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研究生(外文):Tzu-Jung Fu
論文名稱(外文):Reusing soybean residue for the bioactive compounds production by solid-state fermentation of medicinal or culinary mushrooms
指導教授(外文):Fan-Chiang Yang
口試委員(外文):Sung-Chyr LinDe-Wei MaChin-Fa Hwang
外文關鍵詞:soy residuessolid-state fermentationGanoderma lucidumbioactive compoundsbioreactor
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近年來 ,藥用菇類越來越受到重視,其含有的多種生理活性都被證明對人體
有益,本研究計畫分別比較不同菇類的生理活性含量 並針對靈芝做進一步的 研
究,包括 濃度 、時間及生物反應器培養,探討菇類固態發酵菌絲體生長與生理活
性生成 的影響。 另外,也將豆渣回收再利用於固態發酵中。
研究 共分為三部分,第一部分比較不同菇類的菌絲體生長及生理活性的生成,
發現麥角固醇、蛋白質、捕捉 DPPH自由基能力、還原力以及總多酚 表現最好的
分別是木耳 (0.286mg/g)、雲芝 (152.1mg/g)、杏鮑菇 (109.9%)、香菇 (700nm吸收值
1.58)以及靈芝 (3.03mg/g),此部分也針對異黃酮的生物轉換做分析討論 ,期望利
用真菌培養將異黃酮糖苷轉換成異黃酮糖苷配基 ,結果 顯示真菌無法成功轉換,
在生長過程中也有消耗異黃酮的現象 。第二部分探討 不同成分的添加物(綠茶、
接著改用不同綠茶粉末濃度進行固態添加物與靈芝豆渣發酵培養 ,綠茶粉末的添
加有效提升靈芝 產生粗三萜,當添加濃度為 2g/80g 培養基 時有 5.02mg/g的生成
量,是控制組的 3.61倍,但在抗氧化方面並無明顯正面的影響。第三部分為設計
強制通氣 多層板 式 反應器, 作為規模放大生產基礎探討 設 計兩種不同通氣量
1mL/min、 0.75mL/min 實驗結果顯示, 通氣量大小明顯影響靈芝菌絲體生長
之情形,當通氣量大時有利於其生長。而 當通氣量為 1mL/min時, 比起傳統固態
發酵培養 也 更有助於粗三萜的合成 ,培養兩週的粗三萜生成量就已達到 4.57mg/g D.W.,是傳統固態發酵培養在六週時有最大值的 2.6倍 。
Medicinal mushrooms have received more and more attention recently, and their various bioactive compounds have been proved to be beneficial to the human body. The aim of this study was to explore the physiological activity content of different mushrooms and different solid-state fermentation with various concentrations, time in different types of bioreactor for the mycelium growth and metabolites of Ganoderma lucidum. In addition, soy residues (Okara) were reused as the medium in solid-state fermentation.
This study could be categorized into three parts. In the first part, the bioactive compounds of different mushroom fermented products were explored. The highest levels of various bioactive compounds in different fermented products were described as follows: ergosterol of 0.286mg/g D.W. in Auricularia auricula, protein content of 152.1mg/g D.W. in Coriolus versicolor, scavenging of DPPH of 109.9% in Pleurotus eryngii, reducing power absorbance of 1.58 in Lentinus edodes, and polyphenol of 3.03mg/g D.W in Ganoderma lucidum. Secondly, four different types of additives sodium acetate, tomato juice, carrot juice and green tea were used as an inducer or precursor to increase the bioactive compounds production of Ganoderma lucidum. The results show that only green tea was found to have a positive effect on the formation of bioactive compounds. Different amounts of green tea powder were added in the solid state fermentation, and green tea powder of 2g/80g medium could effectively increase production of crude triterpenoid to the concentration of 5.02mg/g D.W., and was 3.61 times higher than the control. Finally, a novel bioreactor with forced aeration was designed for solid-state fermentation. High aeration rate was demonstrated to enhance the production of bioactive compounds and the mycelia growth. The novel bioreactor could be used for the large-scale production in the future.
第一章 緒論 .............................1
1-1 前言 ................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的....................... 2
第二章 文獻回顧.......................... 3
2-1 真菌類的介紹 .........................3
2-1-1 靈芝 ...............................3
2-1-2 雲芝 ...............................8
2-1-3 香菇............................... 9
2-1-4 猴頭菇............................. 11
2-1-5 黑木耳............................. 13
2-1-6 秀珍菇............................. 15
2-1-7 杏鮑菇............................. 15
2-2 固態發酵............................. 18
2-2-1 固態發酵培養之優點 ..................18
2-2-2 固態發酵培養之缺點 ..................20
2-2-3 固態發酵與傳統深層培養之比較......... 21
2-2-4 固態發酵參數.........................22
2-2-5 板式固態生物反應器.................. 23
2-3 固態基質............................. 24
2-3-1 豆渣 ...............................24
2-3-2 小米 ...............................28
2-4 異黃酮 ................................30
2-4-1 大豆異黃酮 (soy isoflavone SI)...... 31
2-4-2 大豆異黃酮的生物可用度 ...............32
2-4-3 異黃酮糖苷 (IG)到異黃酮糖苷配基 (IA)的微生物轉換.......... 33
2-5 前驅物及誘導子添加..................... 35
2-5-1 三萜類合成機制....................... 35
2-5-2 醋酸鈉.............................. 37
2-5-3 番茄.................................37
2-5-4 胡蘿蔔.............................. 38
2-5-5 綠茶................................ 38
第三章 實驗材料與方法....................... 40
3-1 實驗架構 ...............................40
3-2 實驗材料............................... 41
3-2-1 實驗菌株............................. 41
3-2-2 實驗藥品與材料........................ 42
3-3 實驗儀器與設備.......................... 44
3-4 實驗方法............................... 45
3-4-1 培養基製備 ............................45
3-4-2 不同菇類豆渣發酵物生理活性比較........... 45
3-4-3 時間對不同液態添加物豆渣 靈芝培養之影響... 45
3-4-4 濃度對綠茶粉末添加於豆渣靈芝培養之影響.... 46
3-4-5 設計多層板反應器培養靈芝................. 47
3-5 分析方法 ..................................48
3-5-1 樣品製備................................ 48
3-5-2 甲醇萃取液製備........................... 48
3-5-3 捕捉 DPPH自由基能力測定................... 48
3-5-4 還原力 (Reducing power) 測定............. 49
3-5-5 總多酚 (Total phenol)測定................ 49
3-5-6 麥角固醇測定 (Ergosterol)測定 .............51
3-5-7 蛋白質測定................................ 53
3-5-8 粗三萜 (Crude triterpeniod)測定........... 55
3-5-9 異黃酮測定................................ 56
第四章 結果與討論 ................................57
4-1 不同菇類生理活性之比較........................ 57
4-2 不同菇類異黃酮生物轉換之比較................... 61
4-3時間對不同液態添加物豆渣靈芝培養之影響 ...........62
4-3-1 綠茶及醋酸鈉溶液添加......................... 64
4-3-2 番茄汁及胡蘿蔔汁添加 .........................68
4-4濃度對不同固態添加物豆渣靈芝培養之影響............ 72
4-4-1 綠茶粉末添加................................. 72
4-5多層板 式反應器培養靈芝 ..........................76
第五章 結論與未來展望............................... 80
5-1 結論 ...........................................80
5-2 未來展望....................................... 81
第六章 參考文獻..................................... 82
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