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論文名稱(外文):The Correlation of Adult Attachment and Hoarding Behavior
指導教授(外文):Shun-Tzu Lin
口試委員(外文):Sun, Sung-HsienChang, Bang-Lee
外文關鍵詞:adultsattachmentattachment typeshoardinghoarding behavior
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本研究旨在探討不同個人背景之受試者,在依附類型與囤積行為嚴重程度之差異情形並進行分析,以了解不同依附類型對囤積行為之影響。本研究採調查法,以大臺北地區之成年人作為研究對象,於108年1月間進行施測,共發放700份問卷,回收694份問卷,回收率為99.14%,經剔除無效問卷後,有效問卷為 672 份。研究工具包括「成人依戀量表台灣修訂版」(黃玉蓮、陳淑惠,2011)及「強迫性囤積評定量表」(李玟蒨,2013)。其中「成人依戀量表台灣修訂版」用以評估依附型態程度,據以分類依附類型為:(1)安全依附型、(2)焦慮逃避依附型、(3)過度依靠依附型、(4)害怕逃避依附型。「強迫性囤積評定量表」用以了解「囤積行為」之嚴重程度,量表構面包含:(1)雜亂的程度、(2)丟棄物品的困難度、(3)獲取∕取得物品的程度。並依據問卷所得之調查資料,分析結果如下。
2.成年人「依附型態程度」會因年齡 (F=3.757, p<.05)、居住情形(F=4.336, p< .01) 及婚姻狀況 (F=13.182, p< .001) 之不同而存在顯著差異。
3.成年人之囤積行為嚴重程度會因性別 (t=-2.007, p< .05) 及健康情形 (F=3.847, p< .05) 之不同而有顯著差異。
4.整體囤積行為嚴重程度會因受試者「依附類型」(F=12.13, p< .001) 之不同而存在顯著差異,其中受試者為安全依附型之囤積行為嚴重程度顯著小於「過度依靠依附型」及「害怕逃避依附型」。
5.在不同之「依附型態程度」中,僅「焦慮依附程度」對囤積行為嚴重程度有顯著之解釋力 (R2 =.09)。
6.在不同之「依附型態」中,「過度依靠依附型」及「害怕逃避依附型」在囤積行為之嚴重程度上有解釋力 (R2 =.071)。

The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in the attachment type and the severity of hoarding behavior among subjects with different personal backgrounds and to understand the impact of different attachment types on hoarding behavior. This study adopts survey method, in which the subjects included adults in the Greater Taipei area. Study participants were recruited during January 2019, and 700 questionnaires were distributed and 694 questionnaires were collected. The response rate was 99.14%. After eliminating the invalid questionnaires, the valid questionnaires were 672. The questionnaires consisted of the “Revised Adult Attachment Scale, Chinese Translated version” (Huang & Chen, 2011) and the “Traditional Chinese version of Saving Inventory-Revised” (Lee, 2013). The “Revised Adult Attachment Scale, Chinese Translated version” is used to examine the degree of attachment type, and the types of attachment includes: (1) secure, (2) dismissive-avoidant, (3) preoccupied, and (4) fearful-avoidant. The “Traditional Chinese version of Saving Inventory-Revised” is used to understand the severity of the hoarding behavior, and the results are as follows.
1.According to the “Traditional Chinese version of Saving Inventory-Revised” scale, there were 64 study participants scored equal to or greater than 41 (9.5%) which indicated the possibility of hoarding behavior.
2.Significant statistically differences were found in adults’ degrees of attachment types in age (F=3.757, p<.05), living conditions (F=4.336, p< .01), and marital status (F=13.182, p< .001).
3.Significant statistically differences were found in adults’ severity of hoarding behavior in gender (t=-2.007, p< .05) and health condition (F=3.847, p< .05).
4.Significant statistically differences were found in adults’ overall severity of hoarding behavior in their attachment types (F=12.13, p< .001), and those who were “secured” showed higher severity in hoarding than those were “preoccupied” and “fearful-avoidant.”
5.In different “degrees of attachment type”, only the “degree of anxiety attachment” has significant explanatory power for the severity of hoarding (R2=.09).
6.In different “attachment types,” “preoccupied” and “fearful-avoidant” had explanatory power in the severity of hoarding behavior (R2=.071).
The results of this study show that different attachment types have a significant relationship with the severity of individual hoarding behavior. The research results are provided to families, societies, government, and researchers for future studies.

致謝辭 i
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 v
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix圖目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 5
第三節 名詞解釋 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 依附類型之意涵及其相關研究 9
第二節 囤積行為之意涵及其相關研究 31
第三章 研究方法 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 研究假設 49
第三節 研究對象 51
第四節 研究工具 54
第五節 研究程序 59
第六節 資料處理與分析 62
第四章 研究結果與分析 65
第一節 成人「依附風格」及「囤積行為傾向」之現況 66
第二節 不同「個人背景變項」之成人在「依附向度」之差異 72
第三節 不同「個人背景變項」之成人在「囤積行為」嚴重程
度之差異 81
第四節 成人「依附風格」在「囤積行為」嚴重程度之差異 97
第五節 成人「依附向度」對「囤積行為」嚴重程度之解釋力
與「個人背景變項」對「囤積行為傾向」之區別力 99
第六節 綜合討論 108
第五章 結論與建議 115
第一節 研究結論 115
第二節 研究限制 117
第三節 研究建議 119
參考文獻 121
中文部分 121
西文部分 124
附錄 133
附錄一 研究問卷 133
附錄二 「成人依戀量表台灣修訂版」使用同意函 143
附錄三 「強迫性囤積評定量表」授權同意書 144

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