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論文名稱:機關整併與行政效能之分析— 以高雄市戶政事務所整併研究為例
論文名稱(外文):Institutional consolidation and improvement of administrative effectiveness - Takethe case study of the Kaohsiung City Household Office as an example
外文關鍵詞:household officeagency consolidationadministrative innovationorganizational reengineeringcross-institutional services
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Since the implementation of the household administration system in Taiwan in 1896, it has undergone four large-scale organizational changes, and these four changes are all things that the government has to do in response to the situation, and it is a top-down change. The transformation of the Kaohsiung City Government to improve administrative innovation and efficiency is the first large-scale consolidation of the household administration in the county-city merger, which is the only one that is not reciprocal between the municipality and the county. Its importance and influence are not Words can be said.

How to achieve the "administrative reduction", "manpower scheduling", "efficiency improvement", "cost saving" and "promotional promotion" indicators in the process of consolidation is an important achievement, but the household business is mostly transactional. Detailed work, lack of project-oriented, constructive and other immediate work performance, so the long-term attention is lower than other agencies, but also because the operation of household affairs personnel does not need to consider the human pockets including money and elected heads. Political attributes and other factors of interest distribution, so the degree of professionalism, law-abiding is also stronger than other institutions.

Due to the inter-agency and cross-sectoral services promoted by the public sector, the increase and adjustment of household affairs will be an inevitable trend, and the efficiency of the administrative organs is often questioned by the public. The public sector wants to show the people the determination and efforts to reform. Organizing reengineering in the current state to confirm administrative efficiency, and thus further achieving the goal of administrative innovation. Therefore, the organization still needs to consider the different aspects of the overall situation. If we simply think that organizational re-engineering is equivalent to the consolidation of the organization, it will cause more confusion after the integration, and it is impossible to implement the goal of organizational reengineering to achieve efficiency and administrative innovation.

This paper mainly discusses the administrative reform as the goal, through the specific method of organizational reengineering, that is, the consolidation of the organization, using the literature research method, and the Kaohsiung City household affairs office to observe the two aspects of efficiency, manpower, etc. The firm conducts organizational reengineering and administrative innovation, and organizes the knots and proposes relevant practices and suggestions. It is expected to analyze various aspects and understand more different opinions and ideas from a more objective and objective perspective. And integration to propose concrete and feasible policy recommendations, and more hope that the effectiveness of organizational consolidation can achieve improved finance, improve administrative efficiency, administrative innovation, organizational reengineering, simple administration, or cross-institutional cooperation, in response to the expectations of the public, create government, institutions The goal of members and the people to win.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機、目的與問題 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 5
第二章 組織導論革新及績效管理 9
第一節 組織整併文獻探討 9
第二節 組織變革與組織再造 23
第一項 組織變革內涵 23
第二項 組織再造全面提升 30
第三節 顧客導向與全觀型治理 37
第一項 顧客導向之範圍界定 37
第二項 全觀型治理 39
第四節 行政革新與績效管理 41
第一項 行政革新展望 41
第二項 績效管理目標 45
第五節 小結 48
第三章 戶政沿革、整併與實務問題 51
第一節 戶政沿革史探討 51
第二節 戶政機關整併現況 60
第一項 各縣市戶所整併狀況 60
第二項 高雄市戶所整併狀況 64
第三節 戶政實務具體問題 74
第一項 戶政結構問題 74
第二項 精簡人力問題 75
第三項 業務整合問題 85
第四節 小結 96
第四章 戶政所整併效能之分析 99
第一節 整併與革新效益分析 99
第一項 組織整併之預期效益 99
第二項 組織整併對行政革新成效 100
第二節 戶所整併目的及效能之剖析 103
第一項 組織員額精簡 105
第二項 提升行政效率方法 106
第三項 戶政革新服務 108
第三節 小結 133
第五章 結論與建議 137
參考文獻 146

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