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研究生(外文):CHEN, PAO-JEN
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study on the Mortality Modelling and Mortality Risk Capital based on the Data of Taiwan Life Insurance Industry
中文關鍵詞:死亡率風險資本IFRS 17保險資本標準
外文關鍵詞:Mortality RateCapital RequirementIFRS 17Insurance Capital Standard
  • 被引用被引用:2
  • 點閱點閱:378
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Insurance industry in Taiwan expects to apply for both IFRS 17 and ICS in 2025 (or 2026). IFRS 17 is related to the evaluation of contractual liability insurance, and ICS will change to the assessment method of the solvency of the insurance industry. This paper analyzes mortality model suitability on the data of Taiwan life insurance industry in both systems. We further use the mortality model to analyze mortality shock level and compare it with mortality shock level addressed by ICS. We use whole life insurance policy as an example, starting from the cash flow of benefits, we explore the impacts of the choices of mortality models for the best estimate of liabilities and capital requirement. We expect to investigate the importance of model selection from various aspects. Our results show that (1) for the one-year mortality forecast of Taiwan life insurance industry, the accuracy estimated by the LC family of models, APC model and the Plat model are acceptable; (2) if the accrual of capital requirement of mortality risk tends to be conservative, the Plat model should be chosen, otherwise, LC model should be chosen; and (3) the mortality shock level addressed by ICS is more lenient for male insured policies in Taiwan’s life insurance.
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第三章 國際財務報導準則第17號公報與保險資本標準 5
第四章 研究資料 7
第五章 研究方法與模型 11
第六章 死亡風險資本評估 28
第七章 結論與建議 39
參考文獻 40
附錄一 各模型之轉換公式 42
附錄二 各模型配適之誤差指標 44
附錄三 各模型預估死亡率之誤差指標 46
附錄四 各模型預估平均餘命之誤差指標 48
附錄五 各模型預估定期年金之誤差指標 52
附錄六 各年度暴露數之加權比重圖 56


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