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論文名稱(外文):Study of the Performance Improvement of a Clean-Room Ventilator by Internal Flow field Optimization
口試委員(外文):Hsu,Li-ChiehChen, Ching-Yao
外文關鍵詞:centrifugal fanfan filter unitguiding cover
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本論文的研究對象為常用於無塵室內的風機過濾組(Fan Filter Unit,簡稱FFU),由一離心式葉輪安置於一長方形箱體內所構成。研究的重點為在不更動離心式葉輪的前提下,嘗試變更箱體內部構造及箱體本身的設計,來達到優化風機內部流場,進而提升FFU性能表現及效率的目的。

The object of this study is the Fan Filter Unit (FFU for short) commonly used in the clean room, which is composed of a centrifugal impeller placed in a rectangular casing. The focus of this research is to try to change the internal structure inside the casing or the design of the casing itself without altering the centrifugal impeller to optimize the internal flow field of the FFU, and thereby improving its performance and efficiency.
In this study, Solidworks was used to draw the model, which was then imported into the ANSYS-CFX software for simulation. The design change is mainly divided into two major directions. The first is to modify the existing box model locally, including removing the main parts inside the casing to evaluate its necessity, changing the width of the supporting plate and the volute, adding guide vanes on both sides of the supporting and baffles at four corners of the casing, modifying the air inlet and the height of the casing. Secondly, after removing all the existing parts inside the casing, a top and bottom cover are considered to install on the upper and lower sides of the impeller, and related design parameters are evaluated and modified to reach a optimized double cover design with the best performance.
According to the results, when the parts inside the casing are removed in sequence, the internal flow field do become more and more complicated, especially after the volute is removed. The torque required to drive the impeller is greatly increased, resulting in declined performance. It indicates that the existence of the volute and the supporting plate does have a considerable influence on the internal flow field distribution and performance of the unit. The addition of the guide vanes on both sides of the support plate to replace the angle iron, or the modification of the square air entrance of the casing do improve the static pressure and efficiency of the FFU, and can cut down the material cost. As for the addition of baffles at the corners inside the casing or changing the width of the support plate and volute, the effect on efficiency is very limited.
As for the cover, optimal design parameters exist for both the top and bottom cover. The conclusions obtained for all the design parameters are integrated to reach the final double cover design, which can collect and guide the internal airflow and act like a diffuser. This can in turn significantly improve the performance in all aspects of the fan. The demanding torque of the impeller is reduced by 14.66%, and the efficiency is increased by 8.1%.

摘要 i
Abstract i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2.1 潔淨室風機性能改善的數值模擬 2
1-2.2 康德效應(Coanda effect) 4
1-2.3 流場內迴流現象 6
1-3 研究動機與目的 8
第二章 研究基礎 9
2-1 FFU風機過濾組簡介 9
2-2 離心式風扇構造與葉片種類 10
2-3 邊界層分離 11
2-4 風機過濾組FFU之構造 12
2-5 風機效率的計算方式 12
第三章 研究方法與規劃 13
3-1 模擬軟體 13
3-1.1 ANSYS CFX模擬軟體 13
3-1.2 ANSYS CFX前處理器 14
3-1.3 ANSYS CFX求解器 15
3-1.4 ANSYS CFX後處理器 15
3-2 模擬流程 15
3-2.1 建立模擬計算空間 16
3-2.2 建立網格 18
3-2.3 邊界條件參數設定 21
3-2.4 性能數據擷取位置 24
3-2.5 計算結果重複性 25
3-3 設計變更規劃 26
3-3.1 原始模型箱體構件修改 27
3-3.1.1 原始構件的再評估 27
3-3.1.2 支撐底板與渦殼寬度 27
3-3.1.3 支撐底板加裝導流片 28
3-3.1.4 機殼四角加裝導流板 28
3-3.1.5 入風口改良 29
3-3.1.6 機殼高度 29
3-3.2 圓罩模型設計 30
3-3.2.1 單一底部圓罩 30
3-3.2.2 雙圓罩設計 31
3-3.2.3 底部圓罩改良 32
3-3.2.4 外圓罩形狀改良 32
第四章 結果與討論 33
4-1 流場模擬結果觀察說明 33
4-2 現有風機結構簡化的可行性 35
4-3 支撐底板與渦殼寬度變更之影響 39
4-4 支撐底板加裝導流片的影響 40
4-4.1 導流片圓弧之半徑 40
4-4.2 支撐底板加裝導流片圓弧角度變化之影響 42
4-5 機殼四角加裝導流板圓弧半徑變化之影響 44
4-6 入風口改良之影響 45
4-7 機殼高度變化之影響 47
4-7.1 機殼上方與葉輪上板間距之縮減 47
4-7.2 機殼下方與馬達底部距離縮減之影響 50
4-7.3 機殼高度縮減的整合考量 52
4-8 單一底部圓罩設計之影響 54
4-8.1 底部圓罩中心平面直徑 54
4-8.2 底部圓罩外側圓弧半徑變化之影響 56
4-9 雙圓罩設計之影響 58
4-9.1 外圓罩高度 59
4-9.2 外圓罩出口直徑 61
4-10 底部圓罩改良之影響 63
4-11 外圓罩形狀改良之影響 65
4-11.1 倒圓弧外圓罩之影響 66
4-11.2 雙圓弧外圓罩 68
4-11.3 不同圓弧形狀外圓罩 71
4-12 雙圓罩模型套用不同葉輪設計後之評估 72
4-13 原始模型與雙圓罩模型之性能曲線 74
第五章 結論與未來建議 76
5-1 結論 76
5-2 未來建議 78
參考文獻 79

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