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研究生(外文):Ze-Yuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Simulation of Dressing Locus of Multiple Diamonds on Soft and Ductile Polyurethane Pad
指導教授(外文):Chao-Chang Chen
口試委員(外文):Jhy-Cherng TsaiYu-Long ZhengJinn ChuCheng-Xi ChuangChao-Chang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP)Pad DressingMultiple DiamondsDressing LocusDressing Simulation
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化學機械平坦化/拋光(Chemical Mechanical Planarization/Polishing, CMP)製程在半導體製程中對於積體電路的製造品質有著舉足輕重的影響,將鑽石修整技術應用於拋光墊之修整以達到其表面形貌均勻性之控制,以確保CMP製程中的晶圓良率。本研究為了瞭解鑽石修整對於拋光墊表面形貌影響之情況,將鑽石修整器上的每顆鑽石座標位置使用程式編寫並進行模擬,使拋光墊被每顆鑽石修整的路徑軌跡得以用模擬的圖像重現,並實際對實心的壓克力板材以及微小孔隙複合層的聚氨酯拋光墊進行鑽石修整實驗,再使用通過數學公式確定的鑽石修整軌跡模擬程式進行分析針對交叉的路徑軌跡上之重疊點進行數量計算,並聚焦於微小區域裡之重疊點次數進行計算分析。最終建立了拋光機的修整頭與拋光盤的位置校正方法讓實驗的誤差能夠降低,在短時間內修整的PFA在壓克力和ICSU拋光墊的結果都可以發現隨著鑽石數量增加表面粗糙度也會增加,且PCR也會大幅增加。壓克力板比較之實驗結果可以確定實驗與模擬軌跡位置有5%到10%的誤差。證明了重疊點與表面粗糙度的正向關係,並且濕修整之表面粗糙度與摩擦係數皆低於乾式修整之結果。
Chemical Mechanical Planarization/Polishing (CMP) process plays an important role in IC fabrication quality control in whole semiconductor fabrication. In order to maintain the yield rate of wafer in CMP process, the diamond dressing technique has been applied for conditioning the uniformity of pad’s surface topography. For better understanding of the surface topography in CMP process, this study focuses on each diamond’s dressing locus on the polishing pad by both simulation and the on-site experiments. It has been performed by the experiment of diamond dressing on the PMMA sheet and ICSU pad, then calculated the number of overlapping points on the dressing locus via the simulation program. First, diamond dressing locus is determined by mathematical formulae and overlapping points in each focus zone are analyzed by simulation. Then, simulation results are verified by experiments of PMMA sheet and ICSU pad on HAMAI polishing machine. Finally, the position-calibration method of dresser and platen on the polishing machine are established to make the error decreasing. The experiments of PMMA sheet and ICSU pad discover the roughness increasing while the number of diamonds increasing, and PCR are also increased largely. The error results of PMMA sheet between simulated and experimental result is about 5% to 10%. It has been proven that overlapping points are positive correlation with surface roughness. The surface roughness and COF under wet dressing are lower than dry dressing.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XIII
符號表 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的與方法 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 材料分類 6
2.2 拋光墊相關文獻探討 8
2.3 鑽石修整器相關文獻探討 16
2.4 文獻回顧總結 26
第三章 拋光墊修整軌跡模擬分析原理與模型 27
3.1 磨削加工與拋光墊修整 28
3.2 多顆鑽石修整軌跡模擬 34
3.3 軌跡交叉處之重疊點模擬與分析 40
第四章 實驗設備與規劃 46
4.1 實驗設備 46
4.2 實驗耗材 48
4.3 實驗量測設備 52
4.4 實驗規劃 53
4.5 鑽石修整器量測與校正實驗(實驗A) 56
第五章 實驗結果與討論 64
5.1 多顆鑽石修整壓克力實驗 (實驗B-1) 64
5.2 多顆鑽石修整拋光墊實驗 (實驗B-2) 71
5.3 多顆鑽石修整軌跡與模擬比較實驗 (實驗C-1) 79
5.4 多顆鑽石修整軌跡與模擬比較實驗 (實驗C-2) 79
5.5 綜合結果與討論 100
第六章 結論與建議 102
6.1 結論 102
6.2 建議 103
參考文獻 105
附錄A 鑽石修整軌跡程式碼 109
附錄B量測儀器與設備 159
附錄C HAMAI機台實驗設定參數 163
附錄D修整轉速擷取修正SOP 168
附錄E鑽石尖點模擬位置修正 170
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