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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Chou
論文名稱(外文):Measurement and Analysis of the Residual Stress of Girth-Butt Welds by Photoelastic Coating Method
指導教授(外文):Ching-Kong ChaoYu-Hsi Huang
口試委員(外文):Yu-Hsi HuangChing-Kong ChaoKuang-Ming Hung
外文關鍵詞:girth-butt weldingresidual stressdrilling methodphotoelastic coating methodfinite element method
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The measurement and analysis of the residual stress caused by the Girth-Butt welds is investigated on this research. The different distributions of the residual stress in the several conditions were studied under the different initial temperatures on the base metal and once or twice welding fillet on the pipes. This research explores experimentally and numerically the influence of the residual stress on the welded structure of the pipes.
The finite element analysis used the thermo-mechanical coupled elements of temperature dependent material properties, based on thermo-elastic-plastic theory. The procedure is sequentially following the heat transfer model and the thermal-mechanical model, respectively, resulting in the temperature field and the thermal stress field over time during the welding process of the girth-butt welds.
In terms of experimental measurement of residual stress, the drilling method and the photoelastic coating method are used in the study. The rosette strain-gage is attached to the weldment to measure the strain value released by the drilling. After drilling, the residual stress can be obtained inversely calculating from the strain value through analytical formulas. However, the residual stress is obtained pointwisely only by the drilling method. In order to obtain more information, the photoelastic coating method is used to measure the full-field residual stress distribution. The photoelastic coating is fabricated by the solvent-based liquid, which can be freely shaped. Then, the hole is drilled, and the photoelastic interference fringes are released as the medium for transmitting stress. After image processing the subtraction from the principal stresses of the pipe weldment is successfully analyzed to achieve on the photoelastic fringes the full-field measurement.
Because the finite element numerical analysis requires a large amount of calculation in welding simulation, in case of the shortage of hardware equipment, the equivalent energy method is developed to simulate efficiently by single welding fillet. The heat input of multi-layer welding can be calculated as the correspondent heat input of a single welding fillet. The equivalent energy method is validated by the finite element numerical analysis, in the cases of the plate butt welding and the pipe girth-butt welding.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究方法 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4文獻回顧 3
1.5論文章節介紹 12
第二章 研究理論 14
2.1銲接殘留應力之形成 14
2.2惰性氣體鎢極電弧銲 17
2.3有限元素法 19
2.3.1熱傳模擬分析-熱學模式(Thermal modal) 19
2.3.2有限元素分析之材料係數 21
2.3.3力學模擬分析-力學模式(Mechanical model) 22
2.4應變規鑽孔法(Hole-Drilling Strain-Gauge Method) 25
2.5光彈法(Photoelastic Coating Method) 33
2.5.1偏振光(polarized light) 33
2.5.2光的雙折射現象 35
2.5.3應力-光學定律(Stress-Optic Law) 36
2.5.4光學元件介紹 39
2.5.5光彈實驗元件的瓊斯矩陣(Jones Martix) 39
2.5.6平面偏振光系統(Plane Polariscope) 47
2.5.7圓偏振光系統(Circular Polariscope) 50
2.5.8反射式光彈法(Reflective Photoelastic Method) 54
2.6影像處理 59
第三章 銲接實驗方 60
3.1銲接 61
3.1.1試片規格 61
3.1.2退火熱處理 62
3.1.3半自動銲接機 63
3.2鑽孔法 68
3.2.1高速鑽孔機 68
3.2.2應變計 71
3.2.3熱電偶 74
3.3反射式光彈法 75
3.3.1光彈系統 76
3.3.2光彈液(Liquid Plasstic) 79
第四章 研究方法 80
4.1填料銲接實驗 82
4.1.1實驗試片處理 82
4.1.2銲接實驗 83
4.2有限元素模擬分析 87
4.2.1模型建立 88
4.2.2材料參數 89
4.2.3網格劃分與元素和運算求解器設定 92
4.2.4銲接條件 93
4.2.5運算步階設定 94
4.3鑽孔法量測殘留應力 97
4.3.1實驗試片處理 97
4.3.2動態應變計原理與設定 97
4.3.3鑽孔規範 99
4.3.4鑽孔實驗步驟 100
4.3.5鑽孔實驗注意事項 102
4.4反射式光彈法量測殘留應力 104
4.4.1光彈液薄膜製作 106
4.4.2鑽孔法結合反射式光彈法 111
4.5反射式光彈條紋 113
第五章 結果與討論 113
5.1有限元素分析 115
5.1.1熱傳分析後處理結果 115
5.1.2力學分析後處理結果 119
5.2鑽孔法 125
5.2.1離縫填料銲接件試片 125
5.2.2鑽孔實驗結果 126
5.2.3結果與討論 135
5.2.4結論 139
5.3反射式光彈法 140
5.3.1光彈實驗結果 140
5.3.2結果與討論 152
5.3.3結論 156
5.4應力值與位置靈敏度探討 157
5.4.1分析結果資料擷取 157
5.4.2位置離散比較 157
5.4.3結果與討論 158
第六章 簡化模擬分析 159
6.1簡化動機 163
6.2等效能量 165
6.2.1入熱量公式推導 165
6.2.2有限元素設定 166
6.3有限元素法於平板填料對接 167
6.3.1有限元素設定 167
6.3.2後處理結果 169
6.3.3結論 177
6.4有限元素法於圓管填料對接 178
6.4.1有限元素設定 178
6.4.2後處理結果 178
6.4.3結論 185
第七章 結論與未來展望 181
7.1結論 187
7.2未來展望 189
參考文獻 185
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