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研究生(外文):LE VIET HUNG
論文名稱:Deep Residual and Classified Neural Networks for Inverse Halftoning
論文名稱(外文):Deep Residual and Classified Neural Networks for Inverse Halftoning
指導教授(外文):Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員(外文):Kuo-Liang ChungChuan-Kai YangJun-Wei HsiehShun-Feng SuJing-Ming Guo
中文關鍵詞:Inverse halftoningHalftoningConvolutional neural networkResidual networkStatistical analysis
外文關鍵詞:Inverse halftoningHalftoningConvolutional neural networkResidual networkStatistical analysis
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In this thesis, an inverse halftoning method using Deep Residual and Classified Neural Networks (DRCNN) is proposed. The technique has deployed an effective deep learning method that leverages the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) as a non-linear mapping function to transform the halftone image into its continuous-tone version. The proposed DRCNN has sequent residual blocks and involves two main stages. Firstly, the CNN network extracts numerous intrinsic features of an image and approximately reconstructs the halftone patterns. In the next step, the residual learning technique is integrated to reconstruct the fine details and edge information with good accuracy.
From in-depth studies, it is been observed that the statistical properties of halftone patterns can significantly influence the training efficiency and performance. For instance, the model trained with the halftone pattern of homogenous distribution cannot perform ideally for the patterns with high structural information. Consequently, in the present work, the halftone patterns are initially classified in accordance with its variances and then used to train the corresponding neural networks. The proposed method comprises the integration of various deep neural networks which are trained over different statistical ranges and thus it can establish enhanced reconstruction rate with respect to the statistics of a halftone patch.
Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed deep learning-based technique outperforms other inverse halftoning methods significantly and achieves a new state-of-the-art performance in terms of peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) and perceptual quality.
In this thesis, an inverse halftoning method using Deep Residual and Classified Neural Networks (DRCNN) is proposed. The technique has deployed an effective deep learning method that leverages the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) as a non-linear mapping function to transform the halftone image into its continuous-tone version. The proposed DRCNN has sequent residual blocks and involves two main stages. Firstly, the CNN network extracts numerous intrinsic features of an image and approximately reconstructs the halftone patterns. In the next step, the residual learning technique is integrated to reconstruct the fine details and edge information with good accuracy.
From in-depth studies, it is been observed that the statistical properties of halftone patterns can significantly influence the training efficiency and performance. For instance, the model trained with the halftone pattern of homogenous distribution cannot perform ideally for the patterns with high structural information. Consequently, in the present work, the halftone patterns are initially classified in accordance with its variances and then used to train the corresponding neural networks. The proposed method comprises the integration of various deep neural networks which are trained over different statistical ranges and thus it can establish enhanced reconstruction rate with respect to the statistics of a halftone patch.
Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed deep learning-based technique outperforms other inverse halftoning methods significantly and achieves a new state-of-the-art performance in terms of peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) and perceptual quality.
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
List of Abbreviations x
1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1
1.2 Proposed Solution 2
1.3 Organization of Thesis 2
CHAPTER 2 - Digital Halftoning and Inverse Halftoning 4
2.1 Halftoning 4
2.1.1 Ordered Dithering 6
2.1.2 Error Diffusion 7
2.1.3 Dot Diffusion 9
2.1.4 Direct Binary Search 11
2.1.5 Halftone Types Comparison 12
2.2 Inverse Halftoning 13
2.2.1 A Naïve Approach 14
2.2.2 Look-up Table Method 15
2.2.3 Wavelet-based Method (WInHD) 16
2.2.4 Multiscale gradient estimator (FastIT) 16
2.2.5 Deep learning-based Method 17
CHAPTER 3 - Neural Networks 19
3.1 Machine Learning 19
3.2 Supervised Learning 19
3.3 Artificial Neural Networks 20
3.4 Multi-layer networks 20
3.5 Convolutional Neural Networks 21
3.6 Convolutional layer 22
3.7 Pooling layer 23
3.8 Fully-connected layer 23
3.9 Residual Learning and Skip Connection 23
3.10 Generative Adversarial Network 24
3.11 Internal Covariate Shift 25
CHAPTER 4 - – Proposed DRCNN Method 26
4.1 Network Architecture 26
4.1.1 Generator Network 26
4.1.2 Residual Blocks 32
4.1.3 Depth of network 32
4.2 Loss Functions 33
4.3 Statistical Analysis 36
4.4 Image Quality Assessments 40
4.5 Multi-tones Color Images 41
CHAPTER 5 - Experiments 42
5.1 Experimental Setup 42
5.2 Datasets 42
5.3 Hyper-parameters 43
5.4 Investigation of loss functions 44
5.5 Investigation of perceptual loss at different convolutional layers 45
5.6 Performance on different variance models 46
5.7 Experimental Results 47
5.7 Future Works 52
CHAPTER 6 - Conclusion 55
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