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研究生(外文):Chun-Hsiang Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Role of Outer Membrane Vesicles in the pathogenicity of Acinetobacter baumannii infection under various antibiotic treatment and novel therapeutic options for CHDL-related carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infection
指導教授(外文):Chang-Phone FungTe-Li Chen
外文關鍵詞:outer membrane vesiclesAcinetobacter baumanniivirulencedrug resistance
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不動桿菌屬(Acinetobacter species)是近年來造成醫院院內感染的重要致病菌之一, 亦是院內感染惡名昭彰的多重抗藥性致病菌。傳統上,對抗不動桿菌之抗生素是以碳青黴烯類(Carbapenems)為最有效之藥物,然而,不動桿菌屬細菌對於碳青黴烯類抗生素的抗藥性逐年家增加,在亞太地區更是嚴重。由於高度的抗藥性會造成抗生素治療失誤的比例增加,進而提高了病患的死亡率與醫療費用,因此,發展新的藥物對於碳青黴烯類藥物抗藥性鮑氏不動桿菌(CRAB)之治療是相當重要的。本研究旨在探討抗藥性鮑氏不動桿菌的致病與抗藥機轉,並發展新的治療策略。

比較使用抗綠膿桿菌頭孢子素(anti-pseudomonal cephalosporins)的患者與使用抗綠膿桿菌碳青黴烯(anti-pseudomonal carbapenems)的患者, 雖然兩組對抗生素不適用比例相當(56% vs. 51.4%), 疾病嚴重程度也相當(APACHE II scores: 24.5 vs. 25), 但兩組14天死亡率卻有顯著差異 (42% vs. 25%, P < 0.05), 顯示除了抗生素適用與否, 疾病嚴重程度以外, 尚存在其他因子影響使用不同抗生素的兩組病人預後, 在另一個研究我們發現, 使用未達抑制濃度的ceftazidime與imipenem, 可以促使鮑氏不動桿菌外膜小泡 (OMV)分泌增加, 因此我們猜測, 使用不同抗生素患者死亡率的不同, 可能源於抗生素對鮑氏不動桿菌分泌外膜小泡之影響。在研究的第一部分, 我們期望去了解在未達抑制濃度的ceftazidime與imipenem治療下, 細菌外膜小泡在碳青黴烯抗藥之鮑氏不動桿菌感染的致病角色。
我們使用青黴烯抗藥之鮑氏不動桿菌轉質體 (ATCC17978 pOXA-58-2) 來做研究, 分別使用1/2 最小抑菌濃度的ceftazidime和imipenem去刺激鮑氏不動桿菌, 將抗生素刺激後鮑氏不動桿菌產生之外膜小泡,拿來刺激RAW264.7巨噬細胞細胞株, 再以酵素免疫分析法(ELISA)或西方點墨法(western blotting), 觀察RAW264.7細胞激素的表現狀況。動物實驗方面, 使用小鼠評估細菌外膜小泡之毒性。再使用奈米粒子追蹤分析儀(nanoparticle tracking analysis),西方點墨法(western blotting) 來評估不同抗生素刺激下產生之外膜小泡數量與所帶LPS數量之差異。再以液相色譜法-質譜聯用 (Liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry)來評估不同抗生素刺激所產生細菌外膜小泡之內涵蛋白之差異。
在這第一部分的研究, 我們發現, 使用ceftazidime刺激鮑氏不動桿菌所產生之細菌外膜小泡,相較於imipenem刺激所產生之外膜小泡,可使RAW264.7細胞有較高的iNOS, IL-1β, 和 TNF-α 表現, 也使接種外膜小泡的小鼠,有較高的死亡率。使用奈米粒子追蹤分析儀和西方點墨法發現, 使用ceftazidime刺激鮑氏不動桿菌所產生之細菌外膜小泡,相較於imipenem刺激所產生之外膜小泡,有較多的外膜小泡數量,也帶了較多的脂多糖(LPS),使用多粘菌素B (polymyxin B)抑制外膜小泡上的脂多糖可使外膜小泡刺激Raw264.7表現IL-1β和TNF-α的現象消失,可知脂多糖對於RAW264.7表現 IL-1β和TNF-α是重要的。在動物實驗方面, 我們將源自於不同抗生素刺激所產生的各組細菌外膜小泡,調整使其所帶之脂多糖在各組檢體中都相等, 再拿脂多糖量相等的各組外膜小泡,接種到小鼠腹腔, 發現即使脂多糖在各組間的總量相等, ceftazidime刺激產生的外膜小泡, 相較於imipenem刺激產生的外膜小泡, 仍舊使小鼠有較高的死亡率,因此,我們認為, 細菌外膜小泡內含物除了脂多糖外, 應該存在其他會影響毒力之物質。蛋白質體研究發現, 源自於不同抗生素刺激所產生之細菌外膜蛋白, 所帶蛋白質組成有很大的不同。
