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研究生(外文):Wen-Chieh Gong
論文名稱(外文):E-commerce and accurate recommendation application case studies
指導教授(外文):Shuo-Yan ChouHung-Lin Hsieh
口試委員(外文):Shuo-Yan ChouHung-Lin HsiehPo-Hsun Kuo
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在互聯網(Internet)和行動裝置(Mobile)快速發展與普及的下,電子商務成為了最熱門的交易模式,不僅提供了多樣化的商品讓消費者更多的選擇,也提供了快速且便利物流配送方式,使得電子商務交易量屢創新高;隨著現代科技的不斷進步,藉由大數據(Big Data)與人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)技術的提升,相關科技結合運用,使得電子商務朝向智慧化且個人化發展,目的是在將來能為使用者提供更加便利、更加智慧購物環境。
With the rapid development and popularization of the Internet and mobile devices, e-commerce has become the most popular trading mode, providing not only diversified products for consumers to choose more, but also providing fast and convenient logistics. The distribution method makes the e-commerce transaction volume hit new highs; with the continuous advancement of modern technology, with the improvement of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technology, the combination of related technologies makes the e-commerce smarter. And personal development, the purpose is to provide users with a more convenient and smarter shopping environment in the future.
Under the world trend of big data and artificial intelligence technology related technologies, how can the e-commerce industry introduce accurate recommendation system and its application supplemented by maintenance, to construct the basic elements of an e-commerce platform for commodities, payment flow, logistics At present, the basic elements of each e-commerce platform have been improved, and how to improve the purchase rate has become a key project for transformation and upgrading. At this time, the introduction and application of the accurate recommendation system is of great strategic importance.
E-commerce industry accurate recommendation system introduction and upgrade, expensive in action, focus on practice, difficult to adhere to, should be based on the original proprietary domain knowledge value of the case company, combined with the application of the Internet, mobile devices, to promote the upgrading of the industrial business model; This thesis will take the case company as the research object, take the Taiwan e-commerce industry as the background, analyze the competitiveness of the industry and the case company through several analysis methods according to the research structure, and then plan the short, medium and long-term strategy based on the results obtained. Planning blueprints, providing a model for the transformation of the e-commerce industry import recommendation system and a mirror.
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 I
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1. 電子商務 4
2.1.1. 電子商務的定義 4
2.1.2. 電子商務交易階段 5
2.1.3. 電子商務特點 6
2.1.4. 電子商務交易模式 6
2.1.5. 電子商務交易層次 8
2.2. 推薦系統 8
2.2.1. 推薦系統的定義和特點 8
2.2.2. 精準推薦系統的演算法 10
2.2.3. 精準推薦系統的作用 12
2.3. 個案公司介紹 13
2.3.1. 企業理念及願景 14
2.3.2. 服務項目 14
2.3.3. momo組織架構與大事紀 16
第三章 產業概況及分析 18
3.1. 電子商務概況 18
3.1.1. 產業鏈 18
3.1.2. 台灣電子商務發展概況 20
3.1.3. 電子商務產業所面臨的困境 23
3.1.4. 產業分析-波特五力分析 24
3.2. 台灣市場競爭對手 26
3.2.1. PChome 26
3.2.2. 東森購物 28
3.3. 產業未來趨勢 32
第四章 個案分析 37
4.1. 個案公司公司競爭力分析 37
4.1.1. momo年報 38
4.1.2. SWOT分析 41
4.1.3. 企業價值鏈分析 43
4.2. momo策略與布局 44
4.3. momo戰略與規劃 45
第五章 結論與建議 51
5.1. 結論 51
5.2. 未來發展建議 52
參考文獻 54
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