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研究生(外文):Xie-Jun Lu
論文名稱(外文):Development of Three-Phase Synchronous Permanent-Magnet Motors and Drives for Low Speed and High Torque Applications
指導教授(外文):Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員(外文):Chang-Hua LinChuan-Sheng LiuChih-Chun Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motorlow speed and high torquecurrent controlpermanent magnet synchronous motor driver
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在低轉速高轉矩三相永磁式同步電動機驅動方面,採用3個數位霍爾效應偵測元件估測轉子角位置,啟動時轉子角位置為非連續性的角度,產生單位六步方波,穩態時轉子角位置為連續性的角度,產生單位弦波,配合電流閉迴路控制模式作切換,電機啟動時,以abc軸六步方波電流閉迴路控制;電機到達穩態轉速時,以交-直軸電流閉迴路控制,系統整體效率最佳。在電動機的實測方面,感應電勢相電壓峰值為113 V,感應電勢相電壓總諧波失真率為1.30 %,轉子磁通鏈約為0.3382 ,利用發電機模式的加載分析,量測到每相等效電阻為1.0159 ;每相等效電感為10.02 mH。在電動機驅動器實測方面,轉速命令為150 rpm,負載轉矩為35.6 N-m時,電動機的 相相電流最大值 為4.8 A,交軸電流 為3.53 A,直軸電流 為0.05 A,系統整體效率為84.4 %。實測結果與分析結果相當接近,驗證了本文的可行性。
This thesis presents the design and control of three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor for low-speed and high-torque applications. The multi-pole structure of internal rotor type is installed by inset permanent-magnet, while the three-phase windings of the stator is concentrated winding. The electromagnetic analysis software JMAG is used to analyze the distribution of magnetic flux density and no-load induced voltage of the permanent magnet synchronous motor. Hence, the design of geometric dimensions and core of the designed motor and neodymium-iron-boron magnet is carried out. The parameters and performance of the designed motor are measured and confirmed by a measurement platform.
As for the drive system design for the designed motor, the rotor position is estimated by three digital Hall-effect sensors. When the motor starts to run, the rotor position is discontinuous, and the unit six-step square wave is generated, while the rotor position is continuous, and the unit sine wave is generated when the motor runs in the steady-state. The unit waves are switched by control strategy of current closed loop. During transient state to run, the current control is based on six-step square wave. When the motor runs in the steady-state, the current control is switched current closed loop control of quadrature and direct axis coordinate system. By using this control strategy, the overall efficiency of the system is the best. In the experiment tests, the peak value of induced voltage and harmonic distortion measured are 113V and 1.30% repectively, and the rotor flux linkage is 0.3382 , whereas the equivalent resistance of each phase is 1.0159 , and the equivalent inductance of each phase is 10.02 mH which is measured by the load analysis of the generator mode. When the speed command is 150 rpm and the load torque is 35.6 N-m, the maximum phase current of phase A of the motor is 4.8 A, the quadrature-axis current is 3.53 A, the direct-axis current is 0.05 A, and the overall system efficiency is 84.4%. The measured results are close to the analytical results, which verifies the feasibility of this thesis.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
符號索引 IX
圖表索引 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻探討 1
1.3 系統架構 2
1.4 本文大綱 4
第二章 低轉速高轉矩三相永磁式同步電動機設計及分析 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 定子槽數及轉子極數 5
2.3 繞組接線 6
2.4 電動機的材質 9
2.4.1 硬磁性材料 9
2.4.2 軟磁性材料 11
2.5 三相永磁式同步電動機的幾何結構設計 11
2.5.1 轉子及磁鐵的結構 12
2.5.2 定子結構 17
2.6 靜磁分析及感應電勢分析 19
2.6.1 磁路分析 19
2.6.2 感應電勢分析 21
2.7 電動機等效電路的參數分析 23
2.7.1 線徑及每相等效電阻 23
2.7.2 發電機模式之電阻負載分析及電感計算 24
2.8 結語 26
第三章 三相永磁式同步電動機的控制策略 28
3.1 前言 28
3.2 三相永磁式同步電動機之數學模式 28
3.2.1 abc軸的電壓方程式 28
3.2.2 轉子旋轉座標之交-直軸的電壓方程式及轉矩方程式 30
3.3 轉速及轉子角位置估測器 32
3.3.1 區間寬度轉速估測器 33
3.3.2 轉子角位置估測 34
3.4 三相永磁式同步電動機電流閉迴路及轉速閉迴路控制策略 37
3.4.1 轉速閉迴路控制策略 39
3.4.2 abc軸電流閉迴路控制策略 39
3.4.3 交-直軸電流閉迴路控制策略 44
3.5 模擬結果 46
3.5.1 abc軸六步方波電流閉迴路控制模擬結果 46
3.5.2 abc軸弦波電流閉迴路控制模擬結果 48
3.5.3 交-直軸電流閉迴路控制模擬結果 50
3.5.4 控制模式切換過程的模擬 52
3.6 結語 55
第四章 三相永磁式同步電動機的製作及參數量測 57
4.1 前言 57
4.2 本文三相永磁式同步電動機實體製作 57
4.3 三相永磁式同步電動機之參數量測 59
4.3.1 量測平台 60
4.3.2 電動機的每相等效電阻量測 61
4.3.3 電動機的每相等效電感量測 62
4.3.4 電動機的轉子磁通鏈量測 63
4.3.5 電動機在發電機模式的加載測試 66
4.4 數位霍爾元件安裝及量測 68
4.5 結語 72
第五章 系統實體製作與實測 74
5.1 前言 74
5.2 硬體電路架構 74
5.2.1 數位信號處理器介面電路規劃 74
5.2.2 電流回授電路 76
5.3 軟體規劃 78
5.3.1 abc軸六步方波電流閉迴路控制及弦波電流閉迴路控制切換及轉速閉迴路控制策略程式規劃 78
5.3.2 abc軸電流閉迴路控制及交-直軸電流閉迴路控制切換及轉速閉迴路控制策略程式規劃 81
5.4 系統整合測試成果 84
5.4.1 abc軸六步方波電流閉迴路控制實測 84
5.4.2 abc軸弦波電流閉迴路控制實測 86
5.4.3 交-直軸電流閉迴路控制實測 88
5.4.4 控制模式切換過程的實測 91
5.5 結語 94
第六章 結論與建議 96
6.1 結論 96
6.2 建議 97
參考文獻 98
附錄A模擬程式說明 102
A.1 abc軸電流閉迴路及轉速閉迴路控制策略模擬程式 102
A.2 abc軸六步方波電流閉迴路控制及交-直軸電流閉迴路控制切換及轉速閉迴路控制的模擬程式說明 109
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