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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsueh Hsieh
論文名稱:自製氣壓肌肉下背部輔具之 設計及製作
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Muscle Lower Back Support Wear
指導教授(外文):Chia-Jui Chiang
口試委員(外文):Chia-Jui ChiangBing-Shiang YangWei-chen LeeLi-Ru Chen
外文關鍵詞:Pneumatic muscle actuatorPower assist suitLower back support wear
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商的設計不見得能完全符合穿戴輔具應用的需求,成本也相對較高。本論文完成說明自製氣壓肌肉的製作步驟,以及氣壓肌肉與下背部輔助服結合的步驟。研究中針對氣壓肌肉在輔助服上的裝配位置分為三種裝配位置 (Type 1、Type 2、Type 3) 進行測試,其差別在於氣壓肌肉與下方固定點的距離。根據實驗結果,將三種裝配的氣壓肌肉的力量 F、收縮量 h 與假人傾斜角度 θ 的關係進行比較,發現氣壓肌肉裝配方式不同對輔助服能提供的效益影響不大,因此未來在實際人體上設計時,氣壓肌肉的安裝位置所受到限制較小。在氣壓肌肉操作壓力為 5bar 時,此輔具所能提供的最大扭矩為假人本身 3.5 公斤加上負重 14 公斤所造成的扭矩。而在進行扭矩平衡時也使用了薄膜式壓力感測器進行表面壓力的量測,其中單點最大壓力為 250 kPa。未來將以此輔助服為基礎發展控制法則,使其能夠平順的將人體從水平拉至挺直狀態,將其應用於義肢輔具相關技術。
Pneumatic muscle is an actuator with fast response, easy to adjustment, and high safety as its pliability makes the contact between the human body and the machine safer. Therefore, the pneumatic muscles are expected to be applied to assistive technologies that enables the elders and disables to live autonomously. The purpose of this research is to develop a back support wear that use pneumatic muscles as actuators to reduce the amount of power users need to carry heavy loads. However, there are no manufacturers producing pneumatic muscles in Taiwan currently. If there is demand, it can only rely on foreign imports, but the design of foreign manufacturers may not be fully compatible with the requirements of wearing accessories, and the cost is relatively high. This thesis completes the steps of how to make a pneumatic muscle and combine it with a back support wear. In the experiment, the assembly position of the pneumatic muscles on the auxiliary clothing was divided into three assembly positions for testing(Type 1、Type 2、Type 3), and the difference between these was the distance between the pneumatic muscles and the fixed point below. According to the experimental results, the relationship between the strength F, the contraction amount hand the angle of inclination of the dummy of the three assembled pneumatic muscles are compared. It is found that the different methods of assembly of the pneumatic muscle have little effect on the benefit provided by the auxiliary service. Therefore, in the future design of actual human body, the installation position of the pneumatic muscle is less restricted. The experimental results show that at a barometric pressure of 5 bar, the maximum torque that the accessory can provide is the torque from 3.5 kg dummy and 14 kg load. A membrane pressure sensor was also used to measure the surface pressure during torque balance, with a single point maximum pressure of 250 kPa. In the future, the control law will be developed based on this auxiliary, so that it can smoothly pull the human body from the horizontal to the straight state and apply it to the related technologies of prosthetic aids.
摘要.................................................................................................................................... i
英文摘要............................................................................................................................ ii
致謝.................................................................................................................................... iv
目錄.................................................................................................................................... vii
圖目錄................................................................................................................................ xi
表目錄................................................................................................................................ xii
第一章 導論...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景........................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 氣壓肌肉致動器作動原理介紹....................................................... 2
1.1.2 動力輔助服介紹............................................................................... 4
1.2 既有文獻與成就............................................................................................... 5
1.3 研究動機與貢獻............................................................................................... 7
1.4 論文架構........................................................................................................... 8
第二章 實驗平臺與設備介紹.......................................................................................... 9
2.1 氣壓肌肉測試平臺........................................................................................... 10
2.2 自製氣壓肌肉輔助服實驗平臺....................................................................... 13
2.3 實驗硬體設備................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 壓力調節閥 (Pressure control valve)............................................... 17
目 錄
2.3.2 壓力感測器 (Pressure sensor))......................................................... 18
2.3.3 類比式角度感測器 (analogy angle sensor)).................................... 19
2.3.4 負載量測系統 (Load measurement system))................................... 20
2.3.5 氣源供給源 (Pressure source))......................................................... 21
2.3.6 資料擷取系統 (Data acquisition system)......................................... 22
2.3.7 薄膜式力量感測片........................................................................... 23
2.4 實驗軟體設備................................................................................................... 24
2.4.1 Matlab............................................................................................... 24
2.4.2 Simulink............................................................................................ 24
2.4.3 Simulink Real-Time.......................................................................... 25
第三章 自製氣壓肌肉下背部輔助服.............................................................................. 26
3.1 自製氣壓肌肉................................................................................................... 26
3.2 氣壓肌肉下背部輔助服................................................................................... 35
3.2.1 材料替換-雙肩登山背帶................................................................. 35
3.2.2 氣壓肌肉下背部輔助服組裝方法................................................... 36
3.3 實驗平台設計................................................................................................... 38
3.3.1 實驗平台扭矩平衡........................................................................... 39
3.3.2 氣壓肌肉在輔助服上之配置位置................................................... 42
3.4 薄膜式力量感測片安裝位置........................................................................... 44
第四章 結果與討論.......................................................................................................... 46
4.1 自製氣壓肌肉................................................................................................... 46
4.2 氣壓肌肉下背部輔助服................................................................................... 48
4.2.1 Type 1 裝配方式............................................................................... 49
目 錄
4.2.2 Type 2 裝配方式............................................................................... 58
4.2.3 Type 3 裝配方式............................................................................... 64
4.2.4 Type 1、Type 2、Type 3 裝配方式比較......................................... 68
4.3 下背部輔助服對人體造成之負荷................................................................... 74
第五章 結論與未來展望.................................................................................................. 79
5.1 結論................................................................................................................... 79
5.2 未來展望........................................................................................................... 83
參考文獻............................................................................................................................ 88
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