統操作流程,並以Matlab來做為數據讀取的應用軟體,直接將存取到的數據匯入Matlab進行繪圖,同時藉由程式碼的編寫並建立一套流程,實驗結果更快速獲得,並匯入參考數據(無擾動之單模光纖)和量測數據(有擾動之單模光纖)進行運算,讓結果同時顯示量測數據圖和擾動發生位置。
最後嘗試拉長測量距離、縮短不規則區以此提高空間解析度,最後得到了3.6km、5.6km、10km、15km的長度量測,且得到15km SMF / 4m DSF的空間解析度。並觀察溫度對布里淵頻率飄移趨勢和布里淵光時域分析系統結合光纖光柵,進行了研究分析和系統設計。
This paper studies the Brillouin optical time domain analysis system, sums up the important parameters of the system in the Brillouin optical time domain analysis system, and understands the direction of system optimization. Through the reference of the literature, we can understand how the Brillouin scattering occurs in the time domain system, and select the parameters to achieve the sensing distance and sensitivity optimization. The data processing of the system backend is also developed. This paper also studies and analyzes the influence of temperature on Brillouin frequency shift and Brillouin optical time domain analysis system combined with fiber grating. Firstly, the development and importance of distributed fiber sensing and Brillouin optics are also introduced. Different fiber sensing principles and methods and different scattering effects and applications in optical fibers are introduced.
In the middle section, we will gradually analyze how to interpret the meaning of optical signals and electrical signals, and explore the best basic parameters by principle and experiment, such as: the ratio of pump light intensity between probe light intensity, Brillouin gain spectrum, Brillouin scattering system, the effect of pulse width on the Brillouin gain spectrum, and the filtering wavelength of the tunable filter are studied and analyzed. The system operation flow is established, and Matlab is used as the application software for data reading. The data is imported into Matlab for drawing, and by programming the code and establishing a set of processes, the experimental results are obtained more quickly, and the reference data (undisturbed single-mode fiber) and measurement data (disturbed single mode) are imported. The fiber is operated to allow the result to simultaneously display the measured data map and the location of the disturbance.
This paper attempts to lengthen the measurement distance and shorten the irregular area to improve the spatial resolution. Finally, the length measurements of 3.6km, 5.6km, 10km and 15km are obtained, and the spatial resolution of 15km SMF / 4m DSF is obtained. The influence of temperature on Brillouin frequency shift and Brillouin optical time domain analysis system combined with fiber grating were carried out to study and analyze the system design.
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 緒論 10
1.1前言 10
1.2研究動機 11
1.3論文架構 12
第二章 分佈式光學感測原理 13
2.1光學散射原理 13
2.1.1彈性散射 14
2.1.2拉曼散射 15
2.1.3布里淵散射 16
2.2光學散射的應用與比較 19
2.3光纖感測技術 20
2.3.1單點式光纖感測 22
2.3.2分佈式光纖感測 24
2.4基於布里淵光學的分佈式感測 26
2.4.1布里淵光時域反射儀(BOTDR) 28
2.4.2布里淵相關域分析系統(BOCDA) 28
2.4.3布里淵光學頻域分析系統(BOFDA) 29
2.4.4布里淵光時域分析系統(BOTDA) 30
第三章 布里淵光時域分析系統架構 32
3.1 布里淵光時域分析系統文獻探討 32
3.1.1 空間解析度 33
3.1.2 量測距離 35
3.1.3 布里淵增益 36
3.1.4同調性處理 37
3.1.5文獻整理 38
3.2元組件原理與介紹 39
3.2.1光隔離器 40
3.2.2光耦合器 41
3.2.3分佈式回授雷射二極體(DFB-LD) 41
3.2.4電光調變器(Eletro-optics Modulator) 42
3.2.5脈衝模式產生器(Pulse pattern Generator) 43
3.2.6訊號產生器(SG) 44
3.2.7摻鉺光纖放大器(EDFA) 45
3.2.8 FFP-TF 46
3.2.9光接收器(PD) 47
3.2.10實時示波器(RTO) 49
第四章 布里淵光時域分析系統參數選取 50
4.1參數選取 50
4.1.1探測光與泵激光載入訊號 50
4.1.2 泵激光與探測光強度比例 52
4.1.3 脈衝寬度 55
4.1.4 濾波器通道選擇 56
4.2布里淵增益頻譜 58
4.3布里淵光時域分析系統操作流程 62
4.4布里淵光時域分析系統資料處理模式開發 64
第五章 布里淵光時域分析系統量測與分析 68
5.1布里淵光時域分析系統待測區長度量測 70
5.1.1量測3.6km單模光纖 70
5.1.2量測5.6km單模光纖 72
5.1.3量測10km單模光纖 73
5.1.4量測15km單模光纖 75
5.2空間解析度量測 76
5.2.1 15km單模光纖和4m色散移位光纖 76
5.3布里淵光時域分析系統溫度量測實驗 81
5.3.1量測方法 81
5.3.2溫度對布里淵頻率飄移趨勢 82
5.4布里淵光時域分析系統結合光纖光柵 83
5.4.1布里淵光時域分析系統結合光纖光柵之架構 83
5.4.2布里淵光時域分析系統結合光纖光柵量測 85
第六章 結論與未來展望 88
6.1結論 88
6.2未來展望 89
第七章 參考文獻 91
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