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Author (Eng.):Chih-Wei Wu
Title (Eng.):Study on the Application of 5G Communication and VR Tech-nology to Design Strategy of Online Shopping Platform
Advisor:陳文亮陳文亮 author reflink
Narrow Field:設計學門
Detailed Field:綜合設計學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2019
Graduated Academic Year:107
number of pages:157
keyword (chi):第五代行動通訊系統虛擬實境網購平台設計策略
keyword (eng):5th generation wireless communication systemVirtual Reality (VR)online shopping platformdesign strategy
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隨著網際網路科技深植民眾生活,傳統親臨實體店面的消費方式不再是購物的唯一途徑,網路資訊的普遍性、網購平台的便利性與消費者的需求性,營造出數位世代獨有的宅經濟文化,使得網購成為新的消費行為與趨勢。然而,目前網購平台設計上,對於商品的資訊描述常有語焉不詳之問題,圖片與影片的上傳也受到了頻寬的侷限,消費者無法明確地感受商品特色,使得對於網路購物的知覺風險大為提升,網路購物的經營模式發展至此,也面臨極大挑戰與瓶頸。慶幸的是拜數位技術進步與第五代通訊網路建置,未來各種高頻寬、低延遲、低成本、高容量的應用系統將深入生活中,加上虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)技術的進步,也將透過網路普及逐漸應用於各類型平台上,使得新型態的網購平台設計開發將會有嶄新的面貌。
有鑑於此,本研究旨在探究以5G通訊與VR技術觀點,應用於網購平台設計策略的研擬上,藉此探討第五代行動通訊、虛擬實境與網購平台跨域結合之特性,以提供具客觀、有系統且能獲得實際量化結果之設計策略模式,協助設計者於網購平台設計決策品質,進而增加實際的效益。研究首先透過文獻回顧與蒐集、現有網購平台分析等歸納彙整,初擬網購平台設計策略準則,而後以模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)來篩選設計策略準則,並建立層級架構;其次,以分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),計算各構面與各準則之權重值及排序,並進行一致性檢定,以確保其準確性與合理性。藉此建立虛擬實境網購平台之設計目標體系,以期能提供相關單位設計時的參考。
With Internet technology deeply rooted in people’s lives, traditional consumption in physical storefronts is no longer the only way to shop. The universality of online information, the convenience of online shopping platforms and the needs of consum-ers create a unique stay-at-home economy culture owned by digital generation, mak-ing online shopping become a new consumer behavior and trend. However, in terms of the current online shopping platform design, the information description of goods is often ambiguous, and the uploading of pictures and videos is limited by the bandwidth. Therefore, it is impossible for consumers to clearly feel the characteristics of the products, which greatly enhances the perceived risk of online shopping. The devel-opment of the online shopping business model is also facing great challenges and bot-tlenecks. Fortunately, thanks to digital technology advancement and the fifth genera-tion communication network, various applications with high-bandwidth, low-latency, low-cost and high-capacity will go deep into life in the future, and with the advance-ment of Virtual Reality technology which will gradually be applied to various types of platforms through network, making the design and development of new-formed online shopping platform show a span-new look.
In view of this, this study aims to explore the application of 5G communication and VR technology to the research on the design strategy of online shopping platform to explore the characteristics of the fifth generation mobile communication, the virtu-al reality and the online shopping platform, which provides an objective and system-atic design strategy model with practical quantitative results to improve designers’ design decision-making quality on online shopping platform, increasing actual bene-fits. Firstly, through literature review and collection and the induction of existing online shopping platform analysis, etc., the principles of the design strategy of online shopping platform are initially drafted. Later, Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) is used to filter the design strategy criteria and establish a hierarchical structure. Secondly, An-alytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to calculate the weight value and sorting of each facet criterion with consistency check to ensure their accuracy and rationality, by which a design target system of VR-based online shopping platform is established as a reference for the relevant unit design.
The results show that through the application of FDM, 5 facets and 33 policy guidelines are screened out. The facet contains visual interface, interactive system, information feedback, environmental design, VR function operation, etc. In terms of the weight sorting of the facet, information feedback is next, followed by VR function operation, visual design, interactive system, environmental design. As for the weight sorting of strategy guidelines, the first 10 items are in sequence of the functions which are product information description, gyroscope rotation function, icon design that is easy to identify, reduction of picture delay rate, simplification of the operation process, 3D immersive product presentation, pictured website information, accessibility of mobile phone to browse VR website, visualized graphic interface and use of the browser to browse VR website. Based on the research results, the advantage of the VR online shopping platform lies in the “virtual reality experience”, which makes the online shopping platform no longer just offer a simple product browsing and sales service, but allow consumers to experience products closely in virtual reality. This result can provide reference for e-commerce or website operators to plan the VR online shopping platform and think about the interactive service design of the website with a new perspective.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究範圍與限制 6
1.5 研究架構與流程 7
二、文獻探討 9
2.1 網路購物 9
2.1.1 網路購物行為 11
2.1.2 台灣網路購物現況 12
2.1.3 VR網購平台趨勢 17
2.1.4 網路購物相關研究 20
2.1.5 小結 23
2.2 虛擬實境 23
2.2.1 虛擬實境的類型 24
2.2.2 虛擬實境裝置類型 27
2.2.3 虛擬實境應用產業 30
2.2.4 小結 34
2.3 第五代行動通訊系統 34
2.3.1 行動通訊技術的演進 37
2.3.2 5G通訊系統的VR應用 38
2.3.3 5G通訊系統的應用研究 40
2.3.4 小結 42
2.4 設計策略 42
2.4.1 設計策略之擬定 43
2.4.2 設計策略之層級 45
2.4.3 小結 48
三、研究方法與步驟 49
3.1 模糊德爾菲法 50
3.1.1 模糊德爾菲法之應用 51
3.1.2 模糊德爾菲法實施步驟 55
3.2 分析層級程序法 57
3.2.1 分析層級程序法之應用 58
3.2.2 分析層級程序法實施步驟 63
四、結果與討論 69
4.1建立VR網購平台設計要素項目 69
4.1.1 初擬VR網路購物平台設計要素 70
4.1.2 評估要素樣本分析 74
4.2 VR網站設計要素之確認 78
4.2.1 設計要素專家之確認 78
4.2.2 設計要素經常使用者之確認 84
4.2.3 設計策略之層級架構建立 88
4.3 設計策略要素權重值 93
4.3.1 信度與效度分析 93
4.3.2 AHP問卷一致性檢定 96
4.3.3 主構面權重分析 97
4.3.4 各構面層權重分析 98
4.3.5 整體構面權重分析 104
五、結論與建議 113
5.1 研究結論 113
5.2 研究建議 117
5.3 研究達成之目標 118
參考文獻 119
附錄一、VR網購平台設計準則重要度調查問卷 138
附錄二、VR網購平台設計需求要素-AHP問卷 147
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