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研究生:Safitri Nur Wulandari
研究生(外文):Safitri Nur Wulandari
論文名稱:Stability Charts for Footing on Cohesive-Frictional Slopes Subjected to Pore-Water Pressure by Limit Analysis Method
論文名稱(外文):Stability Charts for Footing on Cohesive-Frictional Slopes Subjected to Pore-Water Pressure by Limit Analysis Method
指導教授(外文):An-Jui Li
口試委員(外文):Chih-Chung ChungWei-Zhi Chen
中文關鍵詞:Failure modeFootingCohesive-frictional slopesLimit Analysis Gravity MultiplierWater levelPore-water pressure
外文關鍵詞:Failure modeFootingCohesive-frictional slopesLimit Analysis Gravity MultiplierWater levelPore-water pressure
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In the region there was generally influenced by seasonal weather such as highly rainfall intensity, increasing or decreasing water levels may trigger the changing of failure surface and factor of safety on slopes. Reducing the factor of safety causes the slope failure potential increases. It was indicated by the increase of pore water pressure, therefore the shear strength reduced and shear stress enhanced. The uncertain intensity in every rainfall period causes the water level change needs to be evaluated conscientiously to prevent the slope failures. This study primarily aims to investigate the failure mechanisms and factor of safety that are resulted as an impact of pore-water pressure differences by varying the water level, slope angle, soil strength parameters, and slope height with footing and without footing. In addition, cohesive-frictional soils are concerned in this study because this soil condition is commonly found in practice. Limit analysis as one of the rigorous stability analysis methods is used in this study to predict the slope failure mechanism and factor of safety by using two dimensional (2D) numerical approach. The plastic zone will be observed as well in this study as none studies explained it clearly. Latter, the stability charts are also produced for preliminary assessment by practical engineers
In the region there was generally influenced by seasonal weather such as highly rainfall intensity, increasing or decreasing water levels may trigger the changing of failure surface and factor of safety on slopes. Reducing the factor of safety causes the slope failure potential increases. It was indicated by the increase of pore water pressure, therefore the shear strength reduced and shear stress enhanced. The uncertain intensity in every rainfall period causes the water level change needs to be evaluated conscientiously to prevent the slope failures. This study primarily aims to investigate the failure mechanisms and factor of safety that are resulted as an impact of pore-water pressure differences by varying the water level, slope angle, soil strength parameters, and slope height with footing and without footing. In addition, cohesive-frictional soils are concerned in this study because this soil condition is commonly found in practice. Limit analysis as one of the rigorous stability analysis methods is used in this study to predict the slope failure mechanism and factor of safety by using two dimensional (2D) numerical approach. The plastic zone will be observed as well in this study as none studies explained it clearly. Latter, the stability charts are also produced for preliminary assessment by practical engineers
1.1. Research Background
1.2. Research Objectives
1.3. Research Organization
1.4. Research Layout
2.1. Cohesive-Frictional (c′-φ′) Slopes
2.2. Pore-Water Pressure in Homogeneous Slopes
2.3. Footing on Slopes
2.4. Limit Analysis Method
2.5. Strength Reduction Methods
2.6. Comparison of Slope Stability Methods
2.7. Slope Stability Charts
2.8. Preliminary Summary
3.1. Limit Analysis Theory by Gravity Multiplier (LAGM)
3.2. 2D Models of c′-φ′ Soil Slopes Subjected to Pore-Water Pressure
3.3. Soil Parameters
3.4. Slope Stability Analysis
3.5. Constitutive Model Test
3.6. Footing Design in Slopes
3.7. OptumG2 Slope Analysis Procedure
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. The Mesh Refinement’s Dependency
4.1.2. Limit analysis by gravity multiplier compared with other methods
4.2. Failure Mechanism of c′-φ′ Slopes Subjected to Pore-Water Pressure
4.2.1. Water Level Variation
4.2.2. Slope Height Variation
4.2.3. Strength Parameters Variation
4.2.4. Slope Angle Variation
4.2.5. Unit Weight Variation
4.3. Failure Mechanism of Footing on c′-φ′ Slopes Subjected to Pore-Water Pressure
4.3.1. Footing Distance Variation
4.3.2. Footing Width Variation
4.3.3. Load Capacity Variation
4.4. Charts for Slope Stability subjected to Pore Water Pressure
4.5. Charts for Footing on Slope Systems Subjected to Pore -Water Pressure 108
5.1. Conclusion
5.2. Future Work
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