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研究生(外文):Hans Kristanto
論文名稱:The Study of Innovation Adoption Behavior in Indonesian SME Cases
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Innovation Adoption Behavior in Indonesian SME Cases
指導教授(外文):Mei H.C. HO
口試委員(外文):Max KuanJohn S. Liu
中文關鍵詞:Knowledge ManagementInnovation AdoptionInnovation ManagementSmall and Medium EnterprisesInternet of Things
外文關鍵詞:Knowledge ManagementInnovation AdoptionInnovation ManagementSmall and Medium EnterprisesInternet of Things
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Knowledge is a very powerful asset for the creation of competitive advantage. A tacit knowledge, which is not explicitly known by the others become very important and one of the traits that can make a company successful. Due to that reason, an internal organizational structure or resource like business process, and management become a crucial part in the company itself in creating a competitive advantage against the competition with other company. When this development of knowledge becomes more easily accessed with the help of the information system that is equipped with IoT enabled system, makes the knowledge transfer become faster. Different company background has their own primary and supporting factor that make them adopt innovations. This innovation adoption behavior is very critical to be investigated. This study, the research question will focus on exploring these factors that influences the to adopt innovations
To explore the critical factors from the company’s innovation adoption behavior, we select four SME cases in Indonesia. By qualitative methodology, we interview six people from the four companies in order to get a better view about the influence of the factors among them. The interview is followed by a direct observation in the company, to ensure the naturalism and confirmation of the result in the interview section. All the four SMEs are located in the southern region of Indonesia, where the Indonesia population are concentrated, and these four cases are collected from four different industries to see the different view among them. With this method, we can explore the answer to the innovation adoption behavior.
Based on the results of the interviews, we proposed several findings that explain company’s innovation adaption behavior. First, the primary reason of the innovation adoption behavior is the economic scale, not only this factor directly influences the intention, but this factor also influences the operational complexity of the business process, and affect the intention even higher. The other findings are in the personal level, the top management education and experience is the primary factor that positively influence the company’s intention to adopt innovations as they influence the knowledge owned by the top management that represent the knowledge owned by the company.
Knowledge is a very powerful asset for the creation of competitive advantage. A tacit knowledge, which is not explicitly known by the others become very important and one of the traits that can make a company successful. Due to that reason, an internal organizational structure or resource like business process, and management become a crucial part in the company itself in creating a competitive advantage against the competition with other company. When this development of knowledge becomes more easily accessed with the help of the information system that is equipped with IoT enabled system, makes the knowledge transfer become faster. Different company background has their own primary and supporting factor that make them adopt innovations. This innovation adoption behavior is very critical to be investigated. This study, the research question will focus on exploring these factors that influences the to adopt innovations
To explore the critical factors from the company’s innovation adoption behavior, we select four SME cases in Indonesia. By qualitative methodology, we interview six people from the four companies in order to get a better view about the influence of the factors among them. The interview is followed by a direct observation in the company, to ensure the naturalism and confirmation of the result in the interview section. All the four SMEs are located in the southern region of Indonesia, where the Indonesia population are concentrated, and these four cases are collected from four different industries to see the different view among them. With this method, we can explore the answer to the innovation adoption behavior.
Based on the results of the interviews, we proposed several findings that explain company’s innovation adaption behavior. First, the primary reason of the innovation adoption behavior is the economic scale, not only this factor directly influences the intention, but this factor also influences the operational complexity of the business process, and affect the intention even higher. The other findings are in the personal level, the top management education and experience is the primary factor that positively influence the company’s intention to adopt innovations as they influence the knowledge owned by the top management that represent the knowledge owned by the company.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
1.1 Research Motivation and Background 1
1.2 Research Question and Research Objective 2
1.3 Research Structure 3
2.1 Industry Overview 4
2.1.1 Indonesia’s Demographic Background 4
2.1.2 Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia 5
2.1.3 IoT Development in Indonesia 9
2.2 IoT and Information System Impact on Business 11
2.3 Knowledge Management and Innovation 12
2.4 Innovation Adoption / Intention on Innovation 14
2.5 Innovation Adoption Predictor/Metrics 19
2.5.1 Organization Level Factor 19
2.5.2 Personal Level Factor 25
2.6 Conceptual Framework 27
3.1 Methodology 28
3.2 Methods of Data Collection 30
3.3 Measurement 31
3.4 Research Process 34
4.1 Company Overview 38
4.1.1 PT. Sumber Pakis 38
4.1.2 CV. Pakis Karunia 41
4.1.3 PT. Remaja Mart 45
4.1.4 UD. Pemenang 47
4.2 Framework Breakdown 48
4.2.1. Operational Complexity and Innovation Intention 49
4.2.2. Economic Scale and Innovation Intention 51
4.2.3. Geographic Factor and Innovation Intention 53
4.2.4. Infrastructure and Innovation Intention 55
4.2.5. Capability and Innovation Intention 56
4.2.6. Top Management and Innovation Intention 57
4.3 Summary and Comparison 58
5.1 The Primary Factor as the Main Drive of Innovation Adoption 64
5.2 The Supporting factor become the most decisive factor of Indonesian SMEs Innovation Adoption Behavior 65
5.3 Managerial Implications 66
5.4 Future Research and Limitation 67
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