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研究生(外文):Chia-Jung Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Robust Decoding of Rat Forelimb Movement Trajectory with Augmented Multimodal Neural Signals
指導教授(外文):You-Yin Chen
外文關鍵詞:Brain Machine InterfaceNeural DecodingMultimodal Neural SignalsData augmentation
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The goal of the brain computer interface (BMI) focused on accuracy of decoder, but neural recording conditions were changed from day to day. It would decrease the long-term prediction, e.g. neuron changes and electrodes/tissue interaction. In recent years, researchers suggest to use local field potentials (LFPs) as the input, because LFPs were the sum of several neurons in the adjacent range of electrodes. Even so, using action potential (spikes) as inputs for decoder shows higher performance than LFPs did. Hence, researchers combined spikes and LFPs as inputs, which keep the decoder to have high accuracy in long-term prediction. However, no matter what neural signals were recorded, long recording days are needed to train decoding model. Due to the recording condition would be similar to the past condition in recent research, we want to propose multimodal augmentation for multi-scale with spikes and LFPs. Moreover, we hope that this method increase the database, decrease the time-consuming in data recording and keep high performance and stability in movement prediction. The linear regression and neural network algorithms were used to evaluate the efficacy of multimodal augmentation. We collected the neural signals from the primary motor cortex (M1) of rat and the right forelimb as prediction target. Results showed that compared with other augmentation methods, multimodal augmentation had better performance in short recording day and it also improved long-term prediction by linear regression and neural network algorithms.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Literature Review 5
1.3 Motivations and Objectives 7
Chapter 2. Materials and Methods 9
2.1 Architecture of Neural Decoding in Forelimb Movement 9
2.2 Animal Preparation and Surgical Procedures 10
2.3 Animal Training and Behavioral Task 12
2.4 Data Recording and Preprocessing 13
2.4.1 Instantaneous Spike Rates 14
2.4.2 Local Field Potentials (LFPs) 16
2.5 Trajectory Tracking of Forelimb Movement 17
2.6 Establishment of Augmentation 19
2.6.1 Synchronize Perturbation 22
2.7 Neural Decoding Model 23
2.7.1 Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) 25
2.7.2 Kernel Sliced Inverse Regression (kSIR) 27
2.8 Time-Lags and Temporal Order of the Neural Signals 29
2.9 Decoding Performance Evaluation 30
2.10 Statistical Analysis 31
Chapter 3. Results 32
3.1 Effects of Different Time-Lags and Temporal Orders for Trajectory Decoding 32
3.1.1 Instantaneous Spike Rates 32
3.1.2 Spectral Power 34
3.1.3 Multi-Scale 36
3.2 Neuronal Signal Pattern between Source Data and Augmentation 38
3.2.1 Instantaneous Spike Rates 38
3.2.2 Spectral Power 40
3.3 The Performance with Different Augmentation Scheme 42
3.4 The Comparison of Different Quantities in Decoders 44
3.5 The Stability with Multi-Augmentation Scheme 45
Chapter 4. Discussion 47
4.1 Neuronal Signal Pattern during Behavior Task 48
4.2 Different Augmentation Effected Neuronal Signal Pattern 49
4.3 Effects of Different Quantities in Decoders 51
4.4 Stability of Multi-Augmentation 52
Chapter 5. Conclusion 54
Reference 55
Supplementary 1 – Correlation between Spikes and Powers 60
Supplementary 2 – R2 Results 62
S2.1 Effects of Different Time-Lags and Temporal Orders for Trajectory Decoding 62
S2.1.1 Instantaneous Spike Rates 62
S2.1.2 Spectral Power 63
S2.1.3 Multi-Scale 64
S2.2 The Performance with Different Augmentation Scheme 65
S2.3 Effects of Different Quantities in Decoders 66
S2.4 The Stability with Multi-Augmentation Scheme 67

List of Tables
Table 1. Training parameters used for decoder on four individual rats. 18
Table 2. Training parameters used for FNN on four individual rats. 26

List of Figures
Figure 1. System architecture of BMI. 1
Figure 2. Architecture of multi-scale neural signals. 4
Figure 3. The framework of data augmentation. 6
Figure 4. Multimodal neural signals augmentation in BMI. 8
Figure 5. Architecture of forelimb movement decoding. 9
Figure 6. A double-layered 8-channels laboratory-made microelectrodes array. 11
Figure 7. Location of microelectrodes array implantation. 11
Figure 8. Side view of behavioral box. 12
Figure 9. Example of forelimb movement over time.. 13
Figure 10. Preprocessing of spike signals.. 15
Figure 11. Preprocessing of LFPs signals. 16
Figure 12. Trajectory tracking. 17
Figure 13. Schematic diagram of the proposed framework for neural signals augmentation. 19
Figure 14. The prediction framework based on multimodal augmentation. 24
Figure 15. FNN topology. 25
Figure 16. Flow chart of kSIR.. 28
Figure 17. Illustration of time-lags and temporal orders. 29
Figure 18. Decoding performance of using instantaneous spike rates data with different time-lags and temporal orders in kSIR model. 33
Figure 19. Decoding Performance of using instantaneous spike rates data with different time-lags and temporal order in FNN model. 33
Figure 20. Decoding Performance of using spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in kSIR model. 35
Figure 21. Decoding Performance of using spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in FNN model. 35
Figure 22. Decoding Performance of using instantaneous spike rates and spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in kSIR model. 37
Figure 23. Decoding Performance of using instantaneous spike rates and spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in FNN model. 37
Figure 24. Comparison of the peri-stimulus-time distribution between various methods. 39
Figure 25. Comparison of the spectral power distribution between various methods. 41
Figure 26. Comparison of decoding performance between kSIR and FNN with or without augmentation scheme. 43
Figure 27. Comparison of trajectory reconstruction by kSIR and FNN. 43
Figure 28. Comparison of decoding performance in different quantities. 44
Figure 29. Comparison of decoding performance between kSIR with and without augmentation.. 46
Figure 30. Comparison of decoding performance between FNN with and without augmentation. 46
Figure 31. The correlation between spikes and powers. 61
Figure 32. Decoding R2 of using instantaneous spike rates data with different time-lags and temporal orders in kSIR model. 62
Figure 33. Decoding R2 of using instantaneous spike rates data with different time-lags and temporal order in FNN model. 62
Figure 34. Decoding R2 of using spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in kSIR model. 63
Figure 35. Decoding R2 of using spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in FNN model. 63
Figure 36. Decoding R2 of using instantaneous spike rates and spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in kSIR model. 64
Figure 37. Decoding R2 of using instantaneous spike rates and spectral power data with different time-lags and temporal order in FNN model. 64
Figure 38. Comparison of decoding R2 between kSIR and FNN with or without augmentation scheme. 65
Figure 39. Comparison of decoding R2 in different quantities. 66
Figure 40. Comparison of decoding R2 between kSIR with and without augmentation. 67
Figure 41. Comparison of decoding R2 between FNN with and without augmentation. 67
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