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研究生(外文):LIU, YI-LING
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of real-time biofeedback on VDT operators’ neck-shoulder workload
外文關鍵詞:VDT operationshoulder and neck painbiofeedback
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研究結果顯示實驗組在兩種壓力下中段的提肩胛肌(低、中p<0.001, pair-t)與斜方肌(低:p<0.001、中:p=0.005, pair-t)的肌電訊號平均強度,以及頭部角速度(低:p=0.001、中:p=0.003, pair-t)、活動範圍(低:p=0.001、中:p=0.005, pair-t)皆明顯低於前段,表示視覺回饋可以有效地降低肌肉負荷;而兩種壓力下的中段斜方肌、提肩胛肌肌電訊號皆與後段無顯著差異。對照組實驗結果顯示在兩種壓力條件下,三段時間的肌電訊號平均強度皆無顯著差異,表示實驗組中段降低不是單純因為前段時間的學習效應,而是受到視覺回饋的影響,而這種影響可能有短暫的持續效用。
The purpose of this study utilizes visual display to present the physiological feedback of computer typists, and explore the effect of such measures on the autonomous control of their shoulder-neck workload. The EMG intensity of a participants' scapular and trapezius muscles was displayed on the screen in real-time feedback in relative colors so that the participant knew his/her muscle load when typing. Forty-two subjects who participated in this experimental study are divided into the experimental group (22 subjects) and the control group (20 subjects). Each subject received a low-pressure (low-speed general typing) and a medium-pressure (low-speed mental arithmetic + typing) tests. The pressure levels of the tests were randomly assigned, and each test was performed for a nine-minute typing test. The 9-minute test is further divided into three 3-minute sections. The visual biofeedback is provided to the experimental group but not the control group during the middle section test (4-6 minutes). The EMG and the head position angle are recorded throughout the entire test, and a questionnaire using a Borg CR10 scale to measure the degree of fatigue is conducted after each 9-minute test.
The experimental group showed significantly decreased EMG intensity in levator scapulae (p<0.001) and trapezius muscles (p<0.005) and significantly reduced head angular velocity (p<0.003) and range of motion (p<0.005) in the mid-section than in the first section at both low and medium pressure levels. However, no significant differences in muscle activities were observed between the mid-section and the last section under two pressure levels. Conversely, the control group showed no significant difference in the muscle activities between sections under any pressure level. The experimental results indicate the significant improvement in muscle activities and head movement during the mid-section is caused by the use of visual feedback, not by the learning effect. Moreover, the positive effect of biofeedback can last for a period of time.
With the visual biofeedback, participants’ muscle workload and the head-neck movement are both reduced so as to improve the VDT working posture. Nevertheless, the use of visual feedback will cost some visual capacity in VDT work. This study suggests it’s worth considering the use of different biofeedback pathway in the future for reducing the pain in workers’ neck and shoulder.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 電腦作業影響肩頸負荷的因素 4
2.2 生理回饋裝置 5
第三章 研究方法 8
3.1 實驗對象 8
3.2 實驗設備 9
3.2.1 工作站設計 9
3.2.2 生理負荷與角度量測 10
3.2.3 打字測試軟體 11
3.2.4 主觀評估量表 13
3.3 實驗設計 13
3.4 實驗流程 15
3.5 資料處理與分析 16
3.5.1 角度 16
3.5.2 肌電訊號 16
3.5.3 錯誤率 17
3.5.4 統計分析 17
第四章 研究結果 18
4.1 實驗組 18
4.1.1 肌電訊號 19
4.1.2 角度參數 20
4.1.3 錯誤率 21
4.1.4 各部位主觀疲勞不適程度 22
4.2 對照組 23
第五章 討論 24
5.1 視覺回饋對肩頸負荷之影響 24
5.2 視覺回饋對頭部姿勢之影響 29
5.3 回饋機制下的調整動作 29
第六章 結論 31
參考文獻 32
附錄A 38
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