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研究生(外文):LIN, PEI-HUA
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Interactive Experience of Mobile Augmented Reality–With an Example of Hsinwawu Hakka Cultural District
指導教授(外文):LEE, LAI-CHUNG
外文關鍵詞:Mobile Augmented RealityMobile tour-guideCultural Heritage
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現今文化資產保存意識抬頭,當政府積極推廣數位化的文化資產保存時,眾多保存區仍以傳統導覽形式為主,缺乏永續的數位應用,因此本研究以行動擴增實境結合新瓦屋客家文化保存區中的客家元素,開發一款「新瓦屋Hakka AR園區導覽App」,期望解決傳統導覽的諸多限制。本研究開發之App透過辨識點規劃、導覽路線規劃、互動模式規劃及操作介面設計,以生動有趣的數位內容引導使用者至園區中的各個角落認識客家文化之美,讓使用者達到自我導覽服務體驗,藉此提升重視文化資產保存的意識。本研究透過三次實驗,採用訪談法、觀察法、及問卷法探討共97位不同參訪新瓦屋經驗的民眾使用此App的沈浸體驗感受,以及系統是否具易用性。分析結果顯示:(1)此App能提供良好的沈浸體驗。(2)此App對於不同來訪經驗的民眾之沈浸體驗感受並無明顯不同。(3)此App中不同導覽路線對於民眾之沈浸體驗感受有明顯不同。(4)此App具易用性。(5)此App能提升民眾認識新瓦屋客家文化保存園區與客家文化特色,提升文化資產保存的意識。本研究之貢獻在於探討民眾對於行動擴增實境結合客家文化的沈浸體驗感受程度,期望給予使用者最佳的導覽體驗,提供未來在行動導覽開發與文化遺產維護之參考。
Many countries promote the preservation of cultural heritage, but lack of effective management and planning. When Taiwan government actively promotes the preservation of digital cultural heritage, many cultural preservation districts are still dominated by traditional guides. It can’t provide a digital application service, even waste of resources and limited. There is no way to improve any problems with traditional navigation. This App provide a user-friendly navigation system through Mobile Augmented Reality combined with Hakka culture. Planning identification points, navigation routes, interactive mode and user Interface Design to Guide people to explore the beauty of Hakka culture in all corners of Hsinwawu Hakka Cultural Distric through lively and interesting digital application services. The purpose of this study is to address many of the limitations of traditional navigation, allowing visitors to achieve self-navigation service experience, and increase their interest in local culture and emphasis on preservation of cultural assets. This study through three experiments to test 97 people who had been to or had not been to Hsinwawu Hakka Cultural Distric before, using Interview Method, Observational Method, and Questionaire Survey to explore the effectiveness of flow experience and system usability in this App. The results show: (1) This MAR App has a good flow experience for the visitors. (2) This MAR App give similar flow experience for the first visitors and the people who have visited before. (3) This MAR App gives difference flow experience through the three guiding routes for the visitors. (4) This MAR App is easy to use, and its system is usability. (5) This MAR App helps people to get to know Hsinwawu Hakka Cultural District and Hakka Culture, and raises awareness of the preservation of cultural heritage.Finally, the contribution of this research is to explore flow experience of Hakka culture navigation in MAR, and offer the best navigation experience to people. In the future, provide reference for MAR development and operation of cultural heritage.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1新瓦屋介紹 5
2.1.1新瓦屋歷史背景 5
2.1.2新瓦屋之民族活動 7
2.1.3新瓦屋之園區組織結構 8
2.1.4新瓦屋之導覽形式 14
2.2擴增實境的發展與應用 16
2.2.1擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR) 16
2.2.3擴增實境的應用 18
2.3行動擴增實境的發展與應用 19
2.3.1行動擴增實境(Mobile Augmented Reality, MAR) 19
2.3.2行動擴增實境的發展 20
2.3.3行動擴增實的導覽應用案例 21
2.3.4行動擴增實境的介面設計 26
2.4沈浸體驗(Flow Experience) 29
2.5小結 30
第三章 系統開發 31
3.1系統設計理念 31
3.2系統架構 31
3.3體驗流程 33
3.4系統開發環境與工具 34
3.5系統內容規劃 34
3.5.1辨識點規劃 35
3.5.2導覽路線規劃 43
3.5.3互動模式規劃 46
3.5.4操作介面設計 49
第四章 研究設計與實施 55
4.1研究對象 55
4.2研究架構 55
4.3研究方法 56
4.4研究工具 60
4.5研究程序 75
4.6資料處理與分析 78
第五章 結果與討論 79
5.1訪談法結果分析 79
5.1.1前導實驗(一) 79
5.1.2前導實驗(二) 80
5.1.3正式實驗 82
5.2觀察法結果分析 83
5.2.1前導實驗(一) 83
5.2.2前導實驗(二) 85
5.2.3正式實驗 86
5.3問卷結果分析 88
5.3.1前導實驗(一) 89
5.3.2前導實驗(二) 95
5.3.3正式實驗 100
第六章 結論與建議 107
6.1結論 107
6.2建議 109
參考文獻 110
附錄一 訪談內容 116
附錄二 沈浸體驗量表 118
附錄三 系統易用性量表(SUS) 120

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