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論文名稱(外文):Modifying the solubility of enzymatically synthesized PEDOT:PSS and establishing it’s degradation method
中文關鍵詞:導電高分子 降解反應
外文關鍵詞:PEDOT:PSSdegradation method
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To date,Poly 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene: polystyrene sulfonic acid (PEDOT:PSS) has been developed in many electronic products, and its application level is quite wide, mainly due to excellent optical properties and stable and relatively stable processes. It is widely used in commercial applications relative to other conductive polymers. There are many ways to manufacture conductive polymers, but it is often use some strong oxidant in an extreme pH environment to react. It is difficult to avoid the environmental impact from the process. To avoid this, in this study uses the enzyme horseradish peroxidase to catalyze the synthesis of PEDOT:PSS, using the relatively mild reaction process of the enzyme polymerization to avoid environmental damage, and also uses the enzyme as a catalyst to control the reaction wide, so that the synthesis process is much better. This study is quite wide. In order to shorten the time for synthesize PEDOT:PSS, we chang the heating methods, using Microwave Digestion System instead of the traditional water bath as a heating source and to evaluate results of the presence or absence of enzymes in different heating methods; The research use the method of heat treatment to change the properties of PEDOT:PSS film to make it insoluble in water. The conductive polymer film is coated by spin coating method, and the properties of the film are changed by SDS solvent and heat treatment. We use hydrogen peroxide to degrade the oxidation reaction of PEDOT:PSS, and add FeCl2 to catalyze the generation of peroxygen radicals. It is expected to rapidly degrade PEDOT:PSS conductive polymer.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第1章 緒論1
1.1. 導電高分子簡介1
1.1.1. 導電高分子導電原理2
1.1.2. 導電高分子參雜3
1.1.3. 導電高分子應用4
1.1.4. 導電高分子PEDOT5簡介5導電高分子PEDOT合成6應用8
1.2. 酵素簡介11
1.2.1. 辣根過氧化酶11
1.2.2. 辣根過氧化酶結構12
1.2.3. 辣根過氧化酶催化反應機制13
1.3. 降解有機污染物15
第2章 研究目的17
2.1. 微波消化合成PEDOT:PSS實驗17
2.2. 利用熱處理方式使PEDOT:PSS不溶於水實驗18
2.3. PEDOT:PSS 薄膜塗佈實驗19
2.4. PEDOT:PSS降解實驗19
第3章 實驗設備與藥物耗材20
3.1. 實驗藥品20
3.2. 實驗儀器21
3.2.1. 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)21
3.2.2. FTIR21
3.2.3. 密閉式微波消化器(CEM MARS 6 Microwave Digestion System)21
第4章 微波消化合成PEDOT:PSS實驗22
4.1. 實驗藥品22
4.2. 實驗方法23
4.2.1. 藥品配製24
4.2.2. 實驗步驟27
4.3. 分析與結果討論29
4.3.1. 微波消化反應器對合成效果影響29
4.3.2. 有無添加HRP在微波消化反應器的合成效果31
第5章 提升PEDOT:PSS薄膜水不溶性33
5.1. 實驗藥品33
5.2. 實驗方法34
5.3. 實驗結果37
5.3.1. PEDOT:PSS薄膜不同熱處理方式結果37
5.3.2. 不溶於水PEDOT:PSS分析38
第6章 PEDOT:PSS 薄膜塗佈實驗46
6.1. 實驗藥品46
6.2. 藥品製備47
6.3. 實驗方法47
6.3.1. 藥品配製47
6.3.2. 實驗步驟48
6.4. 實驗結果50
6.4.2. Dopping with SDS51
6.4.3. 四點探針分析52
第7章 PEDOT:PSS降解實驗55
7.1. 實驗藥品55
7.2. 實驗方法55
7.3. 實驗步驟56
7.3.1. 利用H2O2降解PEDOT:PSS56
7.3.2. 利用Fe2+催化 H2O2降解PEDOT:PSS57
7.4 實驗結果59
7.4.1 H2O2對降解PEDOT:PSS的影響59
7.4.2 不同濃度H2O2對降解PEDOT:PSS的影響60
7.4.4 Fe2+對H2O2降解PEDOT:PSS的影響62
7.4.5 Fe2+濃度對H2O2降解PEDOT:PSS的影響65
第8章 實驗總結與未來展望67
第9章 未來展望68
第10章 參考文獻69
致謝 73

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