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研究生(外文):顏志成Yen Chih-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Discussion on Maintenance Management of Fire Safety Equipment in Residential Buildings
指導教授(外文):Cheng-I Lin
口試委員:楊元吉 郭睿騰 薛穎智 林政毅
外文關鍵詞:condominium buildingsfire safety equipment
  • 被引用被引用:3
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摘 要


According to the statistics of the National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior, the average of fires occurred was 2086 from 2007 to 2016. The highest number of fires occurred was 3392 in 2007, and the number of fires was 1856 in 2016. From 2007 to 2016, the number of building fires was the highest. The number of the building fires was 1,424 accounted for 76.7% of all fires in 2016. From 2007 to 2016, the highest number of fires occurred in buildings was from 1st to 5th floor. The number of fires occured in buildings from 1st to 5th floors was 1,219 in 2016, accounting for 85.6% of all building fires. Building fires are classified according to the building type of housing. In the case of building fires from 2007 to 2016, the number of independent house fires was the highest, followed by the number of congregate house fires, and the number of factory fires ranked the third. In 2017, the number of congregate house fires was 3,651, which was ranked the first place, accounting for 40.1% overall.The number of independent house fire was 3,365 which was ranked the second, accounting for 37% overall. The number of factory fires was ranked the third, accounting for 7.9% overall.
However, the highest number of fires occurred has been changed from independent house fires to congregate house fires in recent years. Thus, in order to prevent fires,rescuing lives in time in disasters and emergency, keeping all the public in safety, and to ensure thepeople's lives and property in a safe place, we will highly promote the "Integrated Disaster Prevention of Condominium Buindings Policy".We will integrate the residential and external resources as the main prat to prevent disasters. By Learning about relevant knowledge and technologies, people get to know more information about how to prevent the disasters in advance and implement the disaster prevention awareness of condominium buildings. We can improve the energy of disaster prevention in the condominium buildings, and develop the sustainable disaster prevention for the resistance themselves in condominium buildings. In the purpose of establishing the concept and achieving national disaster prevention,we can share the responsibility and the results in the sustainable growth. The establishment and implementation of cnational disaster prevention concepts will reduce the impact of fire disasters on people's lives.
In order to alleviate the impact of fire disasters on people's lives in our country, there are clear provisions on buildings and fire-related regulations in buildings and fire-fighting. If the fire safety equipment in the condominium can be used to provide the necessary alarm, escape, and initial fire extinguishing in the early stage of the fire, the impact of the fire disaster can be reduced or avoided. Therefore, how to make fire safety equipment work properly depends on the management of fire protection and the maintenance of fire safety equipment. Because the condominium has the characteristics of multiple controllers(unitownership), the maintenance and management of fire safety equipment in the condominium is a subject worthy of study and discussion.

Keywords: condominium buildings, fire safety equipment, maintenance andmanagement

目 錄
摘 要 I
Abstract III
誌謝詞 V
目 錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
附 錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景、動機及目的 1
第二節 研究方法與流程 3
第三節 論文架構 4
第二章 資料蒐集與分析 5
第一節 國內相關研究 5
第二節 國內重大集合住宅火災災害案例 9
第三節 消防相關法規 11
第三章 建築與消防相關設備設置 25
第一節 消防安全設備 25
第二節 建築物防火 28
第四章 消防自主防災 34
第一節 消防安全設備維護及分析 35
第二節 消防安全設備維護管理 46
第三節 火災搶救潛勢分析 68

第五章 結論與建議 70
第一節 結論 70
第二節 建議 71
參考文獻 72
附 錄 73

表2-1 建築物用途分類 23
表3-1 建築物防火時效 28
表4-1 各類場所消防安全檢修項目 35
表4-2 集合住宅消防安全設備檢修項目 36
表4-3 缺失調查30棟大樓名稱 38
表4-4 集合住宅消防安全設備缺失項目統計(臺中市30棟) 39
表4-5 集合住宅消防安全設備缺失因素探討 43
表4-6 消防安全設備自行檢查紀錄表 53
表4-7日常火源自行檢查表 57
表4-8 防火避難設施自行檢查紀錄表 59
表4-9 消防安全設備自行檢查紀錄表 60
表4-10 電氣設備自行檢查紀錄表 61
表4-11 使用火氣設備自行檢查紀錄表 62
表4-12 防火避難設施自行檢查紀錄表 62
表4-13 消防安全設備維護管理自主檢查 63

圖1-1 研究流程圖 3
圖4-1 滅火器性能檢測逾期 40
圖4-2 滅火器缺設 40
圖4-3 滅火器皮管龜裂 40
圖4-4 滅火器氣體失壓 40
圖4-5 滅火器固定不良 40
圖4-6 滅火器缺插梢 40
圖4-7 緊急照明燈故障 41
圖4-8 緊急明燈缺設 41
圖4-9 緊急照明燈固定不良 41
圖4-10 出口標示燈故障 41
圖4-11 出口標示燈固定不良 41
圖4-12 出口標示燈缺設 41
圖4-13 消防栓瞄子、水帶破損 42
圖4-14 消防栓逆止閥損壞 42
圖4-15 消防泵浦故障停機 42
圖4-16 消防箱體損壞 42
圖4-17 火警受信總機故障停機 42
圖4-18 總機設置位置不當 42
圖4-19 標準溫度曲線 69

附 錄
附錄一 ○○龍邸大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 73
附錄二 ○德大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 74
附錄三 ○○天下大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 75
附錄四 登科○○大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 76
附錄五 ○○碧回大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 78
附錄六 ○○芳鄰大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 80
附錄七 ○○學園大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 81
附錄八 ○○園邸大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 82
附錄九 歡樂○○大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 83
附錄十 ○○大三元大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 84
附錄十一 ○○名流大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 99
附錄十二 ○○世家大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 104
附錄十三 ○○七喜大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 108
附錄十四 ○○大道大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 111
附錄十五 ○○花園大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 115
附錄十六 新平○○大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 120
附錄十七 華爾街○○大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 123
附錄十八 ○○新城甲區大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 126
附錄十九 ○○天下大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 130
附錄二十 ○時代大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 132
附錄二十一 ○○大第大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 135
附錄二十二 ○盟大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 137
附錄二十三 ○○日盛大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 139
附錄二十四 ○○干城B區大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 140
附錄二十五 ○世界大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 141
附錄二十六 ○○儷園大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 143
附錄二十七 ○○之星大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 144
附錄二十八 ○霖居大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 146
附錄二十九 富豪○○大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 148
附錄三十 ○○尊邸大樓消防安全設備改善計畫書 151

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