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研究生(外文):Yohana Vinas
論文名稱:Overview of Factors to Consider When Designing a Compensation Plan
論文名稱(外文):Overview of Factors to Consider When Designing a Compensation Plan
指導教授(外文):Ying-Jung Yeh
口試委員(外文):Chih-Hao LuMei-yu Fang
中文關鍵詞:CompensationJob PerformanceCompensation ModelsMonetary BenefitsNon-Monetary Benefits
外文關鍵詞:CompensationJob PerformanceCompensation ModelsMonetary BenefitsNon-Monetary Benefits
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Every company wants their employees to perform to their full potential. There are many ways to motivate and enhance their performance and money is at the top of the list. For this reason, compensation is often considered one of the best methods to motivate employees. However, many studies have confirmed that the motivational power of money can wear off with time.

This investigation is a review of the existing literature about the overall effects of different forms of compensation and which factors should be considered when designing an effective compensation plan.
Every company wants their employees to perform to their full potential. There are many ways to motivate and enhance their performance and money is at the top of the list. For this reason, compensation is often considered one of the best methods to motivate employees. However, many studies have confirmed that the motivational power of money can wear off with time.

This investigation is a review of the existing literature about the overall effects of different forms of compensation and which factors should be considered when designing an effective compensation plan.
Table of Contents
Dedication 2
Abstract 3
Chapter 1: Introduction 5
Chapter 2: Literature Review 7
2.1 Compensation 7
2.1.1 Effects of Compensation 8
2.2 Job Performance 9
2.3 Compensation Models 10
2.3.1 Pay-for-Performance 10
2.3.2 Commission-Based Payment 12
2.3.3 Non-monetary Benefits 13
Chapter 3: Discussion 15
3.1 Macro Perspective of Needs 15
3.2 Core Structure 18
3.3 Essential Benefits 20
Chapter 4: Conclusion and Study Limitations 21
References 23
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