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論文名稱(外文):Development of a Portable Non-contact Measuring System for Surface Roughness and Surface Profile
指導教授(外文):Fang-Jung Shiou
口試委員(外文):Geo-Ry TangChung-Hsien Kuo
中文關鍵詞:可攜式光學量測系統表面粗糙度表面輪廓CCD Camera非接觸式量測
外文關鍵詞:portable optical measurement systemsurface roughnesssurface profileCCD Cameranon-contact measurement
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本論文主旨為開發可攜帶式非接觸式表面量測系統,對拋光後的表面輪廓及粗糙度做評估分析。雷射光源經過擴束透鏡,利用光柵形成一條至三條的平行光線,投射於待測物表面後,反射在成像屏幕上,再以CCD 工業相機擷取屏幕上之影像進行分析處理。
本研究以LabVIEW作為主要撰寫程式,搭配NI Vision Assistant,可將擷取到的影像作影像濾波初步規劃,並將產生的程式碼於LabVIEW 做圖形化程式撰寫。
The purpose of this study is to develop a portable non-contact surface measurement system that can be used to evaluate the surface profile and roughness after polishing. The laser beam, passing through the collimating lens and by changing the grating mask, one to three parallel beams can be generated. The beams projected on the object and then reflected on the imaging screen. Then, the image on the screen were captured by the CCD industrial camera for further analysis.
In this study, LabVIEW is used as the main programming tool. With the help of the NI Vision Assistant software, the captured image can be filtered in the first stage and the generated code can be written in LabVIEW with graphical program.
This study is divided into two parts: surface roughness measurement and surface contour measurement. The surface roughness of a test object is measured by using the reflected light intensity method, the suitable threshold value, which was used to evaluate the roughness of the test piece, has been found by analyzing the relationship between the roughness value and the reflection image. The measurement system is attempted to be integrated with the robot arm for the possible in-process measurement after the surface finishing processing has been achieved.
Regarding the surface contour measurement, different curved surfaces will reflect the laser light fringes at different positions on the screen. A relationship equation between the position of light spots, which reflect from the curved surface and the surface parameter, and then the height, the X-axis and the Y-axis rotation angle of the object, has been verify by the derived relational equations, respectively.
According to the experimental results, the threshold value of the roughness measurement for our system was 90, the test piece with the surface roughness of 0.02μm-0.2μm can be measured. With regard to the surface profile measurement, the result was verified by the relational equation. The actual measurement of the cylindrical profile of a test object is consistent with the data obtained by the contact measurement system.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究方法 5
1.5 論文架構 6
第二章 量測系統相關原理 8
2.1 表面特徵 8
2.2 鏡面反射原理 11
2.3 反射光能量法[27] 12
2.4 三角量測校驗法[29] 17
2.5 開普勒擴束定律[30] 20
2.6 數位影像處理[31] 21
2.6.1 影像平滑濾波 21
2.6.2 自動二值化 24
2.6.3 影像形態學[33] 26
2.6.4 細線化[34] 27
第三章 量測系統硬體設計 30
3.1 光路設計 30
3.2 光學元件 32
3.2.1 雷射源 32
3.2.2 反射鏡 32
3.2.3 透鏡 33
3.2.4 遮罩 34
3.3 取像系統 35
3.3.1 CCD工業相機 35
3.3.2 鏡頭 36
3.4 機構設計 37
3.5 軟體控制模組 41
3.6 雷射光源亮度調整系統 44
3.6 量測比對設備 46
第四章 量測演算法 48
4.1 粗糙度量測 48
4.1.1 數位影像處理 50
4.1.2 校驗流程規劃 51
4.2 輪廓量測 54
4.2.1 光條紋中心線位置 55
4.2.2 輪廓預估方法 55
第五章 實驗結果與數據分析 59
5.1 實際粗糙度量測結果 59
5.1.1 門檻值決定 61
5.1.2 粗糙度趨勢預估 66
5.1.3 裝置於機械手臂上即時量測結果 69
5.1.4 不同條紋數量測粗糙度之差異性 70
5.2 曲面輪廓量測結果 71
5.2.1 反射光點校驗 73
5.2.2 實際曲面量測 84
第六章 結論與未來展望 87
6.1 結論 87
6.2 未來展望 88
參考文獻 90
附件一 94
附件二 95
附件三 97
附件四 99
附件五 101
附件六 118
附件七 119
附件八 120
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