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研究生(外文):WANG, YU-KAI
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Vacuum Distillation and the Production of Emulsion Fuels of Waste Metalworking Fluids
指導教授(外文):CHEN, YI-HUNG
外文關鍵詞:Rotating packed bedEmulsion fuelWaste metalworking fluidsThermal NOx
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本研究主要目的為廢切削液(Waste metalworking fluids)的去化處理,以旋轉填充床(Rotating packed bed, RPB)設備進行真空蒸餾(Vacuum distillation)與產製乳化燃料(Emulsion fuels),分別稱為真空蒸餾用與轉製乳化燃料用旋轉填充床。真空蒸餾是利用兩種物質的沸點不同來達到分離目的,並透過真空技術使廢切削液的沸點降低。測試不同壓力、溫度及廢水種類下,廢切削液的COD去除率可超過90%,同時含水量也可至少減量90%。乳化燃料是由廢切削液與燃料經過乳化作用(Emulsification)而製成,常見的燃料有柴油、生質柴油、生質燃料及重油等,而廢切削液則是由10%油相與90%水相組成。藉由旋轉填充床的特性及廢乳化液的乳化劑,使廢乳化液與燃料於無添加乳化劑的情況下,也能得到乳化穩定性佳的乳化燃料。探討乳化燃料於不同水相含量與乳化劑含量對空污及燃燒效率的影響,將乳化燃料於柴油發電機及鍋爐燃燒,量測其燃燒尾氣之NOx、SO2、CO、CO2與O2的濃度變化。以實驗室攪拌機及超音波震盪機所配製之水相含量9%的乳化柴油,於柴油發電機燃燒後可降低35.1%的NOx排放濃度,這是因為當乳化燃料中水蒸發時,會吸收燃燒室的熱而導致環境溫度下降,因此能同時減少熱氮氧化物生成量與降低燃燒效率。廢切削液增加的同時,乳化燃料的熱值也因此下降,使得乳化燃料的油耗比起原始燃料更多。
The purpose of this study is for the treatment of waste metalworking fluids (MWF) by vacuum distillation or converting into emulsion fuel. Emulsion fuels were produced by the rotating packed bed (RPB). Vacuum distillation separates the substance based on boiling points of water. Test experiments were conducted under different pressure, temperature, and MWF types. The residual MWF can have a COD removal percentage of greater than 90%, and the water content can be reduced by at least 90%. The emulsion fuel consists of waste MWF and fuels. The fuels used in the study include diesel fuel, biodiesel, biofuel and heavy oil, while metalworking fluids are composed of about 10% oil and 90% water. Because of the intensification of RPB and the emulsifier within the waste MWF, the emulsion of waste MWF and fuel do not require additional emulsifier. When the composition of emulsion fuel passes the centrifugation and high-temperature test, the emulsion fuel would further proceed the combustion test to examine the effect of water and MWF contents on the air pollutant emission and combustion efficiency. The emulsion fuel was burned in a diesel generator and a boiler, respectively, and then the concentrations of NOx, NO, SO2, CO, CO2 and O2 in the combustion exhaust gas were measured. The emulsified diesel fuel with a waste MWF content of 9% prepared by laboratory mixer and ultrasonic oscillator can reduce the NOx emission concentration of 35.1% using a diesel generator. However, the concentrations of SO2 and CO increased to 60.9% and 44.5%, respectively, as the content of waste MWF increased. Because the waste MWF contains sulfur, the concentration of SO2 is increased. When the water of the emulsion fuel evaporates, the heat of the combustion chamber is absorbed. The temperature of the combustion chamber is lowered, so the concentration of NOx and the combustion efficiency are reduced. While the contents of waste MWF increased, the heating value of the emulsion fuel decreased which is lower than that of the fuel. The fuel consumption of the emulsion fuel is greater than that of the original fuel.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 廢切削液 5
2.1.1 分類組成 5
2.1.2 產生來源 5
2.2 廢切削液去化 6
2.2.1 濃縮處理 7 薄膜蒸餾 8 真空蒸餾 8 重力分離 11 過濾法 11 薄膜分離 11
2.2.2 直接處理 12 電解法 12 生物處理 12 乳化技術 13 直接燃燒 13
2.3 乳化燃料 14
2.3.1 燃料種類 14 石化柴油 14 生質柴油 15
2.3.2 乳化型態 17
2.3.3 乳化劑 20
2.4 超重力旋轉填充床 21
2.4.1 超重力因子 23
2.4.2 液體流態 24
第三章 儀器設備及研究方法 25
3.1 實驗流程 25
3.1.1 真空蒸餾 25
3.1.2 乳化燃料 30
3.2 實驗藥品與設備 35
3.2.1 實驗藥品 35
3.2.2 實驗設備 35
3.3 實驗分析方法 40
3.3.1 含水量 40
3.3.2 酸鹼值 41
3.3.3 化學需氧量 42
3.3.4 熱值 43
3.3.5 乳化穩定性 43
3.3.6 燃燒尾氣 44
3.3.7 能耗與能源效率 46
第四章 結果與討論 47
4.1.1 不同種類廢液之影響 50
4.1.2 不同操作壓力之影響 51
4.1.3 不同循環流量之影響 52
4.2 乳化燃料之乳化穩定性 57
4.2.1 不同水相含量之影響 58
4.2.2 有無乳化劑之影響 61
4.2.3 不同燃料之影響 62
4.3 燃燒燃料與乳化燃料之尾氣比較 64
4.3.1 不同水相含量之油品燃燒測試 64
4.3.2 有無乳化劑之油品燃燒測試 80
第五章 結論與建議 91
5.1 結論 91
5.2 建議 92
參考文獻 93
附錄 97
A 機台與切削液用量(台灣經濟研究院,2018) 97
B 超級柴油物性規範(工業技術研究院,2008) 99
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F 不同水相含量之乳化柴油燃燒測試數據 104
G 有無乳化劑之乳化柴油燃燒測試數據 110
符號彙編 114
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