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研究生(外文):Pin-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of the behaviors of rarefied gas flowing through the microchannel from the slip flow regime to the free molecular flow regime
指導教授(外文):Yu-Hsuan Su
口試委員(外文):Hsiu-Yang TsengWei-Hsin Tien
外文關鍵詞:MicrochannelTangential momentum accommodation coefficient(TMAC)Slip flowMolecular flow
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本實驗使用微機電技術製造出微流道系統來探討氣體在流道中的運動行為。本實驗氣體設定為氦氣,氮氣和氬氣,並且使氣體從滑移流區到自由分子流區通過矩形微流道(寬390um,深10.1um,長10000um ),並在等溫狀態(298K)的流體動力學行為研究。

微流道在矽晶圓上構建,並且用玻璃(Pyrex 7740)通過陽極鍵結接合確保實驗過程中內部只存選用的實驗氣體。並且使用Arkilic的雙槽累積系統間接確定質量流率(10^-9到10^-13 kg/s)。使用此量測方式比起傳統的單槽累積量測系統最大的差異在於可以將溫度所造成的質量流率變化量降低,並且準確的量測出由實驗氣體流入鋼瓶內所造成的質量流率變化量。


This experiment used microelectromechanical technology to create a microchannel system in order to investigate the behavior of gas in the microchannel. The experiment gas included helium, nitrogen, argon, and the isothermal steady gaseous flows (298K). The gas through a rectangular microchannel(390um wide, 10.1 um deep, and 10000 um long)from the slip flow region to the free molecular flow region is conducted extensively.The microchannel is constructed on a silicon chip capped with a glass (Pyrex 7740) cover plate via anodic bonding to ensure that only experimental gas inside the microchannel. The minute mass flow rates (10^-9 to 10^-13 kg/s) are determined indirectly using the dual-tank constant-volume mass accumulation system designed by Arkilic.

The result found that within the slip flow regime the TMACs for helium, nitrogen, and argon determined by quadratic fitting for 0.01<Kn_m<0.7 are 0.856, 0.878, and0.863, respectively. Our experimental data indicate that Veltzke's diffusion model underestimates the mass flow rates for flows from slip to transition regimes.In free molecular regime, we also compare the model of Knudsen, Smoluchowsky and Clausing. Through systematic experiments, Knudsen's equation set a lower bound on the mass flow rates that can be obtained.Therefore, if the outlet pressure is fixed, the mass flow rates for flows within the free molecular to transition regime depends linearly on the differential pressure(p_i-p_o).
摘要.......................... i
英文摘要...................... ii
致謝.......................... iii
目錄.......................... vi
圖目錄........................ ix
表目錄........................ x
第一章導論.......................... 1
1.1 研究背景.......................... 1
1.2 文獻回顧.......................... 4
1.3 論文架構.......................... 6
第二章理論分析.......................... 7
2.1 連續流區.......................... 7
2.1.1 圓管流.......................... 7
2.1.2 二維平板流.......................... 8
2.2 滑移流區.......................... 9
2.2.1 滑移速度之邊界條件........................... 9
2.2.2 滑移流的質量流率推導.......................... 11
2.2.3 二階滑移速度之邊界條件........................... 20
2.2.4 質量流率與切線動量修正係數的關係.................. 22
2.3 自由分子流區....... 23
2.4 過渡流區........... 25 對流質量流率推導. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 擴散質量流率推導. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 總質量流率. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
第三章微流道晶片與陽極封裝................... 32
3.1 微流道晶片................. 32
3.2 陽極封裝.............. 35
3.2.1 陽極封裝原理.......... 35
3.2.2 陽極封裝設備..... 37
3.2.3 陽極封裝鍵結步驟....................... 39
3.3 介面接合................ 40
第四章量測方法與實驗設備........ 41
4.1 量測方法........................ 41
4.1.1 定壓量測........... 41
4.1.2 定容量測......... 41
4.2 實驗設備.......... 44
4.3 實驗參數............. 48
4.3.1 實驗氣體選用..... 48
4.3.2 實驗分子模型選用....................................... 51
4.4 實驗步驟.................. 51
4.4.1 實驗過程...... 51
第五章實驗結果討論.......... 54
5.1 參數估算驗證......... 54
5.2 滑移流區到過渡流區..... 56
5.3 過渡流區到自由分子流區................. 63
第六章結論與未來展望....... 78
6.1 結論.............. 78
6.2 未來展望.......... 79
參考文獻............... 86
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