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研究生(外文):HUANG, YAN-HUA
論文名稱(外文):Ultrasonic-Assisted Transient Liquid Phase Diffusion Bonding of High Strength Aluminum Alloy
外文關鍵詞:high-strength aluminum alloySn-Zn alloystransient liquid diffusion bondingultrasonic solderinghigh-speed isothermal coagulation
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於錫中添加9wt.% 的Zn元素,可使合金熔點降至約201.6℃,再添加3wt.%Bi元素後可將熔點溫度調至198.8℃,而添加Ti及Y等元素,對熔點的影響並不顯著。錫添加Zn、Bi、Ti及Y其拉伸強度與微硬度則有明顯提升。機械活化-熱擴散方式進行固液擴散反應接合,在300℃反應溫度下,鋁大量溶入銲道中,隨著反應時間增加,接合剪力強度呈下降的趨勢,持溫至100小時後,銲道已消失,原先銲道中的錫已完全被鋁取代。超音波輔助之高速等溫凝固方式接合7075鋁合金,在250℃的接合溫度以1秒至30秒的超音波作用時間下,隨時間超音波的作用時間增加,可促使鋁溶解進入銲道中的均勻性,在添加Zn元素的銲錫合金,亦能使鋁加速溶解至銲道中。添加Bi、Ti及Y等元素對鋁的溶解速度的影響並不顯著,然而這些元素的添加可明顯提升填料合金的抗氧化性及對基材的潤濕性。採用超音波軟銲填料合金直接潤濕於7075鋁合金,使用振幅為65%與100%,在超音波作用30秒,探討不同銲錫合金的接合效果,結果顯示Sn銲料的效果最佳,而Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti-0.1Y銲錫合金效果最差。

7075 high-strength aluminum alloy has excellent mechanical property, and is widely used in aerospace industry, transportation and defense industry. Although 7075 alluminum alloy has the best mechanical property, the welding process will be accompanied by stress corrosion, heat-reactivity (thermosensitivity) and poor weetability of filler alloy, which will cause the mechanical property and structure to be deteriorated. Therefore, high-reliable low temperature bonding is critical to the development of 7075 alluminum alloy applications. The purpose of the research is to use ultrasonic assisted low-temperture transient liquid diffusion bonding with high-reliability bonding to eliminate the limitation of long-term compression and heating of solid diffusion bonding and overcome the problem of long processing time of traditional transient liquid diffusion bonding. Sn, Sn-9Zn, Sn-8Zn-3Bi, Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti and Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti-0.1Y are the solder alloys used in this research. Besides discussing the addition of alloying elements have an impact on the wettability of 7075 aluminum alloy, metallographic test, solidus and liquidus temperature and mechanical property of solder alloys are analyzed in this study. The transient liquid diffusion bonding of 7075 high-strength aluminum alloy is performed by mechanical activated—thermal diffusion and ultrasonic-assisted high-speed isothermal coagulation, respectively.

The addition of 9% zinc to tin can lower the fusion pointof alloys to about 198℃. If 3% Bi, 4% Ti and 0.1% Y are added, it has no significant influence on melting point. Nevertheless, zinc increases apparently after the addition of Bi, Ti and Y. Using mechanical activated—thermal diffusion to carry out solid liquid interdiffusion bonding. At the reaction temperature of 300℃, the aluminum largely melted into the weld. As the reaction time increases, the junction shear strength decreases. After holding the temperature for 100 hours, tin in the weld disappeared, and was completely replaced by aluminum. Use ultrasonic-assisted high-speed isothermal coagulation to bond 7075 aluminum alloy. Using ultrasonic wave at the temperature of 250℃ from one second to 30 seconds, the aluminum dissolved in the weld as the time increases. The addition of zinc can also accelerate the dissolution of aluminum. The addition elements such as Bi, Ti and Y have no significant impact on the dissolution rate of aluminum. However, the addition of these elements can obviously improve the oxidation resistance of the filler alloys. Ultrasonic soldering filler alloy directly wet 7075 aluminum alloy, with the amplitude at 65% and 100%, and using ultrasonic wave on aluminum alloy for 30 seconds to discuss the bonding effect of different soldering alloys. The result shows that zinc solder has the best bonding effect, and the Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti-0.1Y solder alloy is the worst.

