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研究生(外文):Shan Ku
論文名稱(外文):The Role of Autonomic Nervous System in Insomnia Subtypes
指導教授(外文):Cheryl C.H. YangTerry B. J. Kuo
外文關鍵詞:InsomniaAutonomic functionSubjective sleep quality
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Background: Insomnia is defined as difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep or waking up earlier than desired. Numerous studies have reported that objective short sleep duration has been characterized by the presence of physiological hyperarousal, it suggests that impaired cardiac autonomic modulation may be the underlying mechanisms leading to adverse health outcomes. However, previous studies mostly combined different insomnia symptoms as the same condition, which made insomnia patients hard to achieve optimal treatment. The present study aimed to examine the differences in the autonomic regulation among different insomnia subtypes.
Methods: Participants were 20 to 35 years old good sleepers (GS), chronic insomniacs and insomniacs in pharmacologic treatment. Subjective measures was based on sleep-related questionnaires and visual analogue scale. The participants in the present study were divided into insomnia subtypes by objective sleep duration, which was based on miniature polysomnography (PSG) for one night after adaptation at home. Electrocardiogram data derived from miniature PSG were used to obtain heart rate variability (HRV). HRV measures included high-frequency (HF) component, an index of parasympathetic activation, and normalized low frequency (LF%), an index of sympathetic activity.
Results: Participants in sleep-onset insomnia (SOI) group had significantly higher LF% during total time in bed (TIB) especially before sleep onset. Sleep-maintenance insomniacs (MI), especially for patients who are difficult to fall asleep again, had elevated LF% power , and reduced HF during TIB. Neither criteria (NC) group was the majority of chronic insomniacs, while their sleep duration doesn’t meet the criteria of insomnia, had higher LF% during TIB. Insomniacs with hypnotic use had high-quality sleep, elevated LF% power, and reduced HF during TIB.
Conclusion: Significant autonomic dysfunction were observe in total insomnia subject in spite of NC group and hypnotic medication patients having higher sleep quality. Our results also indicated that autonomic dysfunction affect the occurrence of falling asleep in SOI. The dysregulation of parasympathetic activity in MI is related to the stability of sleep.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
第一章 研究背景 1
1-1失眠 1
1-2睡眠分析 1
1-3睡眠異常的主客觀研究 3
1-4自律神經系統對心臟的神經性調控 3
1-5心率變異性 4
1-6睡眠異常與心率變異性 5
第二章 研究假說與目的 7
2-1研究假說 7
2-2研究目的 7
2-3重要性 7
第三章 研究方法 8
3-1研究參與者 8
3-2實驗流程 9
3-3研究工具 10
3-4分析方法 11
第四章 研究結果 14
4-1 參與者基本資料與主觀評量 14
4-2主觀感受與客觀生理參數的相關性 15
4-3慢性失眠者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波比較 16
4-6藥物治療中失眠患者於睡眠各期心率變異性及腦波比較 17
第五章 討論 19
5-1本研究的重要發現 19
5-2不同失眠亞型主觀評量與客觀生理參數相關性 19
5-3不同失眠亞型對於自律神經的影響 19
5-4不同失眠亞型對於腦波的影響 21
5-5安眠類藥物治療對於患者自律神經及腦波的影響 21
5-6本研究限制及未來展望 22
結論 23
參考文獻 24
附表 27
表一、受試者基本資料表 27
表二、不同失眠亞型者主觀問卷分述及客觀睡眠檢查結果比較 29
表三、主觀睡眠感受與客觀睡眠品質的相關性 31
附圖 41
附錄-人體試驗許可證明 58
附錄-問卷 60

表一、受試者基本資料表 27
表二、不同失眠亞型者主觀問卷分述及客觀睡眠檢查結果比較 29
表三、主觀睡眠感受與客觀睡眠品質的相關性 31
表四、主觀睡眠感受與心率變異性的相關性 32
圖一、實驗流程圖 41
圖二、微型無線多頻道生理紀錄儀 42
圖三、實驗篩選與檢測 43
圖四、慢性失眠者與睡眠良好者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波活性參數比較 45
圖五、入睡困難型失眠者與睡眠良好者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波活性參數比較 47
圖六、睡眠片段型失眠者與睡眠良好者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波活性參數比較 49
圖七、睡眠片段中不同亞型失眠者與睡眠良好者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波活性參數比較 51
圖八、非客觀定義型失眠者與睡眠良好者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波活性參數比較 53
圖九、藥物治療中失眠患者、睡眠良好者、慢性失眠者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波活性參數比較 55
圖十、藥物治療有效失眠患者、睡眠良好者、慢性失眠者於睡眠各期之心率變異性及腦波活性參數比較 57
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