The safety of the design of the foundation excavation stage of the new project. When the safety is considered in the design stage for different cases, there are conflicts between the safety and cost of the two planning targets. The safety is the priority and the cost is increased. Taking cost as the priority and safety concerns, and obtaining the optimal planning model is the focus of this study. In addition to considering safety and economy, this study adds the designer's subjective planning preference factors, and hopes to analyze the planning of safety support in the foundation excavation stage more objectively. Therefore, this study combines fuzzy theory, indifference curve and efficiency front. And the data envelopment analysis method and other research methods are discussed, and the different investment portfolios are compared to obtain the highest-paying portfolio efficiency leading edge curve. The indistinct curve represents the designer's planning preference, and the fuzzy theory is used to select the designer's preference. The slope of the indifference curve represents the planning preference of the designer when planning the foundation excavation of the building engineering. When the indifference curve is tangent to the efficiency leading edge curve, the cutting point is the construction engineering foundation excavation safety support that is included in the planning preference. The optimal planning mode, which uses the safety support ratio design parameters as the design parameters of different combinations, is not based on the efficiency of the leading edge of the building engineering excavation, develops a methodology for planning efficiency evaluation, and performs better on the efficiency front. Planning is the object of learning as a standard.