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研究生(外文):LU, SHU-YING
論文名稱(外文):The Impacts of the Central Bank's Selective Credit Control on Mortgage Loans
外文關鍵詞:Selective Credit ControlMortgage Loans
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Since Q2 of 2009, the recovering economy, low interest rates, and lowered gift and estate taxes have led to an inflow of foreign capital. Transportation infrastructures like Mass Rapid Transportation (MRT) and the High Speed Rail (HSR) helped boost the demand of nearby real estate, resulting in a constant rise in housing prices. In order to prevent speculators from increasing real estate value through bank loans, as well as to avert banks from taking on too much credit risk due to a large number of mortgage loans, the Central Bank started selective credit control as a measure to limit loan-to-value and grace periods of mortgage loans in specific control areas in Taiwan. How has this measure affected mortgage loans? This paper analyzes data, including the balance of mortgage loans, to explore changes of statistics in Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, and other main cities in the control area. One of the findings is that during the selective credit control measure period, Taoyuan saw an increase in the compounded annual growth rate of balance for loans on home purchases, a lowered amount in authorized loans, and a lower non-performing loan ratio compared with the pre-control period. On the other hand, both the house price-to-income ratio and the ratio of mortgage expense to household income edged up.
According to the real estate price index, home prices increased after implementation of the ease of control measure. Existing home sales in Taipei dwindled during the control period, whereas the statistics showed that sales increased in New Taipei and Taoyuan grew. During the period of selective credit control, average home values rose as did annual ordinary income. However, the growth rate of average home value significantly outpaced that of annual ordinary income.

1. 緒論 1
2. 文獻回顧 5
2.1. 管控措施相關文獻 5
2.2. 不動產貸款相關研究 10
3. 中央銀行的管控措施與金融機構之房屋貸款 14
3.1 中央銀行沿革及貨幣政策略述 14
3.2 信用管制簡介-選擇性信用管制 18
3.2.1. 選擇性信用管理實行背景 18
3.2.2. 選擇性信用管理內容 18
3.3 房屋貸款簡介 21
3.3.1. 房屋貸款類型 21
3.3.2 授信種類 22
3.3.3 授信業務審核原則 22
3.3.4 金融機構房屋貸款市佔率 24
4. 央行信用管制對房貸影響分析 31
4.1 研究方法與資料來源 31
4.2 結果分析 33
5. 結論 52
參考文獻 55

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