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研究生:Trizaurah Armiani
研究生(外文):Trizaurah Armiani
論文名稱(外文):Using Machine Learning Approach to Predict the Length of Stay for Pets in Shelter
指導教授:黃有評 教授
指導教授(外文):HUANG, YO-PING
外文關鍵詞:Animalassociation ruleapriorilength of staymachine learningensemble learning
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Pet animals play an important role in many people’s lives. Every single year, it occurred increasing enthusiasm of people to get pet. Recently, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), almost 85 million households have a pet. Obviously, trends have pets getting popular recently. Many people have pets to enhance relationships with partners, children or family members. Many elderly people like to have a pet as companionship because of loneliness. Adoption in animal shelter is one of the ways that common people do to get pet animal. The animal shelter provides various types of pets based on the adopter needed. The aim of this study was to know the behavior adopter pattern for pet adoption. This study only focused on cat and dog animals. Apriori association rule mining was used for finding interesting pattern from the animal shelter database. Moreover, this study generated models to predict how long pet animal stayed in shelter using machine learning approach from variables found to be important predictor in adoption. Intake reason, age, color, and primary breed were major determinants of adoption in cats. Intake reason, primary breed, color, secondary breed, and age were major determinants of adoption in dogs. Knowing the length of stay of animal in shelter was important, since in the animal shelter has space limitations. In case that it occurred overpopulation so the other problem would arise as maintenance and social problems. The results of this study could help animal shelter employees to increase level of participant of adopters. Once the behavior of adopter patterns was obtained, it could determine which characteristics of cat or dog have in demand by adopters. Furthermore, in case the length of stay of prediction result was long term, it could help animal shelter employees for making good decision whether to defend the animal in the shelter, or take other actions such as sale or donate the animal for health purpose.
Dedication iii
Acknowledgments iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Previous Related Works 4
1.3 Research Objective 6
1.4 Limitations 6
1.5 Thesis Development 7
Chapter 2 Literature Study 8
2.1 Length of Stay 8
2.2 Statistical Analysis - Chi Square Test 8
2.3 Machine Learning Method 10
2.3.1 Decision Tree 10
2.3.2 Naïve Bayes 12
2.3.3 Support Vector Classifier (SVC) 13
2.4 Ensemble Learning – AdaBoost Algorithm 16
2.5 K-Fold Cross Validation 17
2.6 Apriori Algorithm 19
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 22
3.1 System Design 22
3.2 Data Preparation 23
3.3 Pre-processing Data 24
3.4 Feature Extraction 28
3.5 Classification Method 29
3.6 Performance Measurement 29
3.7 Data Mining Process 31
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 32
4.1 Chi Square Test Results 32
4.1.1 LOS and Colors 32
4.1.2 LOS and Intake Reason 33
4.1.3 LOS and Primary Breed 34
4.1.4 LOS and Secondary Breed 35
4.1.5 LOS and Age 36
4.1.6 LOS and Gender 37
4.1.7 LOS and Coat Length 38
4.1.8 LOS and Type of Dog 39
4.1.9 Analysis Chi Square Test Results 39
4.2 Information Gain 41
4.3 Predicting Results 43
4.4 Association Rules Results 45
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 51
5.1 Conclusions 51
5.2 Future Work 51
References 52
Appendix 55
Appendix 1 Cat Categorization 55
Appendix 2 Dog Categorization 64

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