總結來說, 在第一部分研究, 我們認為,使用未達抑制濃度的ceftazidime刺激鮑氏不動桿菌所產生之細菌外膜小泡,相較於imipenem刺激所產生之外膜小泡,有較高的致病力。

根據2015年我們團隊的研究,發現鮑氏不動桿菌在分泌乙內醯胺酶OXA-58時, 是經由Sec pathway將乙內醯胺酶OXA-58分泌至細胞周質(periplasm), 再經由細菌外膜小泡分泌出細菌。我們想知道, 是否其他的class D碳青黴烯水解酶OXA-23, OXA-40, 和OXA-51也是經由Sec pathway分泌, secA抑制劑是否可以透過抑制乙內醯胺酶之分泌, 來降低乙內醯胺酶抗藥鮑氏不動桿菌的抗藥性 。
為了評估其他乙內醯胺酶是否經由Sec pathway分泌至細胞周質, 我們使用細胞組成分離 (cell fractionation)和西方墨點法來偵測細胞周質內的組氨酸標籤乙內醯胺酶(His-tagged CHDLs). 為了評估 Sec A抑制劑與乙內醯胺酶是否具協同作用, 我們使用棋盤測試(checkerboard analysis)來合併使用Sec A抑制劑(rose bengal 或sodium azide)和乙內醯胺酶(imipenem 或 meropenem) 在六株帶有不同class D碳青黴烯水解酶之乙內醯胺酶抗藥鮑氏不動桿菌, 再依據其分级抑菌濃度(fractional inhibitory concentration index,FICI)來評估是否有協同作用,其中,分级抑菌濃度最低的組合我們再以time-kill analysis來評估其使用效果。
在這第二部分的研究, 我們發現,經由電腦模擬, 乙內醯胺酶OXA-23, OXA-40,和OXA-51較可能是經由Sec pathway分泌。使用SecA 抑制劑,Rose Bengal可以抑制組氨酸標籤乙內醯胺酶 His-tagged OXA-23和OXA-83 (屬於 OXA-51 family)分泌至細胞周質, 但不影響OXA-72 (屬於OXA-40 family)之分泌。合併使用imipenem或meropenem與 Rose Bengal,分別在6個與4個臨床菌株看到協同作用(FICI ≤ 0.5) 。合併使用imipenem或meropenem與sodium azide在所有6株臨床菌株都沒看到協同作用 (FICI, >0.5–4)。合併使用imipenem 和Rose Bengal 在臨床菌株上,有最低的FICI, 並在time-kill assay 24小時也看到協同作用。
總結來說,在第二部分研究,我們認為,合併使用SecA 抑制劑和乙內醯胺酶在乙內醯胺酶抗藥鮑氏不動桿菌會有協同效果, 找到更具效力之SecA 抑制劑或其他Sec pathway抑制劑, 可能是一個有效的乙內醯胺酶抗藥鮑氏不動桿菌治療方式。
The genus Acinetobacter has emerged as one of the most troublesome pathogens for health care institutions globally over the past 2 decades due to the increasing prevalence and rapid development of drug resistance. Imipenem and meropenem were traditionally the most effective antimicrobials against A. baumannii. However, carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAb) are now increasingly encountered worldwide, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. There are few treatment options for CRAb, and the development of new agents remains a priority to ensure the availability of efficacious therapies. Our study focused on pathogenicity of drug resistant A. baumannii and try to develop novel therapeutic options for drug resistant A. baumannii infection.
