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研究生(外文):LI, CHIN-CHUN
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Course of Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Entrepreneurship Education
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1985年彼得杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)曾提出當時的「管理型經濟」,在未來將會轉換成「創業型經濟」。1989年「創業教育」被聯合國教科文組織列為「第三本教育護照」後,創業教育對於提升畢業生就業的重要性,不斷的被專家、學者提及,並要求希望重視創業教育的內容。爾後全球各地的高等教育學院、大學也逐漸出現各式不同類型的創新、創意教學內容,希望可以提昇創新、創意思維的能力,從生活中的大、小事中啟發更多的想像,並發展出截然不同的解決方案或是更為優異的產品,最後將其成立為一個可以獨立營運的事業。

n 1985, Peter F. Drucker proposed the "management economy" at that time and would be converted into an "entrepreneurial economy" in the future. After the “Entrepreneurship Education” was listed as the “third education passport” by UNESCO in 1989, the importance of entrepreneurship education to improve the employment of graduates was constantly mentioned by experts and scholars, and it was requested to pay attention to the content of entrepreneurship education. . Afterwards, higher education colleges around the world, universities have gradually emerged various types of innovation, creative teaching content, hoping to enhance the ability of innovation, creative thinking, inspire more imagination from the big and small things in life, and develop A completely different solution or a better product, and finally set it up as a business that can operate independently.
However, under this ethos, research on "entrepreneurial education" has gradually been taken seriously, and research output has also grown considerably. The appearance, core and content of entrepreneurship education are more clear under the efforts of everyone. At present, there are related core foundations of entrepreneurship education. However, for entrepreneurship education in Taiwan, although the entrepreneurship education program in Taiwan has more than 10 years of experience, Still in the bud stage. Wen Yidong (2005) pointed out that there are still some blind spots in the current entrepreneurship curriculum in Taiwan. The school still teaches the teacher-based and subject-based teaching, integrates the individualized and competency-based educational concepts, and cultivates the teaching materials of entrepreneurial ability and entrepreneurship. . There is no list of so-called "core courses", and the Facilitating School Establishment Committee is available for reference at the time of its establishment.
In addition, since the research on entrepreneurship education in Taiwan mostly compares with whether entrepreneurship education affects the success of entrepreneurship, and rarely discusses whether the course content is in line with the core research papers of entrepreneurship education, this study uses secondary data collection method, and then collects The whole Taiwan entrepreneurship education through the expert interviews to the convergence of the entrepreneurship education curriculum, the convergence of the post-stroke expert questionnaire, and finally the questionnaire to allow the experts to choose the appropriate, remit the need to be included and in line with the core curriculum of entrepreneurship education.
This study conducts research on courses set up in the entrepreneurship education courses of colleges and universities in Taiwan. It collects the current courses offered by each school, and will complete a total of 547 courses in the course, sorting and selecting the courses with higher repetition. . Questionnaires are distributed to each role in the entrepreneurial ecosystem for questionnaires.
The results of this study found that at present, colleges and universities in Taiwan set up entrepreneurship education courses, although most of them have to be included in the core curriculum, but the elective courses are too broad, which may lead to students not being able to choose from the excessive elective courses. Educational courses and electives. In addition, many Dawan colleges and universities have found that the curriculum is set up in combination with the original resources of the school or the professional areas that are valued. Although students may perform entrepreneurial activities from the areas of importance, students can start their own business after graduation, and whether the students can fully practice the course. Knowledge and skills avoid the possible "death risk" and it may be necessary to observe the goal of true entrepreneurship education.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究問題與目的 3
一、研究問題 3
二、研究目的 3
第三節、研究範圍及對象 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節、創業教育 5
第二節、創業教育內容及台灣創業教育現況 7
第三章 研究方法 10
第一節、研究流程 10
第二節、研究方法定義 10
第四章 研究結果與分析 12
第五章 結論與建議 15
第一節、研究結論及管理意涵 15
第二節、研究貢獻 16
第三節、未來研究建議 17
第四節、研究限制 18
參考文獻 19
一、 中文部分 19
二、 英文部分 19
三、 網路資料 20
附錄一 研究問卷 問卷一 21
附錄二 研究問卷 問卷二 26
附件三 篩選後創業教育學程開設課程比較表 29

圖 1:大專校院創新創業教育校園扎根架構圖 9
圖 2:研究方法流程圖 10

表 1:臺灣地區U-Star入選團隊所在學校之開設創業教育學程之課程 8
表 2:專家問卷回收彙整 14
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2.教育部青年發展署補助大專畢業生創業服務計畫經費審查作業要點 (https://www.yda.gov.tw/Content/RegulatoryInfo/contents.aspx?&SiteID=563426067575657313&MmmID=563651062225116435&MSID=563651071174747631 )

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