In recent years, the rapid development of science and technology, for the medical system, advanced equipment has also brought a lot of benefits to people, the combination of information technology remote care model is a good example, and is widely used in chronic diseases and elderly patients, such as illness tracking and home care. As the population structure gradually enters into the society of young children and the elderly, as well as the changes in the current economic structure and lifestyle and the development of medical care technology, the problem of caring for the elderly has emerged. According to the 2018 survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan, 17.23% and 10.74% of people aged 55 to 64 and over 65 have patients in need of home care. According to statistics, there are 730,000 elderly people in need of foreign caregivers in Taiwan in 2018. However, there is a shortage of native foreign caregivers. There are only about 12,000 native caregivers, accounting for only 4 percent of foreign caregivers. In the large number of foreign caregivers, southeast Asian countries dominated, Indonesia led, followed by the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. And the proportion has increased significantly every year since the government opened its door to the outside world. According to a survey by the Department of Labor at the end of 2018, the number of foreign workers working in nursing care in Taiwan has reached 256,173. Therefore, it is a trend to integrate mobile medical care services into handheld mobile devices, and to integrate care information and foreign languages. This study through smart phones build multilingual mhealth platform used in home care, provide another assist platform for foreign caregivers, foreign caregivers can take advantage of this App easily upload the daily physiological values. And the case of Health care practitioners can use this App at any time to catch on the status of the case through the statistical charts. To improve the quality of care at home by establishing a communication platform between Health care practitioners, family members and foreign caregivers.