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研究生(外文):Guo, Jhih-Peng
論文名稱(外文):Parallel Gray-Scale Co-occurrence Matrix Algorithm Based on Graphics Processor
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Yin-TeHung, Che-Lun
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chun-YuanHsu, Ching-HsienTsai, Yin-Te
外文關鍵詞:GLRLMGPUParallel AccelerationTexture Extraction
  • 被引用被引用:2
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To analysis Magnetic Resonance images, the initial step is to extract textures from the original images according to a variety of features. However, most of the texture extraction algorithms are computational-consuming approaches. GLRLM is the one of common-used architectures and the computational cost of the extraction functions during the pre-processing phase is very expensive. Recently, GPU technology is booming and also the ideal choice to accelerate the current computing process. In this study, we provide an example of a mature parallel primitive that is used to generate a GLRLM and simultaneously extract multiple features for multiple region of interesting in the image. The proposed algorithm is very easy to implement, and the optimized speed ratio can be increased by more than 5 times compared to GLRLM executing on CPU from experimental results.
摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.4論文架構 5
二、文獻探討 6
2.1腦部核磁共振影像 6
2.2灰階等級遊程長度矩陣 7
2.3特徵 9
2.4 GPGPU和函式庫 10
2.4.1 CUDA 11
2.4.2 CUB 12
三、研究方法 14
3.1 平行建構GLRLM 14
3.2 平行特徵提取 17
3.3實驗方法 22
3.3.1實驗一 – 平行建構GLRLM結果 22
3.3.2實驗二 – 不同高效能平台之效能差異 22
3.3.3實驗三 – 使用不同精度之效能差異 22
3.3.4實驗四 – 使用不同ROI大小之效能差異 22
四、實驗結果與分析 23
4.1實驗結果 23
4.1.1實驗一 –平行建構GLRLM結果 23
4.1.2實驗二 –不同高效能平台之效能差異 25
4.1.3實驗三 –使用不同精度之效能差異 26
4.1.4實驗四 –使用不同ROI大小之效能差異 27
五、結論與未來展望 28
5.1 結論 28
5.2 研究建議與方向 28
參考文獻 29
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