摘要 ...............................................................i
誌謝 ...............................................................iv
目錄 ...............................................................v
表目錄 ...............................................................viii
圖目錄 ...............................................................ix
第一章 緒論...........................................................1
1.1 研究背景........................................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的...................................................2
第二章 理論與文獻回顧...................................................3
2.1 高強度鋁合金銲接技術與現況........................................3
2.2 無鉛銲錫........................................................5
2.2.1 無鉛銲錫合金之發展與特性..........................................5
2.2.2 Sn-Zn-Bi三元填料合金.............................................6
2.2.3 活性填料........................................................7
2.3 活性軟銲填料....................................................8
2.3.1 添加稀土元素對於銲錫合金的潤濕性影響...............................8
2.3.2 添加稀土元素對於軟銲的銲接性......................................8
2.3.3 稀土元素性質....................................................10
2.4 活性軟銲接合....................................................12
2.5 超音波輔助接合..................................................13
2.5.1 超音波潤濕機制..................................................13
2.5.2 超音波空化效應..................................................15
2.6 暫態液相接合....................................................16
2.6.1 暫態液相接合機制................................................16
2.6.2 Al-Sn二元固液擴散溶解機制........................................17
2.6.3 超音波對Al-Sn固液擴散反應影響....................................20
2.6.4 Al-Sn固液擴散溶解層的形成機制....................................22
第三章 實驗步驟與方法..................................................23
3.1 實驗材料.......................................................23
3.1.1 7075-T6鋁合金..................................................23
3.1.2 銲錫合金成分....................................................23
3.2 實驗流程........................................................24
3.3 銲錫合金DSC熔點分析試驗...........................................25
3.4 銲錫合金XRD分析試驗..............................................26
3.5 軟銲接合方式.....................................................27
3.5.1 機械活化接合.....................................................27
3.5.2 超音波軟銲接合...................................................28
3.6 超音波接合系統...................................................29
3.6.1 超音波系統結構...................................................29
3.6.2 超音波實驗制具設計................................................30
3.6.3 高溫時效處理......................................................31
3.7 鋁元素溶解與擴散..................................................32
3.8 金相製備.........................................................33
3.9 接合剪力強度及銲錫機械性質試驗......................................34
3.9.1 接合剪力強度試驗..................................................34
3.9.2 銲錫合金拉伸試驗..................................................35
3.10 硬度試驗.........................................................36
3.12 界面顯微組織分析與破斷面分析.......................................37
第四章 結果與討論.......................................................38
4.1 銲錫合金機械性質分析..............................................38
4.1.1 銲錫合金金相顯微組織..............................................38
4.1.2 銲錫合金XRD分析..................................................41
4.1.3 銲錫合金DSC熱分析................................................42
4.1.4 銲錫合金之微硬度分析..............................................46
4.1.5 銲錫合金拉伸試驗..................................................47
4.2 高溫固液擴散接合..................................................48
4.2.1 7075 Al與Sn接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織..............................48
4.2.2 7075 Al與Sn-9Zn接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織..........................53
4.2.3 7075 Al與Sn-8Zn-3Bi接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織......................59
4.2.4 7075 Al與Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織..................64
4.2.5 7075 Al與Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti-0.1Y接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織.............70
4.2.6 本節小結.........................................................75
4.3 超音波輔助固液擴散接合.............................................77
4.3.1 超音波輔助7075 Al與Sn接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織......................80
4.3.2 超音波輔助7075 Al與Sn-9Zn接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織..................91
4.3.3 超音波輔助7075 Al與Sn-8Zn-3Bi接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織..............102
4.3.4 超音波輔助7075 Al與Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織..........113
4.3.5 超音波輔助7075 Al與Sn-8Zn-3Bi-4Ti-0.1Y接合界面與破斷面之顯微組織.....124
4.3.6 超音波直接潤濕於7075 Al與銲錫合金接合界面之顯微組織...................135
4.3.7 本節小結..........................................................141
第五章 結論.............................................................142
參考文獻 .................................................................143

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