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論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Different Message Content Presentation Format to Facebook Liking and Sharing, Brand Attitudes and Purchase Intention: The Mediators of Information Usefulness and Emotional Contagion
指導教授(外文):Chyi Jaw
外文關鍵詞:FacebookMessage PresentationInformation UsefulnessEmotional InfectionBrand AttitudePurchase Intention
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本研究會以實驗設計法進行兩個實驗,透過【研究一】的2(訊息呈現方式:誇大vs.無誇大) x 2(自我連結:高vs.低)二因子設計,製造四個實驗模擬情境來檢驗消費者的社群行為意願、資訊有用性知覺和情緒感染、品牌態度及購買意願。結果發現,訊息呈現方式為無誇大、自我連結高的內容時會提高消費者的社群行為的按讚意願、資訊有用性知覺,以及品牌態度;訊息呈現方式為誇大時,自我連結高的內容時會提高消費者的社群行為的分享意願、情緒感染。而品牌態度對訊息呈現方式與自我連結及購買意願是具有中介效果的。
接著透過【研究二】的2(訊息呈現方式:誇大vs.無誇大) x 2 (訊息內容:正面vs.負面) x 2(圖片:有、無)三因子設計,製造八個實驗模擬情境來檢驗消費者的社群行為意願、資訊有用性知覺和情緒感染、品牌態度及購買意願。結果得知訊息的呈現方式為無誇大、訊息內容為正面的內容會提高消費者的資訊有用性知覺;當訊息的呈現方式誇大、訊息內容為負面、有圖片的內容會提高消費者的情緒感染;當訊息內容為正面時,會提高消費者的品牌態度。而情緒感染、品牌態度皆對訊息呈現方式與訊息內容和圖片及社群行為意願有中介之效果。並且在【研究一】和【研究二】皆證明了社群行為分享意願和品牌態度對購買意願有顯著的影響。
The Facebook platform is already one of the important communication channels for business-to-consumers today. How should a company write a post to effectively enhance the consumer's willingness to act, brand attitude and purchase intention, and increase the link between the company and the consumer.Therefore, this study will explore the impact of different message content presentations on community behavioral willingness, brand attitude and purchase intention, and observe whether there is mediating effect on information usefulness perception and emotional infection.
In this study, two experiments were carried out by experimental design method. Four experimental simulation scenarios were created through the two-factor design of ‘Study 1’ 2(message presentation: exaggeration vs. level) x 2 (self-linking: high vs. low). To test consumers' willingness to act, information usefulness and emotional infection, brand attitude and willingness to purchase. It turns out that when the message is presented in a flat and self-linked content, it will enhance the consumer's community behavior, the willingness to use the information, the usefulness of the information, and the brand attitude; when the message is presented in an exaggerated way, when the content is high, the content is high. Will increase consumers' willingness to share and emotional infections. Brand attitude has a mediating effect on the way the message is presented, self-linking and willingness to buy.
Then through the ‘Study 2’ 2 (message presentation: exaggeration vs. level) x 2 (message content: positive vs. negative) x 2 (picture: yes, no) three-factor design, manufacturing eight experimental simulation scenarios to test Consumers' willingness to act, information usefulness and emotional infections, brand attitudes and willingness to buy. As a result, it is found that the presentation of the message is plain and the content of the message is positive, which will enhance the consumer's usefulness of information; when the message is presented in an exaggerated manner, the content of the message is negative, and the content of the image will enhance the emotional infection of the consumer; When the content of the message is positive, it will increase the brand attitude of the consumer. Emotional infections and brand attitudes have an intermediary effect on the way the message is presented and the content of the message and the willingness of the community and the behavior of the community. And both ‘Study 1’ and ‘Study 2’ have demonstrated that community behavioral willingness and brand attitude have a significant impact on purchase intention.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章、緒論 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究目的與問題 3
三、論文結構 3
第二章、文獻探討與假說 5
一、訊息呈現方式 5
二、自我連結 5
三、訊息呈現方式、自我連結對社群行為意願的影響 6
(一)社群行為意願 6
(二)訊息呈現方式、自我連結對社群行為意願的影響 7
四、訊息呈現方式、自我連結對資訊有用性知覺的影響 8
(一)資訊有用性知覺 8
(二)訊息呈現方式、自我連結對資訊有用性知覺的影響 8
五、訊息呈現方式、自我連結對情緒感染的影響 9
(一)情緒感染 9
(二)訊息呈現方式、自我連結對情緒感染的影響 10
六、訊息呈現方式、自我連結對品牌態度的影響 10
(一)品牌態度 10
(二)訊息呈現方式、自我連結對品牌態度的影響 10
七、購買意願 11
(一)購買意願 11
(二)社群行為意願與購買意願之間的關係 11
八、訊息內容 12
(一)目標理論 12
(二)屬性理論 12
(三)風險選擇理論 13
九、圖片 13
第三章、研究一 15
一、實驗設計 15
二、問卷設計 16
三、分析結果 17
(一)信度分析 17
(二)效度分析 17
(三)驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA) 19
(四)操弄檢定 20
(五)變異數分析 21
(六)迴歸分析 31
(七)小結 35
第四章、研究二 37
一、實驗設計 37
二、問卷設計 38
三、分析結果 39
(一)信度分析 39
(二)效度分析 40
(三)操弄檢定 41
(四)驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA) 42
(五)變異數分析 42
(六)迴歸分析 48
(七)小結 52
第五章、結論與意涵 54
一、結論 54
二、研究意涵 55
(一)理論貢獻 55
(二)實務意涵 56
三、研究限制與建議 57
參考文獻 58
附錄 64
附錄一、「研究一」正式問卷 64
附錄二、「研究一」訊息貼文 70
附錄三、「研究二」正式問卷 72
附錄四、「研究二」訊息貼文 77

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