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研究生(外文):Jeremy Chang
論文名稱(外文):Machine Learning Application: Correlation between Visual and Video Advertisement
外文關鍵詞:Eye TrackingVideo Advertisement AnalysisArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningRandom Forest Algorithm
  • 被引用被引用:4
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  網路廣告則通常根據點擊率(Click through rate,縮寫CTR),又稱點閱率,也就是根據廣告被使用者點擊的次數與廣告顯示的次數,來衡量廣告的成效;然而實際上,當人們受到網路上的廣告吸引時,滑鼠的點擊卻並非必要的動作,「觀看者視線」是否有在廣告上才是真正的判斷依據,而現今的廣告成效計算方法並未考量到「觀看者視線」這個因素。


  Thanks to the popularity of modern networks, the number of Internet users has been growing high. More people watch videos on the Internet than that on televisions. Advertising industry on the Internet experience a vigorous growth in recent years. At the same time, people come to perceive different opinions and thoughts on the efficiency of video advertisements.

  Online advertising is usually based on “CTR”, an abbreviation of “Click through Rate”, to measure the efficiency of the advertisements or the total length of footage that advertisements showed to the viewers and the number of times each advertisement is actually clicked by the viewers. However, these evaluation methods are generally considered only reference-worthy. There is a more promising way to confirm the advertisements are actually watched by people. It is eye tracking technology.

  Our research discusses the application of eye tracking device, through the visual analysis system we developed, to collect the information from viewers’ sight line, which directly allows us to recognize in which objects or details that video viewers are interested and to further acknowledge the efficiency of video advertisements. Furthermore, we also employ the technology of Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning in the system, so the machine can analyze the final result and to further predict more information from data we have collected in the advertisements.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 V
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 影像廣告的效益 3
2.2 眼動追蹤技術 4
2.3 影像廣告與眼動追蹤的互動關係 7
2.4 Area of Interest (AOI) 9
2.5 人工智慧機器學習 11
第三章 研究方法與設計 17
3.1 視覺分析系統 17
3.1.1 影像控制與AOI繪製 18
3.1.2 視點紀錄與資料處理 23
3.2 眼動儀的連結與資料蒐集的方法 25
3.2.1 眼動儀的連結 26
3.2.2 資料蒐集的方法 27
3.3 資料前處理 32
3.4 機器學習的訓練和演算法模型 35
第四章 研究結果與發現 37
第五章 結論 40
參考文獻 42
附錄一:廣告觀後問卷 45

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