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研究生(外文):NGUYEN , THI LUA
論文名稱(外文):The Comparison Studies between Taiwanese and VietnameseSocial Media Platform
口試委員(外文):Wan-Erh ChiangWANG, SHU-MAN
外文關鍵詞:social mediauser behaviorentropy weightingTOPSIS
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隨著社群網路的發展出各式各樣的社群媒體,以及使用社群的人數持續上升,因此,社群媒體被視為新興的行銷溝通管道之一。人們可以透過社群媒體進行溝通,改善社交關係,得到娛樂用,來創作,分享,交流意見等。社群媒體可以用不同的形式來呈現,包括文字,圖案和音樂等。 社群媒體服務已經深入一般人的生活,服務內容也更多元,且加上硬體廠商不斷精進,軟體業者配合提升服務內容,社群媒體已成了多數現代人不可分割的生活必備品。
本研究根據社群媒體行銷衡量相關文獻指出有關瀏覽/蒐集,發布/分享,對話/評論,加入以共同創造等特性建立社群媒體行銷最主要研究架構,並以台灣及越南人一般較熟悉的社群媒體包括 Facebook,Instagram, Line, Zalo等四個社群媒體作為觀察對象,並針對越南社群媒體平台體與台灣社群媒體平台之比較使用者之樣本資料進行分析, 透過發問卷調查方式、先以敘述性統計分析、信度分析、熵值權重法計算權重後,再以 TOPSIS 法分析社群媒體平台之選擇優先順序。台灣和越南的比較,第一名的社群媒體都是Facebook; 第二名兩國不同,在台灣很喜歡用Line,在越南喜歡用當地的社群媒體Zalo, 第三名則是Instagram兩國ㄧ樣。最後研究結果可提供後續社群行銷進行修改平台決策之參考。

As the social network develops a wide variety of social media and the number of people using the community continues to rise, social media is seen as one of the emerging channels of marketing communication. People can communicate through social media, improve social relationships, get entertainment, create, share, and exchange ideas. Social media can be presented in different forms, including text, graphics, and music. The social media service has penetrated into the lives of ordinary people, and the service content is more and more, and with the continuous improvement of hardware manufacturers, the software industry has cooperated with the promotion of service content. The social media has become an indispensable life essential for most modern people.
This study, based on social media , refers to relevant literature on browsing/collecting, posting/sharing, conversations/comment, joining and creating to establish the main research framework for social media marketing, and generally compares Taiwanese and Vietnamese. Familiar social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Line, Zalo and other four social media as observation targets, and analyze the sample data of the comparison media between the Vietnamese social media platform and the Taiwan social media platform. After the questionnaire survey method, the narrative statistical analysis, the reliability analysis, and the entropy weight method were used to calculate the weights, the TOPSIS method was used to analyze the selection priorities of the social media platform. Compared with Taiwan and Vietnam, the first social media is Facebook; the second is different in the two countries. Like to use Line in Taiwan. Like to use local social media Zalo in Vietnam, and the third is Instagram. The final findings provide a reference for subsequent community marketing to make changes to the platform decision.
Keywords: social media, user behavior, entropy weighting, TOPSIS.

謝詞 ..I
摘要 .II.
Abstract ..III
目次 IV
圖次 VI
表次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 9
1.2研究目的 10
1-3研究內容與流程 3
第二章文獻探討 4
2.1社群媒體 12
2.2社群媒體使用行為 6
2.3台灣與越南社群媒體 9
2.4熵值(Entropy)權重法之文獻探討 12
2.5 Topsis 法之文獻探討 14
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1 研究架構 17
3.2 變數定義與測量 18
3.3 敘述性統計分析 20
3.4 信度分析 20
3.5熵值(Entropy)權重法 20
3.6 Topsis法 21
第四章 研究結果 23
4.1敘述性統計分析 23
4.2信度分析 24
4.3熵值(Entropy)取得客觀權重 25
4.4 Topsis 法評估最佳平台 29
第五章 結論與建議 34
5.1研究結果 34
5.2研究建議 35
5.3研究限制 36
參考文獻 37
中文部分 37
英文部分 38
網路資料 43
附錄問卷 45

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