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研究生(外文):NGO, HONG VUI
論文名稱(外文):The factors influencing customers’ repurchasing intention in B2C E-commerce in Vietnam and Taiwan
指導教授(外文):HSU, YI
外文關鍵詞:Digital economyE-commerceonline shoppingrepurchase intentionloyaltyperceived trustcustomer satisfactionherd mentalitysecurityfunctionality
  • 被引用被引用:2
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近年來網路科技的快速發展使“數字經濟”發生了巨大的變化,這是一個絕對必要的發展。其與新趨勢相匹配,並帶給我們高效率和盈利,而傳統經濟正在變得飽和。在以前的專家研究中,越南的數字經濟只強調通訊、娛樂和信息方面,而電子商務等許多其他領域仍然具有挑戰性。越南使用網際網路越來越普遍,使用智慧型手機的用戶數及智慧型通訊設備的種類越來越多,越南的電子商務頗具潛力並預期將有爆發性成長。順應這樣的趨勢,本研究提供影響顧客消費意象之重要因素:讓顧客回鍋查看網站的理由。本研究調查並蒐集了280名越南人和158名台灣人的問卷,並透過STATISTIC 10 ver、和LISREL 8.8與協方差矩陣的進行假設的檢驗。結果顯示,只有群體心態對客戶的感知信任有顯著的積極影響,而網站的可用性,功能,安全性和服務質量對客戶的滿意度影響不大。感知信任對客戶滿意度產生顯著的影響。客戶滿意度和感知信任對消費者的回購意願產生顯著的積極影響。
Rapidly expanding of Internet technology in recent years has made tremendous changes in “Digital economy" that is an absolutely necessary development, matching with the new trend, digital economy brings to us high efficiency and profitability while the traditional economy is becoming saturated. Nevertheless, as the experts from previous research, Vietnam's digital economy has only emphasized on communication, amusement and information aspects, while many other fields such as e-commerce are still challenging. Vietnam is a country using the internet more and more popular and the number of subscribers using smartphones or some kind of smart devices is getting higher. In additions, the e-commerce business in here is hoping to be very potential and will explode in the near future. According to the trend, this study provides the significant factors that have influence on repurchasing intention of customer; the reasons make them made up their mind to back the website again. This study was conducted by survey giving out to 280 Vietnamese and 158 Taiwanese as well as all hypotheses were examined by using STATISTIC 10 ver. and LISREL 8.8 ver. with covariance Matrix. The results showed that only herd mentality with significant positively effects on customers’ perceived trust. But the website usability, functionality, security, and service quality insignificantly influenced on customers’ satisfaction. Perceived trust significant positively effects on customers’ satisfaction. Customers’ satisfaction and perceived trust significant positively effects on consumers’ repurchase intention.
摘要.................................................................. i
Abstract............................................................... ii
Acknowledgments....................................................... iv
Table of Contents...................................................... v
List of table.......................................................... vii
List of Figures........................................................ viii
CHAPTER I - INTRODUCTION............................................... 1
1.1 Research background................................................ 1
1.2 Research purposes and objectives................................... 3
1.3 Research structure................................................. 4
CHAPTER II - LITERATURE REVIEW......................................... 5
2.1 Website design quality............................................. 5
2.1.1 Usability – Ease of Use.......................................... 5
2.1.2 Functionality.................................................... 6
2.1.3 Security......................................................... 6
2.2 Service quality.................................................... 7
2.3 Herd mentality..................................................... 8
2.4 Customers’ satisfaction............................................ 8
2.5 Perceived trust.................................................... 9
2.6 Repurchase intention............................................... 10
CHAPTER III - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................... 12
3.1 Questionnaire...................................................... 12
3.2 Selecting research participants.....................................13
3.3 Data analysis...................................................... 13
3.4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis....................................... 13
3.5 Descriptive Statistics............................................. 14
CHAPTER IV - RESULTS................................................... 15
4.1 Descriptive Analysis............................................... 15
4.2 CFA results........................................................ 17
4.3 Covariance matrix.................................................. 18
4.4 LISREL results: Goodness of fit testing............................ 19
CHAPTER V - CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION.................................. 21
5.1 Conclusion and discussion.......................................... 21
5.2 Limitation......................................................... 23
References............................................................. 24
APPENDIX I – English Questionnaire..................................... 28
APPENDIX II – Vietnamese Questionnaire................................. 35
APPENDIX III – Submitted Paper......................................... 42
Extended Abstract...................................................... 63

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