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研究生(外文):Wu Min-Han
論文名稱(外文):Clustering-Based Purity Imputation and Distance Imputation in Medical Applications
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Ching-Hsue
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Ching-HsueCHEN, JONG-CHENChang, Jing-Rong
外文關鍵詞:health recordsdata imputationclusteringpurity imputationdistance imputation
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Nowadays, people pay more and more attention on health. Relatively, people pay more and more attention to the integrity of medical records. In recent years, the field of medical imputation has been very active. Medical records often give doctors a basis for diagnosing patients. However, due to the variety reasons, such as human error, equipment failure, network disconnection and other reasons, data imputation has become more and more important. Although there are many imputation methods have been proposed, but there’s a lot of method handle the problem by deleting missing values, regardless of the size of the dataset, it is possible to delete important fields and cause the deviations. Therefore, this study proposes a clustering-based combined purity imputation method and distance imputation method to improve the accuracy. In this study collected 8 different datasets of medical, compare the accuracy between proposed imputation method and common imputation method in different situations and finding the optimal number of clusters by kMeans, Elbow Method and Average Silhouette Method. The experimental results show that clustering before imputation is very helpful to improve the accuracy of imputation, and the method proposed in this study has great accuracy in every missing degree.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of contents iii
List of tables v
List of figures vi
1.Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation and objectives 2
1.3 Organization of the thesis 2
2.Related work 4
2.1 Medical data imputation 4
2.2 Missing values type 5
2.3 Clustering 6
2.4 Imputation method 7
3.Proposed Method 12
3.1 Concept 12
3.2 Proposed imputation method 13
Step 1. Data Collection 14
Step 2. Data preprocessing 15
Step 3. Clustering 15
Step 4. Data Imputation 17
Step 5. Classification and Evaluation 18
4.Experiment and result 20
4.1Experimental environment 20
4.2Experiment datasets 22
4.3 Experiment and Result 25
4.3.1 Internal experiment 25
1.MAR and MCAR experiment 25
2.MNAR experiment 35
4.3.2 External experiment 36
4.3.3 RMSE 39
4.4 Finding 42
5.Conclusion 44
References 45
Appendices 48

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