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論文名稱(外文):Study of Fashion Models Body Image and Eating Behaviors
外文關鍵詞:fashion modelsbody imageeating behaviorseating disorderBMI
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This study looks into the changes in body image of professional fashion models in Northern Taiwan, taking into account age and gender. We also investigate models’ dietary tendencies, and whether they are at risk of suffering from an eating disorder. A sample of 160 self-administered questionnaires and 37 interviews were obtained. The questionnaires show that 72 out of 73 male models are within the normal weight range, with an average BMI of 21.6; while 73 out of 87 female models are underweight, with an average BMI of 17.7. There are 81.6% of professional fashion models were found to be underweight. The results of the questionnaire show that female models tended to lose weight, while male models tended to gain it. The results show that 30.1% male models underestimate their weight, while 83.9% female models overestimate their weight, revealing a gender-based deviation between self-perceived and actual body weight. A correlation is shown between a higher body image score and seniority, as models under three years have the lowest body image scores, while models with over ten years of experience have the highest body image scores. While comparing genders, female models’ body image scores were higher than their male counterparts. However, male models were more satisfied with their body satisfaction than female models, which met our interviews. Female models placed more value on appearance than male models. Dietary tendencies and seniority seem to be unrelated. Models had an average nutrition intake, consuming enough grains and root vegetables, but somewhat lacking in dairy products. Models showed poor eating tendencies, such as using food to celebrate or reward themselves. The dining time is not fixed, and they usually eat beyond the time for three meals, and do not emphasize techniques of Calorie intake. In this study, 19 models showed disordered eating, but models are not a high risk group for eating disorders. Self-perceived body weight is highly correlated with eating disorders, as those who overestimated their weight accounted tended to suffer from disordered eating. In-depth interviews found that male models tended to exercise to maintain their figure, while female models tended to diet in order to keep in shape. In this study, social media has been shown to have a positive influence in both body image and eating behaviors in models. It is recommended for models to build up a positive body image, and develop proper eating behaviors, and then influence the public perception of beauty and healthy eating behaviors through social media. It is also recommended that model agencies should not only look at body weight. They should also offer models healthy eating information and appropriate fitness courses, encouraging acceptance for all body types and promoting a healthy body image.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與重要性 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究問題 3
第四節 名詞詮釋與界定 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 模特定義 6
第二節 身體意象 11
第三節 飲食行為 16
第四節 身體意象與飲食行為相關研究 24
第五節 研究假設 26
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究架構 27
第二節 研究對象 28
第三節 研究工具 29
第四節 實施的程序及步驟 36
第五節 資料處理與分析 38
第四章 研究結果與討論 40
第一節 模特背景變項之現況分析 40
第二節 模特身體意象與飲食行為之現況分析 53
第三節 模特背景變項與身體意象之關係 69
第四節 模特背景變項與飲食行為之關係 73
第五節 模特背景變項與身體意象與飲食行為之影響分析 77
第六節 質性研究與量化結果對照資料 83
第五章 結論與建議 99
第一節 結論 99
第二節 研究限制 101
第三節 建議 102
參考文獻 103
附錄一 TUM-IRB免同意書中英文通過證明函 113
附錄二 一對一深入訪談大綱 115

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