Part 1:
In a previous study of 252 patients with monomicrobial A. baumannii bacteremia, we found that, despite comparable percentages of inappropriate antimicrobial therapy (56% vs. 51.4%) and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) scores (24.5 vs. 25), patients treated with antipseudomonal cephalosporins had a higher 14 day mortality rate than those treated with antipseudomonal carbapenems (42% vs. 25%, P < 0.05). This result suggested that factors other than the use of appropriate antimicrobial therapy and disease severity contribute to the differences in the mortality rates between the two groups. In a different study, we also demonstrated that treatment with sub-inhibitory concentrations of ceftazidime and imipenem could enhance the release of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from CRAb. Thus, we hypothesized that the difference in the mortality rates between the groups was due to the different OMV components released from A. baumannii under the different antibiotic treatments. In the first part of this study, we wanted to explore the role of OMVs in the pathogenicity of A. baumannii infection under sub-inhibitory concentrations of ceftazidime and imipenem treatment.
The CRAb transformant, ATCC17978 pOXA-58-2, was treated with ceftazidime, an anti-pseudomonal cephalosporin, or imipenem, an anti-pseudomonal carbapenem, at half the minimum inhibitory concentration. The resultant OMV induced cytokine expression in RAW264.7 macrophages was then measured by ELISA or western blotting. The virulence of the OMVs in vivo was assessed in mice. OMVs and OMV-carried lipopolysaccharides were measured by nanoparticle tracking analysis and western blotting, respectively. Liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry was used to identify proteins within the OMVs.
We found that OMVs derived from ceftazidime treated cells led to maximum expression levels of iNOS, IL-1β, and TNF-α in the RAW264.7 cell line and increased mortality in mice. Nanoparticle tracking analysis and western blot showed that OMV amount and OMV-carried LPS increased in ceftazidime treated A. baumannii. We also found that polymyxin B diminished almost all of the OMV mediated IL-1β and TNF-α stimulation in RAW264.7. These results suggest that OMV-carried LPS is essential for the induction of IL-1β and TNF-α. In the animal study, when adjusted for the same amount of LPS, we found that ceftazidime treatment derived OMV also resulted in higher mortality compared to imipenem treatment. We therefore concluded that components other than LPS of the OMVs derived from ceftazidime treatment were also more virulent than OMVs derived from imipenem treatment. Proteomic analysis revealed that there were differences in the proteins identified in OMVs derived from different antibiotic treatment.
We conclude that treatment of A. baumannii with a sub-inhibitory concentration of ceftazidime enhanced the release of OMVs which demonstrated increased virulence compared to imipenem treatment induced OMVs.

Part 2:
A study we conducted in 2015 revealed that OXA-58 translocates to the periplasm via a Sec pathway and is then released from bacteria within OMVs. We were interested in understanding whether or not other common carbapenem hydrolyzing class D β-lactamases (CHDLs) in A. baumannii, including the OXA-23, OXA-40, and OXA-51 families, were also released from the Sec-dependent pathway and whether secA inhibitors can also reduce the carbapenem resistance of CRAb by blocking the release of CHDLs. To determine whether the CHDL is secreted via the Sec pathway, cell fractionation and western blotting analyses were performed to detect the periplasmic His-tagged CHDLs. To evaluate the synergistic effect of a combination therapy with Sec A inhibitors and carbapenem, checkerboard analysis with a pairwise combination of carbapenems (imipenem or meropenem) and Sec A inhibitors (Rose Bengal or sodium azide) was performed with six clinical CRAb isolates harboring different CHDL genes. The results were interpreted using fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI). The combination with the lowest FICI was subjected to a time-kill analysis.
In the second part of this study, using in silico analysis, we found that OXA-23, OXA-40, and OXA-51 were preferentially translocated via the Sec system. Application of a SecA inhibitor, Rose Bengal, decreased the periplasmic translocation of His-tagged OXA-23 and OXA-83 (belonging to the OXA-51 family), but not that of OXA-72 (belonging to the OXA-40 family), from ATCC 15151 transformants. A combination of imipenem or meropenem with Rose Bengal showed synergistic effects (FICI ≤ 0.5) for 6 and 4 clinical isolates, respectively. Combination treatment using imipenem or meropenem with sodium azide exhibited no interactions (FIC index, >0.5–4) against all clinical isolates. Combination treatment using imipenem and Rose Bengal had the lowest FICI and showed synergy at 24 h in the time-kill assay.
In conclusion, the combination of a SecA inhibitor and carbapenem could have synergistic effects against CRAb. Improving the potency of SecA inhibitors or targeting other proteins involved in the Sec pathway might be effective approaches against CRAb.
In English ......3
In Chinese ......6
Introduction ......9
Aim of the study ......13
Materials and Methods ......14
Results ......25
Discussion ......71
References ......77
Appendix ......83
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