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研究生(外文):TSAI, CHENG-YU
論文名稱(外文):Research on Automatic Tool Changer for Die Cutting Machine
指導教授(外文):SU, CHIA-HSIANG
口試委員(外文):SU, CHERNG-YUH
外文關鍵詞:die-cutting machinecalibrationautomatic tool changermagazineobject packing systemoverlap
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In the past, cutting machine tools have been dominated by manual or semi-automated operations. This mode often causes problems in some processes, such as increased processing time, material waste, and operator risk. However, with the increase of competitors and the change of manufacturing type, it has been unable to meet the development trend of modern machine tools. Therefore, this study will start with a whole-machine automation and develop a new cutting system in a modular integration. In addition to the high-precision packing system, the die calibration technology will be integrated to develop a new tool change system and magazine. The cutting die is different from the milling cutter, which is mostly irregular in shape and needs to be completely fixed by a blade and cutter head. However, the center of the die must be found through the die corrector before the die is fixed, otherwise the overlap will occur when cutting. In order to complete the cutting machine automation and precision, the integration of packing, calibration and automatic tool changer system is very important. In the development of the magazine, this study will integrate an offline image calibration module. The die contour and alignment mark are directly projected by the die orientation of the packing system. Allows the operator to accurately lock the cutter on the blade according to this image, and then insert it into the magazine in sequence. In the new automatic tool changer part, the pneumatic system, servo motor, screw and sensor are used as the main components of the tool change positioning. Cutter management with human-machine interface (HMI), which automatically records tool magazine position, alarm and display the tool number. Remote monitoring can also be used to allow the outsiders to control the HMI to achieve stable, intelligent, fast and high-precision tool change. The integrated cutting machine can improve the time-consuming and inaccurate cutting of the tool change. The overall cutting deviation can be controlled about 0.1mm. It meets the development goal of cutting machine tools towards automation and precision.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目次 vi
圖目錄 vii
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究目的與動機 2
1.3研究構想 4
1.4本文架構 7
第 2 章 裁切機械與文獻探討 8
2.1衝壓裁切工具機 8
2.2 文獻與專利探討 12
第 3 章 換刀機構與校刀模組開發 17
3.1自動換刀機構開發 17
3.1.1 四軸衝壓裁切工具機 17
3.1.2換刀機構設計與規劃 18
3.1.3軸控設定與測試 20
3.2離線式之虛實互動校刀模組開發 23
3.2.1刀模冶具改良與新式校刀模組設計 23
第 4 章 換刀測試與裁切機全機自動化 27
4.1換刀前置作業與作動流程規劃 27
4.2 換刀模組軟硬體整合 30
4.2.1 程式布局與互動式人機介面設計 32
4.2.2 刀庫管理 34
4.2.3 實際換刀測試 38
4.2.4 數據收集與遠端監控 41
第 5 章 結論與未來展望 45
5.1結論 45
5.2未來展望 46
參考文獻 47

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