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研究生(外文):Wong, Yaw-Huey
論文名稱(外文):Female Career Transition in Emerging Adulthood:A Narrative Research
外文關鍵詞:emerging adulthoodcareer transitionserendipitous eventsinternal resourcesfemale
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1. 家庭對於女性成年初顯期生涯轉換影響深遠。
2. 成年初顯期生涯轉換最終回到初心(興趣、價值觀)。
1. 偶發事件具有參與者主動引發與被動反應之別。
2. 偶發事件多來自熟人提供,參與者藉由偶發事件,接觸人脈所擁有的資訊與資源,消彌成年初顯期資訊相對不足的窘境。
3. 負向偶發事件透過個人之努力,化危機為轉機。
4. 偶發事件具有促成改變之推動力,而參與者願意回應偶發事件在於該偶發事件(1)呼應其背景、價值觀或興趣;(2)回應當下需求。
1. 態度開放主動出擊,自我鼓勵安慰穩定內心。
2. 內在資源因合乎華人文化,而能獲得環境中他人的信任,促成機會發生。
3. 參與者恰巧具備該偶發事件所需之能力。
The purpose of this study aims to explore the female career transition in emerging adulthood(referred to as “EA”), discusses the serendipitous events(referred to as “SE”) and internal resources which help the participant to take advantage of SE. Adopting narrative research, 3 participants received interviews and their stories were analyzed through “Holistic- Content” and “Categorical-Content” approaches. The results are as follows:
1. The process of female career transition in EA
(1) Family have an important influence.
(2) Career transition in EA ends at returning to one’s interests or values.
2. SE in EA and their influence.
(1) The participants either take the initiative to act or passively respond to the SE.
(2) Though SE, the participants have access to the resources provided by their acquaintances, and compensate for the shortage of information during EA.
(3) One may turn the negative SE to the positive one through one’s effort.
(4) SE has the driving force for change. The reasons the participants responded to SE are either the SE are related to their background, are in line with their values, interests, or their need at the time.
3. The internal resources of the participants and how these help taking advantage of SE.
(1) Be open-minded and active to take advantages of the opportunities, and comfort oneself.
(2) The internal resources of the participants fit in Chinese culture which enable the participants to gain trust to bring about opportunities.
(3) The participants happened to have the internal resources needed by the SE.
Finally, the suggestions are proposed to helpers, parents, and future researchers.
謝誌 I
摘要 II
目錄 V
第一章 緒論 9
第一節 研究動機 9
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 14
第三節 名詞解釋 14
第二章 文獻探討 17
第一節 成年初顯期概念及相關研究 17
第二節 成年初顯期女性生涯轉換相關研究 28
第三節 偶發事件、內在資源及其相關研究 32
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究取向 41
第二節 研究參與者 42
第三節 研究工具 44
第四節 研究歷程 47
第五節 資料整理與分析 49
第六節 研究判準 52
第七節 研究倫理 54
第四章 研究結果 57
第一節 沙玫的生涯轉換故事與偶發事件的脈絡與影響 57
第二節 侯鳥的生涯轉換故事與偶發事件的脈絡與影響 76
第三節 晨光的生涯轉換故事與偶發事件的脈絡與影響 92
第五章 討論與反思 111
第一節 綜合討論 111
第二節 研究者省思 120
第六章 結論與建議 123
第一節 研究結論 123
第二節 研究限制與建議 124
參考文獻 128
附錄 139
正式訪談邀請函 139
研究參與同意書 140
訪談札記 141
研究參與者檢核表 142
正式訪談大綱 143
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