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研究生(外文):Zong-De Lai
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Sinusoidal Modulation Double-diffraction Grating Interferometer for Displacement and Rotation Angle Measurements
指導教授(外文):Hung-Lin Hsieh
口試委員(外文):Ju-Yi LeeCheng-Chih HsuGeo-Ry Tang
外文關鍵詞:Heterodyne InterferometryGrating InterferometerSinusoidal ModulationDouble-DiffractionCoplanar Detection TechniqueFour degrees-of-freedom
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於研究中我們透過使用一橫向位移分光鏡(Lateral Displacement Beamsplitters,LDB)來形成兩道平行光束,使系統可於單一偵測架構下建立兩個偵測區域,用以進行四個自由度(x、z、θy、θz)的量測,且在以往的多自由度量測架構中,當系統量測面內位移量時,會使面外位移之量測光分離造成干涉訊號消失,因此,於本研究導入共面量測架構,可使整體系統不會在量測面內位移時造成面外位移之干涉訊號消失。此套系統只需使用一個一維穿透式光柵及反射鏡,即可達成多自由度的量測能力,不僅大幅縮短系統架設時間,更降低系統開發成本。
為了驗證此套弦波調制雙繞射光柵干涉儀量測技術的可行性,本研究進行了一系列的實驗,包括四自由度位移及旋轉角、解析度、重複性、穩定度、速度極限及靈敏度測試等實驗,並將此研究的量測結果與商用感測器的量測結果相比較,用以驗證WP弦波調制雙繞射光柵干涉儀的量測性能。由實驗結果證明,本研究所開發的雙繞射光柵干涉儀可同時提供四自由度位移及旋轉角度量測訊息,其位移與旋轉角之實際解析度分別可達5 nm與100 nrad,重複性可達0.8 nm與14 nrad,穩定度於5分鐘內之條件下優於50 nm與1200 nrad,由上述實驗結果驗證此套系統具備精準的位移及旋轉角度量測能力。
Laser interferometers have come to be broadly utilized in the fields of semiconductor industry, precision machinery industry, microscopic techniques, optical alignment systems, and medical research. According to the signal detection scheme, interferometers can be categorized into the types of homodyne and heterodyne. In comparison to homodyne detection interferometer, heterodyne detection interferometer proves a superior anti-noise ability. If high frequency noise signal is considered, nanometer resolution is easily being achieved by using heterodyne detection interferometer. Several heterodyne interferometers have been developed to provide exact displacement information with high resolution. However, the problem of poor measurement stability caused by the unstable wavelength of the light source is still difficult to avoid. Grating interferometry, one of the well-known interferometries, is proposed to overcome the problems resulting from the unstable wavelength of the light source. Many methods based on the measurement principle of grating interferometry have been carried out to measure displacement with high system stability.
In this study, a laser interferometer based on the techniques of heterodyne sinusoidal modulation and double-diffraction is proposed for displacement measurement. This interferometer has the advantages of grating interferometry, heterodyne interferometry, and double-diffraction technique. According to the optical configuration of our proposed interferometer, a novel heterodyne light source is obtained by using a sinusoidal modulation method to modulate a Wollaston prism. The heterodyne light source is then passed through a beam splitter, and the resulting transmission beam moves to the diffraction grating, and is diffracted. The diffracted beams are reflected back into the diffraction grating along the original optical path so that the grating phase is introduced into the diffracted beams two times, forming a double-diffraction optical configuration. System sensitivity and resolution can be effectively enhanced by using this method. The second diffraction also causes the two beams to overlap to form interference, and after passing through an analyzer, the interference signal can be received by a photodetector. The in-plane displacement of the grating can be obtained by calculating the phase variation of the interference signal.
In order to verify the measurement performance of the proposed measurement technique, several experiments are conducted and compared the results obtained from our double-diffraction interferometer with a commercial measuring instrument. The experiment results show that this double-diffraction interferometer is able to measure displacement with the resolution of 10 nm. This double-diffraction interferometer can be widely used in the fields of precision positioning systems, laser interference lithography, near-field optical microscopy, and automated optical detection.
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
符號說明 VI
目錄 XI
圖目錄 XIV
表目錄 XVII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 同調干涉術(homodyne Interferometry)之文獻回顧 2
1.2.2 外差干涉術(heterodyne Interferometry)之文獻回顧 5
1.2.3 雙(多)繞射量測技術之文獻回顧 11
1.2.4 共面雙(多)自由度量測技術之文獻回顧 13
1.3 研究目的 18
1.4 論文架構 19
第二章 基礎理論 21
2.1 外差調制技術 21
2.1.1移動(旋轉)光柵法 22
2.1.2 賽曼雷射 23
2.1.3 聲光調制器 24
2.1.4 電光調制器 26
2.1.5 雷射二極體波長調制法 28
2.1.6 弦波調制技術 29
2.2 光柵干涉術 29
2.2.1 光柵相位測量法之原理 30
2.2.2 雙繞射架構 31
2.2.3 外差式光柵干涉儀 32
2.2.4 外差式雙繞射光柵干涉儀 33
2.3 共面雙(多)自由度光柵干涉儀量測技術 35
2.4 外差訊號相位解調 37
2.5 小結 38
第三章 弦波調制雙繞射光柵干涉儀 40
3.1 弦波調制雙繞射光柵干涉儀架構 40
3.1.1 Wollaston prism弦波調制技術 40
3.2 單自由度弦波調制雙繞射光柵干涉儀 41
3.3 雙自由度弦波調制雙繞射光柵干涉儀 44
3.4 四自由度弦波調制雙繞射光柵干涉儀 46
3.5 相位解調系統 50
3.5.1 容錯演算法(fault tolerance algorithm) 52
3.6 本研究所用到之光學元件及實驗儀器 54
3.7 小結 55
第四章 實驗結果與討論 57
4.1調制頻率選用 57
4.2 單自由度位移(x)量測實驗 58
4.3 雙自由度位移(z)量測實驗 61
4.4 四自由度位移(x, z, θx, θz)量測實驗 63
4.4.1 大行程位移與旋轉角度量測實驗(x, z, θx, θz) 63
4.4.2 中行程位移與旋轉角度量測實驗(x, z, θx, θz) 65
4.4.3 小行程位移與旋轉角度量測實驗(x, z, θx, θz) 66
4.5 量測系統性能測試與討論 68
4.5.1 解析度量測 68
4.5.2 重複性量測 70
4.5.3 穩定度量測 71
4.5.4 隨機波實驗 73
4.5.5 量測速度極限 74
4.6 小結 76
第五章 誤差分析 77
5.1 系統誤差 77
5.1.1 檢偏器消光比所產生之非線性誤差 78
5.1.2 Wollaston prism消光比所產生之非線性誤差 79
5.1.3 光柵架設誤差對於位移量測所產生之影響 81
5.1.4 光柵架設誤差之繞射光偏移對於面外量測所產生之影響 82
5.1.5 檢偏器方位角錯誤所造成之影響 83
5.1.6 Wollaston prism形貌變化對於調制訊號影響 84
5.2 隨機誤差 85
5.2.1 環境振動 85
5.2.2 電子雜訊 86
5.3 小結 86
第六章 結論與未來展望 87
6.1 結論 87
6.2 未來展望 88
參考文獻 90
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