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研究生(外文):An-Jou Lai
論文名稱(外文):Study of factors related to functional indicators changes of post-acute care program
指導教授(外文):Kuan-Chia Lin
外文關鍵詞:Post-acute CareStrokeFunctional indicatorsGeneralized estimating equation
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研究利用固定世代追蹤研究以對216位急性後期照護計畫內中風患者,分析其功能指標的恢復趨勢與相關影響因素。研究自變項包括: 年齡、性別、患側、住院時間與中風類型。爾後透過廣義估計方程式分析功能指標在不同因素下的恢復趨勢,功能指標包括伯格氏平衡量表、行走速度、六分鐘行走測試。
Stroke is the main cause of death and disability in the global population. In recent years, stroke has been the top ten causes of death in Taiwan, and there is also a trend of the younger onset. The current study is aimed to improve the efficiency of intervention and reduce the burden of families. The post-acute care in Taiwan was developed to solve those needs. In PAC program we evaluated functional indicators every 3weeks, and we proposed to use those functional indicators to communicate with patients and their caregivers about the recover trends to have better discharge plans.
To analyze the trend and associated factors for functional developments of stroke patients in PAC program. The measurement of functional development included three indicators: six-minute walking test (6MWT), usual gait speed (UGS), and Berg's balance scale (BBS).
This fixed cohort study recruited a total of 216 patients in the PAC program. The study independent variables were age, gender, lesion type, lesion side, initial evaluation, and length of stay. The Generalized estimating equation (GEE) was applied to analyze the changes and associated factors for the functional development of evaluation indicators.
The GEE results displayed the significant time trend of improvement for BBS, 6MWT, and UGS. The stroke type of hemorrhage had significant impact on the recovery of 6MWT and the younger age had significant recovery trends of UGS. Besides, our results demonstrate the higher BBS initial scores significantly resulted in 3 weeks performance.

In summary, age and lesion type can be used as a change factor in the trend of functional evaluation of stroke patients, and there is no difference between the lesion side and gender. The Berg's balance scale is recommended as a reference for discharge time.
序言 II
摘要 III
Abstract V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
CHAPTER I. Introduction 1
1- 1 Background 1
1.2 Study Purpose 3
1.3 Significance of the study 4
CHAPTER II. Literature Review 5
CHAPTER III. Methods 17
3.1 Conceptual Framework 17
3.2Data Sources 20
3.3 Study Variables 22
3.4. Analytical Methods 24
CHAPTER IV. Results 25
CHAPTER V. Discussion 47
CHAPTER VI. Conclusion 51
References 54
Appendices 62

Figure 1 16
Figure 2 17
Figure 3 20
Figure 4 44
Figure 5 45
Figure 6 46

Table 1 Distribution of variables 26
Table 2 Mean of BBS by groups 28
Table 3 BBS recovery trend by groups 29
Table 4 Mean of UGS by groups 31
Table 5 UGS recovery trend by groups 32
Table 6 Mean of 6MWT by groups 35
Table 7 6MWT recovery trend by groups 36
Table 8 Descriptive statistics of functional indexes in different length of stay 38
Table 9 ANOVA of functional indexes 39
Table 10 Post hoc of functional indexes 40
Table 11 multiple comparism of BBS in different length of stay 41
Table 12 multiple comparism of UGS in different length of stay 42
Table 13 multiple comparism of 6MWT in different length of stay 43
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