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研究生(外文):Wen-Zhi Tseng
論文名稱(外文):The research on brain wave for the impact of the directional vision sign
外文關鍵詞:brain interfacedirectional signspectrum analysisbrain wave characteristic signal
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本研究所開發的頻譜分析演算法可將資料分析 0.25Hz,因此可以細分出更精細的腦波頻段。本身有相關的腦波頻段為Delta(0.25~3Hz)、Theta(4~7Hz)、Low Alpha(8~9Hz)、Middle Alpha(9~12Hz)、High Alpha(12~14Hz)、Low Beta(12.5~16Hz)、Middle Beta(16.5~20Hz)、High Beta(20.5~28Hz)與Gamma(30~70Hz)這9個頻率中評估視覺觀看定向標誌會明顯影響頻率程度。 [4]

本篇論文的研究結果顯示,透過視覺觀看定向標誌的情況下,各個頻率波段都較有活躍的影響。在觀看定向標誌圖片視覺刺激會對Low Beta、High Beta 跟 Gamma等3個波段造成腦波較為活躍的顯著影響,較專注狀況下效果提升更加明顯,而對Low Alpha、Middle Betta兩個波段的方向有無顯著變化,在較專注的狀態下Gamma效果會更加明顯。
Directional markers have a considerable impact on human brain waves, and brain wave frequencies have the effect of training and understanding of physical and mental conditions, but lack of scientific verification. This study proposes to explore the direction arrow of visual viewing with the brain wave characteristic band, and the experiments to capture human vision through a brain waver to generate brain wave signals in viewing directional signs, and to determine the characteristic band of the common influence in the viewing state by statistical analysis of the brain wave characteristic band. [1]
Direction for human brain waves is quite a difference, brain waves have the effect of training and understanding of physical and mental conditions, but lack of scientific verification. This study proposes to explore the visual viewing direction arrow stoicism with the brain wave characteristic band, and the experiment to capture human vision through the brain wave instrument to produce brain wave signal analysis in viewing directional signs, and to determine the characteristic band of the viewing state by statistically the brain wave characteristic band of the relevant sample.
The spectrum analysis algorithm developed by the Institute can fine-tune data analysis to 0.25Hz, so that more granular brain wave bands can be subdivided. There are related brain wave bands for Delta(0.25~3Hz), Theta(4~7Hz), Low Alpha(8~9Hz), Middle Alpha(9~12Hz), High Alpha(12~14Hz), Low Beta(12.5~16Hz), Middle Beta(16.5~20Hz), High Beta(20.5~28Hz) and Gamma(30~70Hz) are nine frequencies to evaluate the degree of frequency of visual viewing directional markers.
The results of this paper show that in the case of visual viewing of directional signs, the frequency bands are more active. In watching the directional logo picture visual stimulation will cause the brain waves more active in the three bands, such as Low Beta, High Beta and Gamma, the effect is more obvious, and there is no significant change in the direction of the Low Alpha, Beta Middle two bands, The Gamma effect is more pronounced in a more focused state.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
章節目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1腦機介面 3
2.1.1何謂腦機介面 3
2.1.2腦機介面的應用 3
2.2大腦 4
2.3腦波 5
2.3.1腦波起源 5
2.3.2腦波的種類 6
2.4視覺 7
2.4.1 視覺形成過程 7
2.4.2 視覺訊息傳遞至大腦 7
第三章 研究方法 8
3.1實驗架構 8
3.2 實驗工具 9
3.3 實驗流程 11
第四章 研究結果 14
4.1 Delta 波段(0.1~3 Hz) 16
4.1.1 觀看向上箭頭 16
4.1.2 觀看向下箭頭 19
4.1.3 觀看向左箭頭 21
4.1.4 觀看向右箭頭 25
4.2 Theta 波段(4~7 Hz) 27
4.2.1 觀看向上箭頭 28
4.2.2 觀看向下箭頭 30
4.2.3 觀看向左箭頭 32
4.2.4 觀看向右箭頭 36
4.3 Low Alpha 波段(8~9 Hz) 38
4.3.1 觀看向上箭頭 38
4.3.2 觀看向下箭頭 40
4.3.3 觀看向左箭頭 42
4.3.4 觀看向右箭頭 44
4.4 Middle Alpha 波段(9~12 Hz) 46
4.4.1 觀看向上箭頭 46
4.4.2 觀看向下箭頭 49
4.4.3 觀看向左箭頭 51
4.4.4 觀看向右箭頭 54
4.5 High Alpha 波段(12~14 Hz) 56
4.5.1 觀看向上箭頭 57
4.5.2 觀看向下箭頭 59
4.5.3 觀看向左箭頭 61
4.5.4 觀看向右箭頭 63
4.6 Low Beta 波段(12.5~16 Hz) 65
4.6.1 觀看向上箭頭 66
4.6.2 觀看向下箭頭 69
4.6.3 觀看向左箭頭 72
4.6.4觀看向右箭頭 74
4.7 Middle Beta 波段(16.5~20 Hz) 77
4.7.1 觀看向上箭頭 77
4.7.2 觀看向下箭頭 80
4.7.3 觀看向左箭頭 82
4.7.4 觀看向右箭頭 85
4.8 High Beta 波段(20.5~28 Hz) 87
4.8.1 觀看向上箭頭 88
4.8.2 觀看向下箭頭 92
4.8.3 觀看向左箭頭 96
4.8.4 觀看向右箭頭 100
4.9 Gamma 波段(30~70 Hz) 103
4.9.1觀看向上箭頭 104
4.9.2觀看向下箭頭 109
4.9.3觀看向左箭頭 115
4.9.4觀看向右箭頭 121
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 127
第六章 參考文獻 128
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