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研究生:Haobijam Basanta
論文名稱(外文):Deep Learning Algorithms in Data Analysis and Image Classification
外文關鍵詞:Help to yousymptom checkervoice and gesture recognitiondeep learningdeep belief networkfuzzy analytical network processtransformed fuzzy neural networkconvolution neural networkbird classificationretinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
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Early recognition and diagnosis of disease are the best health practices in terms of minimizing health risks and limiting the dangers to well-being faced by each individual in their daily life. But most of the patients are daunted or neglected the preventive measures of health and safety challenges due to a lack of medical knowledge. They have under-recognized problems that can prompt conjunction with other health issues and exacerbate other diseases if not properly managed. Moreover, in the traditional healthcare, paper records are used to maintain the clinical history of the patients, which leads a greater risk of misplacement or lost and consequently hinder the treatment. So, it is vital to comprehend and recognize the preventive measures that can ensure proper care and improve or maintain quality of their daily life. To condense the risk for complications and assess the causes of unintended consequences of health risk this study aimed to validate the efficiency of constant monitoring and clinical data analysis of the patients from infants to elderly people by integrating diverse deep learning platforms in real time. The system includes Help-to-You (H2U) that can collect the Electronic Health Record (EHR) from the user through a mobile application. The collected clinical data can be monitored and managed seamlessly. Symptom checker which helps the user to define the type of ailments that they may have and suggests the right medical consultation. Voice and gesture recognition platform was used to control the user’s home appliances and gadgets. To ascertain and identify activities that are related to various health and self-care problems, a deep belief network (DBN) was used to monitor unsupervised, diverse daily life activities of patients or elderly people. Simulation results showed that the proposed system with DBN outperformed the support vector machines in terms of F1 score and accuracy in identifying daily activities. Uncertainty is an inherent problem of medical diagnosis due to the lack of sufficient evidences to assess a disease. A Fuzzy Analytical Network Process (FANP) with Transformed Fuzzy Neural Network (TFNN) was proposed to achieve best clinical judgement and precise treatment, especially applicable to enhance the classification accuracy. A benchmark dataset, diabetic retinopathy Debrecen was used to validate the model. Through the process, the model achieved 100% accuracy. A deep learning model using convolutional neural network (CNN) was designed to detect and classify the severity of ROP diseases which are especially observed in preterm infants with low birth weights. The model was applied to a group of patients at the early stages of the disease, i.e., stages 1 and 2. The inputs consisted 2205 annotated fundus images and validated by 441 test images with 10-fold cross validations. The preliminary result yielded a high accuracy rates for training and test datasets. Birdwatching is a recreational activity that can provide relaxation in daily life and promote resilience to face daily challenges. It can also offer health benefits and happiness derived from enjoying nature. Lastly, a CNN with skip connection was adopted to classify 3563 images of 27 endemic birds of Taiwan. The trained model was tested by 713 images, which achieved average sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 93.79%, 96.11%, and 95.37%, respectively. Timely recognition of health issues is mandatory and therefore the methods applied in this study might uplift a perspective on the treatment of patients. This process would impact immense benefit and improve the clinical data analysis with efficient classification of inherent problem of medical diagnosis.
List of Figures x
List of Tables xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problems Statement 2
1.2.1 Patient and Physical Safety 2
1.2.2 Decision Maker Concerns 3
1.3 Dissertation Development 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Fuzzy Analytical Approach 6
2.2.1 Fuzzy Number 6
2.2.2 Computational Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchal Process 7
2.3 Convolution Neural Network 9
2.3.1 Batch Normalization (BN) 10
2.3.2 ReLU Activation 11
2.3.3 Pooling Layer 11
2.4 Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) 13
2.5 Deep Belief Network (DBN) 16
Chapter 3 Internet of Deep Healthcare 18
3.1 Introduction 18
3.2 Internet of Deep Healthcare Architecture 19
3.3 Internet of Deep Healthcare Amenities 20
3.3.1 Insurance 20
3.3.2 First Aid 21
3.3.3 Emergency Support System 22
3.3.4 Medical Record 22
3.3.5 Medication Reminder 23
3.3.6 Fall Detection 24
Chapter 4 Health Symptom Checking System for Elderly People Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process 27
4.1 Introduction 27
4.2 MCDA Fuzzy AHP 28
4.3 Approach of Symptom Checker 29
4.4 Weight Determination for Various Diseases 31
4.5 Results 42
Chapter 5 Assistive Design for Elderly Living Ambient Using Voice and Gesture Recognition System 46
5.1 Introduction 46
5.2 Backbone Connection of Smart Environment 47
5.2.1 Voice Control 48
5.2.2 Gesture Control 51
5.2.3 Personal Monitoring System 58
5.3 Smart Interface 59
Chapter 6 Sensor-Based Detection of Abnormal Events in Daily Behavior of Elderly People by Using Deep Belief Network (DBN) 62
6.1 Introduction 62
6.2 Intelligent Home Environment 62
6.2.1 Data Acquisition by Sensors 62
6.2.2 Data Collection for Daily Activities 64
6.3 Network Architecture and Training 69
6.4 Results and Performance Evaluation 72
Chapter 7 A Fuzzy Approach to Determining Critical Factors of Diabetic Retinopathy and Enhancing Data Classification Accuracy 76
7.1 Introduction 76
7.2 Diabetic Retinopathy Dataset 77
7.3 Fuzzy Analytical Network Process (FANP) 78
7.4 Transformed Fuzzy Neural Network 81
7.5 Case Study 83
7.6 Experimental Results 95
7.6.1 Performance Evaluation 95
7.6.2 Association Rules 100
Chapter 8 Automated Detection of Early Stages Retinopathy of Prematurity with a Deep Convolution Neural Network 104
8.1 Introduction 104
8.2 Data Acquisition 105
8.3 Data Labelling 106
8.4 Data Generator 106
8.5 Network Architecture 107
8.6 Training of ROP Fundus Images 107
8.7 Experimental Results and Analysis 109
8.7.1 Statistics Analysis 109
8.7.2 Analysis of Misclassified Samples 110
Chapter 9 Bird Image Retrieval and Recognition Using Deep Learning Platform 112
9.1 Introduction 112
9.2 Data Acquisition 113
9.2.1 Internet of Bird (IoB) 113
9.2.2 Internet Bird Images 114
9.3 Proposed Deep Learning Model 115
9.3.1 CNN Architecture 115
9.3.2 Skip Connections 115
9.3.3 Training of the Bird Dataset 116
9.3.4 Feature Extraction 119
9.3.5 System Implementation 120
9.4 Experimental Results and Analysis 124
Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Works 131
10.1 Conclusions 131
10.2 Future Works 132
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