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研究生(外文):Chang, Shin-Yu
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Ad Intrusiveness, Ad Irritation and Attitude toward Brand through Inserting Advertising Video into Different periods of YouTube Video
指導教授(外文):Lo, Shao-Kang
口試委員(外文):Lo, Shao-KangHsieh, Ai-YunChou, Yu-Jen
外文關鍵詞:YouTubeAd Placement timeAd IntrusivenessAd IrritationBrand Attitudes
  • 被引用被引用:5
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  過去 YouTube只能將廣告影片放置在主影片(YouTube主題影片)播放前,使使用者先看完廣告影片再來看主影片,而近年來 YouTube開始將廣告影片放入主影片播放中,這種將廣告影片放入主影片播放中的廣告影片,目的是為了強迫使用者觀看廣告影片,但本研究認為,將廣告影片放入主影片播放中,會中斷使用者目標導向的瀏覽行為,導致消費者的知覺侵擾與對廣告的惱怒提升,並且消費者對該廣告影片的廣告品牌態度下降。因此本研究實行實驗設計,操弄 YouTube 5秒可略過式廣告影片出現在主影片播放前或主影片播放中。結果顯示,消費者對於在播放中的廣告影片之知覺侵擾與廣告惱怒,皆會顯著高於主影片播放前的廣告影片。
Previously, YouTube channel only place ads before playing YouTube videos. Users have to watch ads before watching any videos. In recent years, YouTube started placing ads in the middle of playing YouTube videos. The goal of this kind of in-stream ads is to compel users to watch ads. However, this research believes that placing ads into the middle of playing YouTube videos would interrupt user’s goal-oriented behavior. Then, it would increase the level of ads irritation and ads intrusiveness that may declines consumers’ attitude on the ad’s brand. Thus, this research manipulates either placing ads into the beginning or the middle of playing YouTube video. The result indicates there is a significant differences that the group who watches ads in the middle of the YouTube video experiences more ads intrusiveness and ads irritation than the group who watches ads at the beginning of the YouTube video.

中文摘要...................... iii
英文摘要...................... iv
誌謝辭....................... v
內容目錄...................... vi
表目錄....................... vii
圖目錄....................... viii
第一章 緒論................... 1
第二章 文獻探討................. 4
第一節 Youtube廣告............. 4
第二節 廣告曝光與廣告避免.......... 10
第三節 知覺侵擾與廣告惱怒.......... 12
第四節 品牌態度............... 13
第三章 研究方法................. 15
第一節 研究流程............... 15
第二節 自變數的操弄與實驗材料準備...... 15
第三節 依變量的衡量............. 16
第四章 研究結果................. 17
第五章 討論與結論................ 20
參考文獻...................... 22

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