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論文名稱:透水鋪面對都市熱島效應影響之評估 -以國立臺北科技大學為例
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of the Effect of Permeable Pavement on Urban Heat Island Effect-A Case Study of National Taipei University of Technology
外文關鍵詞:Permeable PavementUrban Heat IslandMonitorNumerical SimulationFluent model.
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都市化(urbanization)已為全球趨勢,都市高度發展的過程中,產生自然生態系統與環境的負面影響且更加嚴重與普遍,使原本可以透水的土地開發成水泥叢林(Concrete jungle)。不透水路面增加與建物結構改變,不僅產生淹水問題,並且大量吸收太陽輻射與廢熱,導致都市熱島效應加劇。都市熱島效應已成為一個全球性的問題,其中大氣溫度高溫化為最顯著的影響,同時對於我們所居住的城市產生重大的影響,因此如何有效減緩都市熱島效應已成為全球高度關注之議題。本研究目的以探討透水鋪面對都市熱島效應影響之評估為主軸,將國立臺北科技大學校園作為研究範圍,於校園中三處鋪面裝置溫度監測儀器,分別為一處不透水鋪面與兩處透水鋪面,透過實際監測鋪面溫度,並應用ANSYS Fluent模式模擬鋪面溫度與比較在不同情境下校園鋪面溫度變化,探討透水鋪面對於都市熱島效應之影響。研究結果顯示,透水鋪面於晴天時溫度低於不透水鋪面,此現象於秋季與冬季時最為顯著,並且透過模擬結果得知校園的環域溫度變化。
Urbanization has become a global trend. In the process of urban development, the negative impacts of natural ecosystems and the environment have become more serious and widespread, and the land that could be permeable to water has been developed into the Concrete Jungle. The impervious pavement increases and the structural changes of the building not only cause flooding problems but also absorb a large amount of solar radiation and waste heat, increasing the urban heat island effect. The urban heat island effect has become a global problem. The atmospheric temperature was the most significant impact, and it has a significant impact on the cities we live in. Therefore, how to effectively mitigate the urban island effect has become a global concern. This study is to explore the assessment of the impact of the permeable pavement on the urban heat island effect. In this thesis, the National Taipei University of Technology were identified as the study area. The temperature sensor of the three paving installations on the campus was respectively an impervious paving and two permeable paving. Through the actual monitoring of the pavement temperature, and using the ANSYS Fluent model to simulate the pavement temperature and compare the campus pavement temperature changes in different situations, the study was to investigate the effect of permeable paving for urban heat island effect. The results show that the temperature of the permeable pavement was lower than the impervious pavement on the sunny day, which was most noticeable in autumn and winter. The temperature change of the campus ranges area was known by simulation results.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3章節介紹與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 都市熱島效應 5
2.1.1 定義與成因 6
2.1.2 影響 7
2.1.3 緩解辦法 8
2.2 鋪面溫度變化之相關研究 12
2.2.1 鋪面溫度監測文獻介紹 12
2.2.2 數值模擬相關文獻介紹 15
2.3 環境溫度模擬模式評估 16
2.3.1計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics) 16
2.3.2 流體力學模式評估與Fluent模式應用實例 17
第三章 研究方法 19
3.1研究區域概述 19
3.1.1研究區位背景介紹 19
3.1.2北科大概述 21
3.1.3北科大校園LID設施 23
3.1.4北科大透水鋪面介紹 25
3.2透水鋪面溫度監測說明 26
3.2.1監測點位評選 26
3.2.2溫度監測介紹 33
3.3校園環域溫度模擬 38
3.3.1模式介紹 38
3.3.2模式流程與建置 42
3.3.3模擬情境說明 44
3.3.4 研究模擬限制 45
3.3.5 模擬設置說明 45
第四章 結果與討論 58
4.1實際溫度監測數據 58
4.1.1長時間鋪面溫度變化 59
4.1.2每日12時 62
4.1.3長時間無降雨 67
4.1.4有效降雨之場次 76
4.2環域溫度模擬結果 84
4.2.1晴天情境模擬 85
4.2.2雨天情境模擬 88
第五章 結論與建議 91
5.1結論 91
5.2建議 92
參考文獻 93
附錄一 98
附錄一、各月有效降雨之鋪面溫度趨勢圖 99
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